Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Perfumes With Coconut

mediums and Madeleine Press and mediums of Madeleine

Well, I broke the para-abnormal in the media circus of British girl Madeleine McCann disappeared. I have long since assumed that they would have done, or who would. It is well known to be everyday offerings CANTAMAÑANAS en los casos de este tipo (Como se dice en Magonía los buitres vuelan sobre la carroña), es decir, no es nuevo. Lo que me parece más vergonzante aún es que la prensa monte un espectáculo alrededor de tan bochornosos episodios como lo haría un fascinado y desinformado ciudadano crédulo más, o Iker Jiménez, es decir, hablando de las cualidades de los médiums en cuestión, en éste caso un tal Gordon Smith, peluquero de profesión, de forma que se dan por ciertos sus poderes, el origen de los mismos, o al menos no ofreciendo un punto de vista razonable que contraste esas insensateces. No, el tono siempre es amarillista.
Léase por ejemplo, en el artículo del newspaper El Mundo on Wednesday 2 October headlined:
is the seventh son of a man who in turn was the seventh son among his siblings

And? This, written as they read, leads to the idea that it is likely that the medium really has powers above because, as already quoted in the text:
Gordon believes that his powers stem from a kind of cabal prodigious
You see, Gordon does not believe that I have power, they simply believe that given by some, come from such nonsense. There is no question, as would a serious journalist, if the hairdresser has powers for what it says on the medieval legend that the seventh son a seventh son would have magical powers such as clairvoyance and other Mancia, or because of their birth ordinal casual situation believing you are finished, poisoning of the legend that was bound to have them.

is the same, the article promotes credulity, he never speaks with a minimum of skepticism, never questions or contrasts with other views such powers or their intentions. Simpel descriptive phrases are, tell Gordon what he does, not what you say to evade any question of doubt. In fact in bold title bother to give "moral credibility" Barber leaving the medium clear that "never takes his services ", rejuvenated with that" "It would be an insult to do this for money, put a price on people who are suffering and need your help."

But anyway, I know not, may not charge you for those involved in his "guesses" at the end of the day you can do today to stop, "scavenger" to the public in such delicate cases indeed. What exposed to it? A few lines before and let us clear that the article "Gordon has published four books about his powers that have sold millions of copies worldwide and has appeared on lecture tours that have taken him across five continents."

As icing:
The If Gordon Smith has not only attracted the interest of the populace miraculous. Archie Roy and Tricia Robertson, two scientists from the University of Glasgow, have sued their collaboration to try to give a rational explanation for his powers. "Gordon receives information that does not reach any of the five senses" , Roy says, "is precise and detailed information that comes from anyone who knows and who talk for a while."
We lost because it is not check if you have power, no ... taken for granted. I wonder if these scientists have been quoted correctly and, if so, if anything objective along with the reporter who has given us this pearl in the world will have seen David Copperfield or some mentalist ever.


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