Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Can You Get Herpes Jacuzzi

¿DGT Buddha uses to prevent accidents? He says the Bibilia

A date of publication of this post I have not exactly my best day, so I'll refrain from making long comments and proceed to the crap crap and speak for themselves:

Presentation of a hull designed by monks

Can a Buddhist center to reduce the number of motorcyclists killed? It seems a joke, but no. The hull has been designed by Buddhist monks in the monastery of Garraf, Barcelona, \u200b\u200band was presented today at the headquarters of the DGT with the support of its own Director General, Pere Navarro.

The helmet is of gold and red, the same as worn by Buddhist robes and has symbols of peace. One is the mantra of wisdom. " The monks believe that contact with the crown of the rider is able to change their behavior. This add mantric


150 euros and with it, buyers will receive a manual for driving under the Buddhist principles. It recommended a focus motorists and smile: "If you get angry after another driver will have made a bad move, if you smile, do not encourage any fury."

2 ยบ This is the great invention of these monks. And released an album with his prayers that he led sales. The detail would be nice if it were not for the high number of motorcyclists killed. In 5 years, deaths have increased by 80%. So far this year and 167 are dead, which represents a 19 percent higher than in 2007, which resulted in 423 fatalities.

(published in informativostelecinco.com)

Since it is fools day, here or elsewhere, that we have no blush of embarrassment. If I'm back and I'll humor relevant comments below.