Monday, February 19, 2007

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The Cook, the fallacy, the error and contradiction.

Sunday, 18 found in the magazine "The Magazine" this paragraph in an article by chef Santi Santamaría over ham:
When it comes to meat, we must not forget that there are organic meats, the adjective is used to designate products of agriculture and livestock that have been cultivated and bred natural methods without chemical fertilizers or pesticides. The animals were fed with grains and legumes are considered environmentally friendly, and have been treated with natural methods such as homeopathy and herbal medicine, and is more than most.
It's a shame how in Mr. Santamaría incurred on a fallacy, a big mistake and a contradiction usual inexplicably in one hour parafillo to explain something as simple as the term "organic meats," which is to illustrate a bit as usual all pseudoscientific nonsense just chained in one way or another.
sadly is well known and popular " naturalistic fallacy" in which everything that exists in nature without a human hand is good in essence because of the act itself and to which many of his followers all manufactured artificially by Human beings tend to be bad, harmful or potentially dangerous. Through this fallacy the chef make the mistake of considering the concept of "chemical" everything that does not come directly from nature. A mistake too unfortunately common.
Chemistry is considered "the science of materials" because what precisely is to study their composition. In all, not just those created or synthesized by human action. And is that everything in nature is composed of chemical compounds. People like Mr. Santamaría, uses the word "chemicals" to refer to the compounds made by human being, consciously or not, using it inappropriately and giving it a darker meaning and extremely manipulative. Because there is no fertilizer or chemical pesticides are not unless it is used in organic farming some kind of system ferlilización and pest elimination merely physical component (using, for example, a driving force or other physical action) if there quealgo well. A pesticide made from a solution of garlic, as I have ever heard of any environmentalist who advocated natural pesticides, would be just as "chemical" one made in a specialist firm. Mr. Santamaría
should perhaps choose his words better, after appropriate illustration to get away from the common mistake of those who constantly appeal to the naturalistic fallacy and refer to what he criticized as artificial fertilizers and pesticides , term also is opposed by simple meaning much better than arguing under the term "natural." The reason for this constant misuse of the word "chemistry" is due to ignorance, lack of information, but chemistry is one of the basic sciences, and the positioning of the alternative naturalistic and away from basic sciences may have much to do, putting Malpensa.
And I guess that's the mistake knowledge on everything related chemistry which ultimately leads to the contradiction ...
... a natural therapy is homeopathy? I sincerely believe that people who like this whole world of alternative and natural need seriously stop and think about what it means to "natural therapy". Because of the first words of the famous chef seems natural to assume that he is all out of the earth and mother nature without a human mind so that, keeping to what the hell it is natural homeopathic therapy? Where in the world or universe and how long Mother Nature gave us the infinitesimal dilutions prepared initially substances toxic? Are there rivers whose waters have been the dilution of other multi-phase element and heated up to the final preparation? Is not the development of a homeopathic potion, or else homeopathic pill, when a curious paradox of pellets dispensed into a complete human intervention process from beginning to end, in concept and in its preparation (regardless of its ineffectiveness or not)? And if so ....¿ therapy is not entirely artificial as the significance of this term as opposed to "natural" Santamaria himself gives us to understand in your paragraph, and inclined to negative for the same reason?
We are accustomed to earning a living with naturism brandish the natural fallacy always to score points with their customer market. It is obvious and logical that homeopaths take the opportunity to jump on the bandwagon and take advantage those who are confused to consider "alternative" synonymous with "natural." What happens is that in this case itself is a victim Santamaría while crier system fallacies, errors and contradictions that the lords of alternative therapies for constant disinformation exercise of his faithful followers.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

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"Retrodecreto" a step backward. Carl Sagan 1934-1996

"The existence of different ways to understand the person, diagnosis, disease and treatment related to the tradition of different cultures, conditions or criteria and therapeutic medical opinions differ. This diversity of ideas is found in conventional medicine, conventional or allopathic as in the rest of criteria nominated unconventional, complementary, alternative, natural or holistic. Each of these criteria or different techniques used remedies.
criteria they are based on natural therapies are based on a different philosophical base which supports conventional or allopathic medicine and apply diagnostic and therapeutic processes themselves. "
So begins the sad decree Generalitat of Catalonia with to be "regular" "conditions for the exercise of certain natural therapies." That is already beginning with a lie or a terrible mistake in any of the two cases with a falsehood.

Because there different ways (for example) to interpret the infection of HIV from the human body, there is no context or cultural heritage, much less philosophical than conditioning the objective reality of a viral infection or the development of cancer. Against such catastrophes there is only one way to work: monitor, investigate and use reason to understand the mechanisms that cause diseases and fight efficiently, not enslaving traditions as a priority and thus making them a liability.

The way to get to a cure or treatment bypasses the culture, tradition by folklore nor philosophy. Passes through objective processes and rational methods of testing: The use of logical processes razaón and have no point of antagonism or belong exclusively to any culture. Do not assume this actually only going to get is that, relying on this precedent, given the sad situation is that any fencing CANTAMAÑANAS the excuse of "his understanding of diagnosis and disease" to sell their therapy, crazy, useless, and that may be fraudulent and to rise above any medical or scientific.

There is something extremely worrying in this day and in this country, given that The decree is a pioneer, as the Generalitat, cackling with a proud swagger. We are retracing by leaps and bounds (and very big) that humanity was able to progress and move forward by step geisha long and hard for centuries. Those parameters that we establish to protect institutional errors, falsehoods and quackery that were not supported by conclusive evidence. We managed to avoid the application be approved treatment or medication without passing stringent controls (increasingly stringent in the shade of some historical errors) that required such evidence and entering the most basic rules of common sense.

already know, has no rather than addressing a disease with different philosophical or cultural institution to be legitimate to expect that it will cure as he pleases. Even without clinical studies, laboratory tests and corroboration of the same. Which, of course, is something that is required and still requires quite harshly to any medication seriously, those to which they know nothing called allopathic.

History does not seem to teach anything. This is what happens when the gullible in power and society adapt to the "beliefs" become reversing all, as Isaac Asimov said .

Want to know more? Claims
decree of the Generalitat of Catalonia
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