Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What Is The Difference Between Ultra Hd Flip

what Eclipse is female desire

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Camilo Ramírez Garza


Twitter: CamiloRamirez_

In the film, recently released, "Eclipse" (USA, 2010) attended the presentation of something fundamental, which organizes around fantasies of women and love. On one side is named an Eclipse: Who eclipsing whom? "Jacob to Edward? Jacob Edward "? None of that, it really overshadows - and both-is the desire of women: what Bella wants, even beyond herself.

And what do you want (B) she? ...

Everyone tries to answer the question: Charlie, his father -Which is not even named as such, want (B) she is not with Edward, but Jacob, until it learns the sex of the first convention, that his daughter is still a virgin, as his "pale" in love, want to wait to be married to have sex. Jacob and Edward, believe "respond" to the question by telling a (B) it seems somewhat similar, with their differences: "Whoever you want is me."

However, Edward, but Jacob is warning him to "lead" to which (B) she wants, regardless of their desire to "selfish" vampire (reducing the other to one blood to take. In this sense, love is always something vampire), stepping aside, allowing (B) she do something she wants, love ... or the last straw, to warm the cold with Jacob, for there is something that she loves Edward more than himself. Hence, a position he takes before (B) it is of no force. Incuse Jacob tells him, he understood that if he wants that (B) she is with him, you have to let her decide. Thing very well also warns Jacob, pus try to play the same letter, saying that Edward just wants to control it, than to (B) it will be appropriate it. As if he did not want same! But (B) she, like Alice in Wonderland, learns his lesson, warning that does not have to blend in with any guy (wolf or vampire): to be what this mean that she wants, but play this game but at the same time do what you want. Since she makes it clear he does not want to be a vampire by Edward, but by something beyond it. Experience any thing in love when he discovers that for which your partner / to love, always something that once appointed, is reduced, if not transcended the subject (That you love me, Rebaza me! " I have to comply with what they see in me and made me fall in love?! dimension the growth of love trap)

Edward also had a time of "Jacob" but got over it. Not for nothing, Jacob, as any good apprentice love, while (B) she sleeps, see Edward, how you managed to give up (B) and leave it? Well, now he walks in them: he knows he awaits the inevitable: (B) she will choose Edward From the perspective of Jacob, masculine logic: I rejected my (for poor mens least silly, etc. ) and chose him (immortal, cool, educated, etc..) but also captures what (B) it feels like to be with Edward.

(B) she does not choose to become a vampire just by Edward, - "dead fly" it was not so dead-Edward As well might say to Jacob, "You think we're fine, I'm happy with it But look, I just said that not even going to turn into a vampire just for me, so I too share your love with something else: something that is beyond me: being a vampire, "what that entails for (B) it.

However, Edward, by his powers, he knows these elements, thought that Bella can not accept for themselves, so that Jacob knows the way the body: Bella also loves him. Why not get angry when (B) she kisses Jacob, because he knows he has to leave, did not eclipse.

psychoanalytically could say that Edward has access / knowledge to the Unconscious (B) it. Could, at least one, Logar answer Freud's question What does a woman want? .. We'll see where it leads to that elsewhere. While Jacob, regardless of language as it is in words and thought, feeling (sensing) how she feels when he throws the round and not dogs, but wolves.


male fantasy about women (what Charlie, Jacob, Edward raised a (B) thereof) alone, perhaps, the irrepressible hunger, ravenous hunger of the vampire, its static presence in time and space, which cuts through eternity, is closer than (B) she wants: " I've never felt part of, however with you I feel I belong to something "words-words less, Edward tells Bella, in this third part, on why his conversion, on why you want to be a vampire . Not even draw blood, as experienced as something that will go through (being hungry newly converted) To which Edward replies, half heartbroken, "It's not me. I thought it was for me " (Who wants to be a vampire) Typical response of one who believed that "it was the whole object of desire for someone" and not just something, like when someone says, "I want just because you do ..." (an instrument, part-object, etc. ) that exceeded even himself, reducing it. This formula also applies to Jacob, neither is he who wants to be or cease to be human to become a wolf or vampire. As it is clear that (B) she does not, of course, be part of the pack "pack of wolves: be one with the forest, become one with all, as would be the subject AVATAR.

Therefore, it is not fantasy men on femininity, what man fantasizes (supposed) that women fantasize and want [1] : a whole man, composed of an animal, bestial, and bearing scented man, shirtless, hot, ready to "keep quiet" and bask (Jacob in his wolf reduction, simple sexual energy, while brute force childishly cute, a puppy who caress, a giant dog to carry arm, the style of Paris Hilton, socialite Hollywood) with its counterpart, the gentleman, gentle vampire, full of stories and worlds (Edward, plated the old, follows all protocols, "gives the ring before giving him the ring, cool, polite ...) But what uncontrollably (B) she wants: to be part of the vampire clan, possessing itself that exceeds it and located in vampires. We may anticipate with certainty, that when (B) it achieves that it will have to be a vampire, Edward will not matter much. For (B) she loves anything beyond what Edward is - Is it otherwise could love? That seems to be clear Edward, stepping aside, allowing not be everything to her, which would be very naive, waiting to be everything to someone, do not settle for just being something enough, to be an important part in his life, his history.

And to the question "Why not stay with Jacob? ... Would respond with the same simple formula: for (B) she wanted to be a wolf, but a vampire.

July 13, 2010


camilormz @ gmail.com

[1] As the well-known joke: How many animals need a woman? A tiger in bed, a jaguar in the garage, a donkey to carry things, and an ox to pay everything. That seems to be rather the male fantasy of femininity, so that even women "buy" as what they want in a man. View movie remake, "The hell with the devil" ( Bedazzled, USA, 2000) where the central character also arises how and why you want a woman, always starting with what he imagines he wants a woman captured women from man's fantasy.