Monday, May 9, 2011

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What seduces

by Camilo Ramírez Garza

not intend to make an apology for the crime. But to address, are not risk-something that is set aside for various social orders: the seductive object of the crime, that we love, both for those who run it, and for those who observe and follow the work of crime and those who capitalize entertaining with their news.

As its etymology suggests, crime is "cutting, screening, sifting," What is short, but what is thought together? While Rousseau spoke of "breaking the social contract, "we might say that at this level is still considered the place and function of the contract, the act of breaking would be a recognition and a possibility to compensate the broken. In these times, if I may say-no as the contract is broken, it is killed and those who have made a loop through him, and civil society (terrorism: that is what concerns Javier Sicilia "They have broken their code of honor" in his call to the criminals) with a halo of "angelic" abject sublime passion "in the offender, which results in a total master of excessive enjoyment: All power, all the money All women and luxuries. These are the issues of stories and songs of the drug. Ideals, however much you deny it, are the same as the market and good education for many children, youth and adult students, housewives, professionals, public servants. Hence we could say that the criminals is represented "That" shared by the rest that is not running, but keep a list of horror to the crime, while the other "criminal" if it expresses the horror / fascination. "Neurosis is the negative of perversion"
"said Freud.

Paradoxically, celebrates humanity to the left column of bodies, not only because death is "the" ultimate human question: the death of others will bounce towards us, but so too enigmatic to be "beyond" from the near side . Do not perform this function references in talks people assumed that you know someone who knows someone who knows someone who is ... (Narco, deputy mayor, governor, president ...) I-Life-Death-Sex-Crime-Power is a circuit that sustains the existence, leaving it hovering like a crack, which functions as a dark object and which is considered better to keep it refused to do as it is not motor thriving in the world. Do Silvio Berlusconi has not made public something that is "daily bread" of power?

Is not the same element tragic seductive murderer, savior, found both in the work of organized crime as the Mexican federal government business, both with impunity, where once again listed atrocities of various drug lords, and has been the government that has stopped them, in some cases completed and exposing them to the gallows television drama, stained with blood, covered with tickets to the show time? What is it really bothers you, serves both the state of crime? ¿Tener finalmente competencia sobre quien controlar a la ciudadanía? ¿No es acaso el culto al crimen, un retorno al poder supuestamente ilimitado del soberano, aquel que tenía control sobre la muerte? ¿No es acaso el mejor control hacia el ciudadano: sentir que estamos o en las manos del crimen o del estado, los malos y los buenos? ¿Por qué de pronto el quehacer del Estado y del crimen, parecieran tan iguales? Incluso compartiendo la formula: no es solo el narco quien mata ahora, sino también las fuerzas del Estado.

La desconfianza, fatalidad y paranoización de la existencia en los ciudadanos no es solo la de vivir con miedo permanente, efecto de la delincuencia, but an activity that is erotic and fatalistic notion populated by "those who they meet," where even-compare it with what they hear in discussions with friends, is considered a landslide and no escape the chore of criminal: the question of promise of an "x" policy, while taking as a "law of the flesh" (cf. "The narco-empire in Mexico, Juan Villoro) that says that the criminal will, or just run, cutting the element that , convict and execute. In that sense, the purest of irony, what if the logic is exchanged: if politicians met, and the criminals back a little or a lot, politicians, who they say they will finally be in hot air?

Twitter: CamiloRamirez_