Sunday, March 18, 2007

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The science fiction, skepticism in the media

© Carl Sagan
I hope no one considers me too cynical when I say that a good summary of how the programming is commercial and public television simply this: money is everything. At peak times the difference of a single point in the hearing is worth millions of dollars in advertising. Especially since the early eighties, television it has become almost entirely motivated by profit. (...)

paranormal almost never turns out to be a hoax or a psychological aberration or a misunderstanding of the natural world. It would be much more in line with reality, and a much larger public service, a series for adults (as does "Scooby Doo" for children) which systematically investigate claims of paranormal phenomena and was in each case an explanation in terms prosaic . The dramatic tension lie in discovering how the misconceptions and deceptions could generate apparently genuine paranormal phenomena. Maybe I could see a researcher always disappointed with the hope that the next time a case could survive paranormal unambiguous skeptical scrutiny.

There are other obvious defects in the programming of television science fiction. "Star Trek", for example, despite his charm and sharp international perspective and across species, often ignores the most basic scientific facts. The idea that Mr. Spock could be a cross between a human being and a way of life of independent evolution on the planet Vulcan is genetically far less likely to successfully cross a man and an artichoke. The idea, however, serves as a precedent in popular culture the hybrid alien / humans who later became a central component of the history of alien abduction. There must be dozens of alien species in various television and movie series "Star Trek." Most are minor variants of human. The cause must be an economic necessity, the cost is reduced to one actor and a latex mask, but it is a slap in the face of the stochastic nature of the evolutionary process. If there are aliens, I think almost everyone will have a devastatingly look less human than Klingon and Romulans (and will be on totally different levels of technology). "Star Trek" faces no evolution.

in many television shows and movies, even the casual science-phrases that are not essential to an argument devoid of science and are made with incompetence. It costs very little to hire a lawyer to read the script for achieving scientific accuracy. But, as far as I know, why does almost ever. As a result, we have blunders like mentioning "parsec" as a unit of distance rather than speed in the movie "exemplary in many other respects, The Wars. If these things done with minimal care, including the argument could be improved, certainly, could help convey a bit of science to a wide audience.

On TV there are a lot of pseudoscience to the gullible and a reasonable amount of medicine and technology, but virtually nothing about science, especially in large commercial channels, whose executives tend to think science program means a decrease in hearing and loss of benefits, and do not care about anything else. There are employees of stations with the title "science correspondent, and occasional news program was devoted to the science says. But almost never talk about science in them, only medicine and technology. I doubt the channel has one employee whose job is to read the weekly issue of Nature or Science to see if you have found something worth mentioning. When announcing Nobel Prizes in the autumn of Science, there is a "hook" perfect for science news: one possibility to explain why they gave the prizes. But almost always, the most you hear is something like: "... hopefully they will come soon to discover a cure for cancer. ...". Today in Belgrade (...)

Among the trends that work at least marginally by the introduction of a very limited set of attitudes, memories and opinions include the control of major television networks and newspapers for a small number of companies and powerful individuals with a similar motivation, the disappearance of competing newspapers in many cities the replacement of substantive debate the squalid political campaigns and episodic erosion of the principle of separation of powers. It is estimated (according to media expert Ben Bagdikian American) that less than two dozen corporations control more than half "of the global business of newspapers, magazines, television, books and movies." Trends such as the proliferation of cable TV channels, cheap phone calls long distance, fax machines, networks and computer bulletin boards, low-priced desktop publishing computer and examples of university programs in traditional liberal professions could work the opposite direction.

is hard to know what's going to end everything.

function Skepticism is dangerous. It is a challenge to established institutions. If we teach everybody, including for example to high school students, habits of skeptical thought, probably not restrict their skepticism to UFOs, aspirin ads and the prophets channeled 35,000 years. May begin to ask important questions about the economic, social, political or religious. May challenge the views of those in power. Excerpted from
"The Demon-Haunted World" Science as a candle in the darkness
Carl Sagan, Ed Planeta, 1997.

