Thursday, April 29, 2010

How Much Does A Color Cost At Jcpenney?

Open Letter to Vice President for University Extension UNED

Below is the open letter ARP-SAPC sent to the Vice President of University Extension of the UNED, the reason was the inclusion in the Fourth Conference of the Interuniversity course on "Application of therapies focused on person ", which is nothing but a conglomeration of pseudoscientific practices, as can be seen. Since ARP-SAPC, we expect errors like this do not occur especially in institutions such as the UNED and Universidad de Alcala de Henares.
We write in relation to the Interuniversity Congress IV on "Application of person-centered therapies, which, at the mercy model published in the same program, give space and public educational institutions respaldode pseudoscientific therapies, providing them with an authority and credibility that could put enriesgo health of the citizens to make puedenconfiar believe that in these techniques that have not been scientifically proven therapeutic suvalidez.

The tendency to consider that any therapy, by virtue of being ancient, is valid, is a common fallacy but not elloadmisible, let alone in a conference organized by universidadespúblicas such as the UNED and Universidad de Alcalá. The average life expectancy actual, muchos enteros por encima de la de hace simplemente un siglo -que decir comparada con la de hace miles de años- se debe aque tenemos una medicina basada en ciencia y no en la tradición.

Las terapias new-age, como el coaching o la arteterapia, de las que hay centenares de variantes, son rituales sin fundamento experimental,sin tan siquiera una explicación de por qué o cómo deberían funcionar,y sin más evidencias de su efectividad que el peligroso "a mi me funciona".

Caso aparte -por más grave, si cabe- es la inclusión del bioelectromagnetismo en dichas jornadas, por ser una práctica contrala que directamente hay advertencias de organismos sanitarios as U.S. LAFD. It is a scam that relies only on a nombrerimbombante and scientific aspect is actually a field of science to sell products and no effective treatments. CANCER patients have left to visit his oncologist to be treated with estetipo of "therapies" that have deprived them of the treatments tested in scientific studies of modern medicine.

The danger of making conferences or events like that have to perform is not only in giving away their credibility and even collective name charlatans who promote amparadosen medical fraud that are "person-centered, but citizens that promote diseases Connell actual stop going to the doctor to get real treatment.

hope that for future cases, pay more attention to quécursos and seminars are developed under their respective institutions and do not let the pseudo-subu to appropriate name and credibility to profit through fraud, especially when what is at stake is a sensitive topic such as health. Sincerely

ARP - Society for the Advancement of Critical Thinking.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Honeywell Chronortherm Iv Plus Manual

Wednesday April 28, 2010


Through this, we express our repudiation of the murder of our colleague, a student of psychology at the UANL-UNAM, Faculty of Psychology, Castro Victor Santillan. We join the grief felt by his family and friends, as well as the student community of our beloved School of Psychology (UANL) and the student community in general. I kindly request the authorities to clarify their crime. As there is no rest, no mourning, no justice.

Ana Álvarez Baños
Héctor Mendoza Cuevas Camilo E.
Garza Ramírez Vargas Comsille

Milady Anemos Members, Professors
psychoanalytic clinic of the Faculty of PsicologíaUniversidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL)

Sorority Initiation Rituals What Happens

Santillan Victor Castro, in memoriam

Repudiation the murder of fellow student of psychology at the UANL- UNAM, Faculty of Psychology, Castro Victor Santillan. I agree with the punishment felt by his family and friends, as well as the student community, which I have the pleasure to take part. And I request the authorities to clarify their crime. As there is no rest, no mourning, no justice.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Lewis Dot Structure Clf2-

logics of corruption

by Camilo Ramírez Garza

"Better a bad deal for a good fight"

popular wisdom

According to the dictionary of Royal Academy of English Language, Corruption is a "alteration or defect in a book or writing, an abuse introduced in non-material things (customs, voices); In organizations, especially in public practice of the use of those functions and facilities for the benefit, economic or otherwise, action and effect of concealing or fraudulently confuse business;-child: crime consistent in promoting or encouraging the prostitution of minors and disabled persons, their use in pornographic activities or participation in sexual acts that may impair the development of his personality. " could also say that is a shared act where two or more agree to break something (law, order, statute, skip row, etc.) To be positioned differently, making even improve the Act and, why not say at this time, peace. Is not the same follow the rules to play with them, changing at will " the functions and means of those in favor, economic or otherwise" For that, it would in principle have the power to modify " use of the functions and means "

No one is exempt from corruption, every human is corrupt, because every human is a product of a violation of biological order. Given that loss was the need to build artificial orders (language, codes, laws, religions, rules, etc..) Orient us, and precisely for that artificiality can be altered, mangled, discarded, obeyed, repealed, etc. for some purpose, known or not, they look or not. Law of an alleged "natural" that prohibited alcohol, others were developed that permitted and / or regulated.

Two realities also regrettable that share the structure of corruption: the corruption of authorities, both civil and religious in different countries at different levels. As governments try to "fight" so many times just as illegal (elite corps, roots, trials without evidence, or evidence, etc..) Against the power of drug trafficking, not recognizing corruption itself input and participation in the business, hence the unfortunate effects in thousands of deaths in Mexico, the Catholic Church keeps silent complicity complex, if not open, compared to the thousands of sexual abuse by members of low and high of the hierarchy, particularly the cover of Marcial Maciel, founder of the Legionaries of Christ, by then Pope John Paul II and Joseph Ratzinger, now Benedict XVI. Corruption due to the logic of "taking shortcuts" to achieve and maintain political power, economic, ideological and / or religious to the point of obscene excesses, with tissue and relational horizon. In the sentence "Everyone has a price" or sets of challenges in the manner of "How much money would you ...?" Reveal the potential or possibility, silent or open, all for overturning an order to make a move "without going through the law "because there are things that are resolved in various ways (Tell me how we can fix it?) For example, it is not surprising that the drug circulates both roads and avenues, say legal routes, such as gaps or blockages instrument for to move, and the power "legal" opens and locks the media.