Sunday, April 15, 2007

Can Kidney Infection Cause Spotting

Thalassotherapy should see "Psych"

Raised in Santa Barbara for a family of cops, Shawn Spencer ( James Roday, Miss Match ), has some extraordinary powers of observation, made by his father Henry (Corbin Bernsen , Law Los Angeles), a police officer who encouraged the young Shawn always fixed even in the smallest details of everything around him, as a way to train for his inevitable career in the family business.

Unfortunately, after a fight between father and son, Shawn finds himself taking job after job, instead of becoming the detective he was meant to be. However, Shawn did not entirely give up finishes to his ability, and take the habit of making anonymous calls to police with clues about cases he reads in the newspapers or sees on television. But when one of these tracks is very close to the truth, the police are convinced that Shawn is an accomplice in the crime and ends up arrested.

Using his charm and well-tuned talent, Shawn ends up convincing the police that psychic reality and although at first everyone is very skeptical of this explanation, the police department ends up hiring him as a consultant to help resolve cases more complicated.

Thus, with the invaluable help of his best friend Gus (Dule Hill , The West Wing of the White House ), Shawn uses her skills of observation and charismatic personality to become the detective, for one day was trained by opening his own investigation agency, called "Psych" and solving cases that always leave law enforcement totally impressed but with the suspicion that after all this is weird.

As the theme of this blog is concerned, the TV series described in the synopsis above is highly interesting for several reasons. Know in detail all the drama series that include references to paranormal have occurred throughout the history of this medium, but as far as my memory is concerned this is the second (the first was Scooby-Doo as I remembered Carl Sagan in previous entry) and only in long years in which the DACL openly as paranormal phenomena exist and which is also makes it clear, albeit in a exaggerated, the fact that someone who knows how to handle it well learned some tricks, tested and implemented successfully can pay credulity already permissive enough for most people and to cash in on it. When the main character starts her powers of observation and deduction camouflaged with a purported visions grotesque esparajismos staging seems to us too easy unengaƱo and hard to believe that the other characters naive to swallow for it. And yet, in real life is like that. Many enjoy the tricks of magicians, illusionists and mentalists, we know who are impeccably executed tricks that leave the audience speechless and when we reveal some of these simple tricks can be disappointing at times too. Yet multitudes do not hesitate to swallow it whole when one of those same professionals seeks to pass his skills as Veradero psychic powers, exactly as we see in "Psych" and as in real life, for example, have shown the unfortunate Uri Geller successor. Is not it funny at the same that painful?

"Psych" is really a series more research, but it's fun so indicate. Getting serious is a couple of things in the series that disturb me: the character is a likeable rogue and their investigations are successful may be mistaken that the end justifies the means, but really that's not the intention of the series, which uses the rogue just to create comic situations. The other is that it is evident that in modern society is more profitable to pretend to be psychic to be a detective method and also achieves greater credibility and public demonstrations by theater people. The scam easy on serious work Is it true that U.S. law enforcement partners on the payroll is usually sighted?

a couple of days ago, a friend of mine, credulous in all professional boundaries believer in paranormal and pseudoscience, he tried once more amazed ("becoming?) With the usual discourse of experience. He told me that he had met a fortune teller and psychological and, typically, he had hit many, many things about his current life situation without her SUPPLIERS had any data. Always the same, as in the case of the series the first impression and fascination to the need to believe beyond the analysis compression reaches the trick. The first thing I did was say "you should see Psych."

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Cold Reading