Friday, March 9, 2007

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appears that the much vaunted this respect to all beliefs without embarrassment tends to exclude those who "believe" there is nothing to believe, you understand, please, irony and joke expression.
The fact is that it is worth asking whether the closure of a group of Yahoo groups had been so sharp and fast to religious themes have been one of the major religions.
YahooGroups (www.yahoogroups. Com) deleted yesterday at 17.30 the main forum for debate of the Union of CyberAteos (www.cyberateos. org), the community of atheists largest English-speaking Internet, and one of the few truly democratic virtual groups. Mailing List CyberAteos accumulated 8 years of history (an eternity in Internet), more than 1000 members, and generated over 50,000 messages on religion and atheism.
Read the rest of the blog Hypothesis. Now

Cyberateos group can be found on Google Groups .

Anyway, once again fighting in eternal defense for freedom of expression and non-belief.
I do not agree with their opinions, but I haría matar por defender el derecho que tiene a expresarlas.
Para saber más:
Cyberateos: Aviso importante
Magonía: Yahoo cierra sin explicaciones el foro ateo más importante de habla hispana

Monday, March 5, 2007

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a healer acquitted of a crime of fraud because the victims had to have found his "gross deception"

He leído una noticia que, si bien en ciertos aspectos que destaco en negritas me deja satisfecho en otros me asusta e inquieta profundamente, principalmente porque pienso que ciertas actividades no puenden en absoluto dejar de ser delictivas por el mero hecho de que las víctimas estuviesen más o menos equipados cultural o intelectualmente para detectarlas como tales. Una sentencia como described in the following text on the one hand it exposes the credibility and seriousness of certain practices, but on the other gives wings to its practitioners to camp without fear in society. Case may not be the first or novelty, and hence the proliferation of such blatant and shameless these cheeky. Anyway, again, the content of the sentence is incomprehensible precisely because it openly acknowledges the fraudulent nature of these activities as stated flatly false and crude, while tolerating trade based on them just as obvious that it is false. And this is dangerous.

If you can sue a tobacco, as is happening constantly in Estates, for example, even with all the information we have from time been on the effects of snuff, there should be less with healers and other scammers because, in addition, critical information that gives our citizens today not is as great as presumed by the court. And there is more to do television for it.

You judge.
The Supreme Court acquitted of fraud to a healer sentenced to two and a half years in prison for engaging in exchange for 18,000 euros to cure a terminal cancer patient. The high court ruling says that "hope is humanly understood, but the magic does not trust may seek the protection of criminal law. "

La Audiencia Provincial de Cádiz Nuria Montero Gallardo sentenced to 2 ½ years in prison and a fine of 8 months with daily quota of 6 euros for a crime of fraud continued as particularly serious because you got two of the children of a cancer patient with metastasis pay him 18,000 euros and a bird to heal his father.

However, the Supreme Court in a ruling that the magistrate has lectured José Antonio Martín Pallín considers that there is no deception enough to condemn her for a crime of fraud, because "the average citizen of our society, has a level of information about these diseases and their characteristics, which can hardly rely on paranormal powers rational trust ".

" It is considered that there is no fraud when the taxpayer comes to mediums, magicians, possessors of occult powers, fortune-tellers or fortune or false soothsayers, whose activities can not be regarded as generators of deception that results in socially acceptable or are the basis for a criminal response. In these cases it is considered that deception is so gross and unacceptable that it inidóneo to erect the foundation of a crime of fraud " says the resolution.

also considered indisputable that the complainants were anxious to serious illness of his father and desperately seeking any treatment that could cure their disease, "but" in the wired world we live in, any average person is in a position to know what are the effects of diseases generically collected under the generic name of cancer ".

Noting that doctors had warned that it was impossible to cure carcinoma suffering father, the high court added that, in this case, was even more difficult deception, because the daughter was City Manager and the child, clinical assistant, although work on construction. " In any case the claim could be channeled through civil if they can demonstrate that they were induced by words or insidious machinations" , proposed the resolution.

In February 2001, two of the children of a terminally ill went to the home of Nuria Montero Gallardo in Jerez de la Frontera, because his aunt had told them he had "powers" and that was healing for a family member yours.

After seeing a photograph of their father told them he could be cured if treatment began within a week in exchange for 18,000 euros, of which discounted customers that cost them a bird called "Inseparable" they bought in Ubrique, because the healer said he needed to sacrifice animals and extract the same organs that were sick father. The methods used for healing appeared to put a candle and a bucket of water in front of the photo of the father.

To get the money, the brothers had to borrow money when it imposed the original sentence were paying. At one point, the daughter became ill and was admitted to the hospital, the healer told him he had passed his father's cancer. In July 2001, the man died.