Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Project Of House Castle Design Blueprint

Pareidolia and ridicule religion ... not ceases. Uri Geller

Chigago An old woman, USA, ensures that the image of the Virgin Mary appeared in the stomach a turtle that his family has a pet.

all happened when Shirley McVane, 81, saw the face of the Virgin in the womb of her grandson's pet. His daughter Dolly said: "The first time I saw her, I thought it was going crazy" but then I looked carefully and said "I can not believe. It is impossible to deny. "

Meanwhile, Dianne Dunagan, spokesman for the Archdiocese of Chicago said that "if something like this makes people think about God and pray, then it is a good thing."

Published in: How curious!

That's stupidity knows no bounds and is something well known throughout the world. As we have seen too many examples of this nonsense about the relationship between belief + pareidolia preceding the news and not surprise anyone. Serve as not to surprise, in the belief that we are cured of surprises, but to emphasize once again level unintelligent and ridiculous that they can reach when we give the powers of reason to the field of faith.
I would emphasize that although the mere fact that the perceived sentence casual and family forms assume something amazing or evidence "Impossible to deny" is an act of irrationality and lack of critical thinking, the final words of Mrs. Dianne Dunagan pose a shameful immorality. The decent and serious these situations would not encourage that border the parodic, but apparently, as in the most aggressive advertising campaigns, anything goes to place the product. I keep thinking about how many people tend to pray and bow to its religious side when one is plagued by injury, disease or disaster. How good are accidents, diseases and disasters for this reason? I shudder at the prospect of far nothing really think that many other (and the certainty that some have, as Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer ).
I would say that if it takes endorse demonstrations grotesque shapes and forms reminiscent of sea gods and saints, ham, eggs , potatoes and pizzas for people to believe in them and read it few serious arguments, mature weight and can provide for it.