Friday, December 12, 2008

Repairing Lifefitness Elliptical

"Here Be Dragons" a free 40-minute video introduction to critical thinking. It is suitable for all audiences and is presented for free public distribution.

Most people fully accept paranormal and pseudoscientific claims uncritically as they are promoted by the mass media. Here Be Dragons offers tools to recognize and understand the dangers of pseudoscience, and to appreciate the benefits offered by real science.

Here Be Dragons is written and presented by Brian Dunning, author of Skeptoid: Critical Analysis of Popular Events and Executive Producer of The Skeptologists.

This English version courtesy of Lalo Marquez SobreNatural.NET

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Cheez-its And Sore Throat?

Here Be Dragons murderous and abusive beliefs

There are items that are of interest and its diffusion seems important, so I leave you with another good entry "Return of the charlatans."

an appetizer some quotes:
Generally, people are just saying that everyone is free "to believe what they want and, above all, ensure that the beliefs" do no harm to anyone. "

My answer to the first is that no one is free "to choose as you do not have full information concerning its decision. One can not "freely choose" to believe in anything you do not know the full context ...

The answer to the second is that irrational beliefs and self harm themselves are dangerous, indeed, are very dangerous.

few days ago, the world learned a little horrified by the atrocities committed in some African countries, mainly Tanzania, against albinos, which are hunted and killed for dismantling them and use their limbs and organs in "magic potions" to help as witches that one does not have Tanzanian mine accidents, precious minerals find more and get better Results for fishing. Magonia summarized the case.

Immediately after we learned with horror that a Pentecostal bishop course, Sunday Ulup-Aya, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, was arrested after telling a British documentary (aired November 12 on Channel 4 UK) that had killed 110 "child sorcerers". Generally, (there are) people just argue that everyone is free "to believe what they want and, above all, ensure that the beliefs" do no harm to anyone. "

My answer to the first is that no one is free" to choose as you do not have full information concerning its decision. One can not "freely choose" to believe in anything you do not know the whole context ...

The answer to the second is that irrational beliefs and self harm themselves are dangerous, indeed, are very dangerous.

A few days ago, the world learned a little horrified by the atrocities committed in some African countries, mainly in Tanzania, against albinos, which are hunted and killed for dismantling them and use their members and organs "magic potions" to help as witches that one does not have Tanzanian mine accidents, precious minerals find more and get better results in fisheries. Magonia summarized the case.

Immediately after we learned with horror that a Pentecostal bishop course, Sunday Ulup-Aya, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, was arrested after telling a British documentary (aired November 12 on Channel 4 UK) that had killed 110 "child sorcerers".
The delusional claims of imaginary mysteries sellers in the West, whether or not bloody, like those of offenders convenencieros en otros lugares del mundo, sólo pueden someterse a prueba mediante el método científico, porque, no importa cuánto hablen de "otras demostraciones" quienes viven del engaño, o que digan que "no todo es ciencia", el hecho es que el método científico es el único que ha demostrado que funciona , es decir, que entiende la realidad y puede controlarla. Nadie vuela levitando después de decenas de miles de años de miserables que cobran por enseñar este arte, pero gracias al ingenio y la experimentación, hoy millones de personas vuelan en aviones. Nadie consigue una prueba medianamente interesante de la telepatía, pero miles de millones de personas se comunican a distancia mediante teléfonos, radio and mobile. The "seers" never see anything, but science can see the virus, and the most distant stars, with human ingenuity and accumulated knowledge. The different types of quackery say "cure" but only science applied to medicine has been able to effectively reduce mortality, increase life expectancy of human beings and enhance the quality of our existaencia with their actions, surgeries, braces, glasses , hearing aids, insulin injections, pacemakers and various drugs.
Please read the entire article.