Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Announcementhirestwo New Employees

not get the video removed from YouTube showing his fraud

  • The video seeks to "defend the citizens of irrationality."
  • sued Uri Geller for violation of copyright to withdraw. "
  • Geller has lost not only demand but has been sued for abusing copyright law.
Uri Geller, TV personality of the seventies famous for being able to bend and break a spoon with the power of your mind (very popular in Spain after his appearance on 'Directísimo', presented by José María Iñigo ) has lost a lawsuit in which it demanded the withdrawal of a video on YouTube which shows that there was fraud.

In that video where James Randi, a well known skeptic United States, shows that Geller's powers do not exist, but are the result of a sleight of hand trick.

The company mentalist Explorologist sued the page referred to delete the video in question, claiming that violated copyright law by showing images that only he has rights.

However, according to American law, of the 14 minutes that has the document Geller could claim only three seconds copyright, as most of the images that make the story not yours.

In this sense, time of images Geller belonging to appear in the video that was not enough for a successful complaint, as Geller's claim was dismissed.

Moreover, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)-American non-profit organization that fights for the rights of freedom of expression in the context of today's digital era, has filed a lawsuit against Geller for abusing the copyright law in the U.S..

Published 20, technology, the Wednesday, 16/05/2007

In the video, also can see how very easily Randi exposes cheating techniques of so-called psychic surgeons have also been used by preachers miracle.


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