Sunday, April 20, 2008

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in the town of Guemes, Salta

images of an elf moved to neighboring TV were seen by local . The teenager shot in the village cemetery. Compelling story. images of an alleged elf, filmed by a teenager, traveled in recent days, the phones of all young people of Guemes, generating in them a mixture of feelings, ranging from disbelief to fear. The incident became the talk of every household when a local cable channel to air the images transmitted somewhat diffuse, in a strange and small, that moves like jumping, which supposedly came out of nowhere in the path of the local cemetery, a night that a group of boys talking animatedly. The response of the people was truly massive. Within minutes everyone was talking about the pictures and comments impacted the FM stations. Hundreds of similar stories were circulated by people who said they had noticed something strange.

Hundreds of similar stories were circulated by people who said they had noticed something strange. They were also bailed out old stories goblins and other recently

The story

The image was recorded by a group of young people who, as on previous occasions, were gathered in a the last blocks of the San Isidro neighborhood, sitting in the village of Cristo Rey Cemetery.

"We were talking about our last fishing was 1 am and I started filming with my cell phone while they were joking. Suddenly I heard as if someone was throwing stones, I looked aside and saw that the weeds were moving. I thought of a dog, but when I saw that figure out the shape of a goblin really scared me, I filmed a little and then all ran out, "said Joseph.

From the place where young people were to the point of the alleged apparition no more than 10 meters. This means that the stranger was close to them. "This is no joke, still afraid to come by, as neighbors. One of my friends was so scared we had to take him to hospital, "the young man concluded his story.

What is

While the film does not last more than 10 seconds and recorded images at night without flash does not allow a comprehensive analysis by its low quality, you can clearly see a small figure out from a yuyales. The strange and tiny to be moving laterally and appears to threaten to move towards filming it.

The short audio video is eloquent: the principle of boys are heard loud and suddenly everything changes and ends with desperate cries to flee the area.

truth or deception, disguised as a boy or a supernatural occurrence, the fact is that the event generated a collective psychosis in the city and made the issue something out of each neighbor. The day after the release of the video, the site of the apparition could be seen dozens of people. Some waited in their cars, others stood guard on the street in the hope of seeing the fuzzy picture, to have contact with him or her and to capture better images.

the railroad also

The first frightened were the private security forces last October Belgrano. And, oddly enough, that appearance caused much fear the personnel to perform night patrols in the vast land, all adults. On that occasion, two men who asked their names, told a strange and tiny figure of stoned at night and walk away leaving a trail of smoke following their footsteps and burned grass.


safe Mayor Daniel said "I am a little skeptical because I've never had, but it can be. The agent thinks a lot and we must respect. I do not close the possibility it is true, this is part of our culture. " The pastor Angel Casimiro said in turn that "these are cultural events unverifiable, much can not say, people believe in this and the Church respects, but they are acts of faith, just paranormal, whose veracity can not be proven without more elements can not render an opinion. "Commissioner José Luis Núñez, meanwhile, said that "beyond my beliefs I have to keeping order and in that sense we are checking the veracity of the facts. Until now we could not spot anything that claimed to have filmed. But in my case I do believe, as a child I lived in similar situations. "The officer in charge of Investigations, Commissioner Ramon Romero, provided that" although we are hard to accept, there are things beyond us. As commissioner I lived situations paranormal difficult to explain, that taught me to not be so skeptical. "

" Everything is true "

One of the guys present that night in the village cemetery reaffirmed her story to The Tribune and said that" everything is real. What we have is what we live. We were very afraid and ran. Then I did not want to see the film. I did it only after several days. We meet once more with the boys, but elsewhere. The neighbors are afraid to walk alone at night here. "For a second video appeared on the Internet, visibly changed, said that" on the other film I do not know nothing. Maybe someone want to mess about us. I believe in the magic and I could see a little bit. "

's diary spoken Pagina 12 in the "Cover Pirulo" of the goblin "locality of Guemes"

Boasting the best investigative journalism, one of the biggest-selling British newspapers reported that Argentina's city Salta is terrified by the presence of an evil leprechaun. A Salta group of friends posted on the Internet a video in the dark is a dwarf out of a cemetery. Yesterday The Sun told the story with a headline that read: "Duende incident terrifies people." In the memo, interview with Jose Alvarez, the young man with his cell phone to document the emergence of the "sinister" character. "One of my friends was so scared to see that thing," Alvarez has the English "after we had to take the hospital."

is believing or burst. The video of this elf seems credible, but could not clearly see the creature ....

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