Monday, March 8, 2010

Pressure Pointsperiod


Camilo Ramírez Garza

Psychoanalysis is a meeting, a talking cure, which allows us to notice the effects of language and assumptions (images) on the life, body, dreams .... I could not be otherwise, because it involved ....¿ talking do we think we can change something, talking about? Precisely because it operates on sense on the surface of language. Hence the link between symptoms, dreams, jokes, forgetfulness, mistakes ... Failure! ...

" ... the symptom persists in so far as it is hooked to the language, at least if we believe we can change something in the call handling symptom interpretation, ie, operating on the meaning "

Jaques Lacan,
Seminar 23 The Sinthome, Buenos Aires: Polity Press, p.40

"would understand better the language of dreams,
and translate more easily if we knew
more about language development"

Sigmund Freud
antithetical On the meaning of the primitive words .
compelted Works. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu, 2000.Tomo XI, p.15 3.