Wednesday, November 12, 2008

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A Christian evolutionist.

Francisco Jose Ayala - President of the American Association for Science
biologist, an expert in genetics and evolution, just coordinate the study "Science, Evolution and Creationism" and the U.S. flag in the fight to eradicate the creationist school of politics and society

NEW YORK. Born in Madrid in 1934, but is naturalized U.S. citizen. He has been there forty years. He is a biologist specializing in genetics and evolution and now heads the department at the University of California, Irvine. He chairs the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), publisher of the journal Science, and GabarrĂ³n 2007 award for Science and Research. Just coordinate the study "Science, Evolution and Creationism."

"Before starting his research career in the United States was ordained a Dominican priest in Spain. Do you keep your faith? "I'd rather not answer that question, because then my ideas are attributed to my beliefs, when they are absolutely independent. "That is precisely the study, right? Science and religion are separate and compatible ...

"Yes, when is a serious science that draws valid conclusions and when religion does not make statements on issues not within its competence. "Maybe the problem is that both tend to be all-encompassing, to want to explain the world for themselves ... "There are many people who believe that scientific knowledge is the only valid one. There have written books claiming that science can prove God does not exist. That is outrageous, because of God science has nothing to say. Science deals with what they see sense and what happens in nature. God, the spirit world, religion and morality transcend science. St. Augustine put it well in the fourth century: What matters to me as a Christian if the Earth is in the center of the universe or not? "Then, when a candidate for President of the United States maintains that neither he nor his family descended from apes," maybe it's because they consider it a shame, because they draw moral conclusions from simple facts of nature?

"That happens when people talk about issues that have no idea. Scientific ignorance is unfortunately something widespread. There are several reasons for this: the very poor science teaching in schools, gives scientists disclose bad science, then the media often do a very bad ... - So where to start to fix it?

"As a little everywhere, improving education, trying to convince the media that worry. "The New York Times" and has a regular column on science ... ABC

And also, let him hear. "Of course, these are the notable exceptions ... And, co. mo I said, the scientists themselves have to do many more outreach efforts. I have written several books in English and English, the latest just came out in English Alianza Editorial, titled "Darwin and intelligent design" ...

-Let's talk about intelligent design. Exposes you as an unnecessary compromise between Creation and Evolution ...

"But at this point the intelligent design attempts to reconcile anything he does is to deny that evolution can be explained scientifically. Among its promoters are only a scientist but also is not evolutionary biochemist Michael Behe. Behe, unlike others, at least in general accepts evolution, but it makes an utterly ridiculous proposal that God intervenes from time to time to create entities that could not appear alone. For example, the flagella of bacteria. Or the system of blood coagulation in mammals. Or the immune system. Well, these are evolutionary steps is explained scientifically perfect. "No need to lower your blood clot God ...

"Well, is that if intelligent design is scientifically nonsense from the religious point of view is much worse: it is directly blasphemy. Attributed to God to have designed some bodies so badly, so badly that an engineer does that and you are fired. How can you blame God that the human jaw is too small to hold all the teeth and have to remove wisdom teeth? When this is fully explained by the increase of the brain as it increases decreases the jaw, that's the explanation.

"Maybe in the world need ... Evolutionary humility "?

"No advocate of intelligent design is a good theologian. They start with a good attitude: they believe that science is materialistic and leads to the denial of God. Then, as they have studied the evolution of superficial, write these books full of atrocities. They are ignorant to defend God singled out as the greatest abortionist in the world. Every year hundreds of thousands die of children at birth, and mothers in childbirth, because the human birth canal is not yet sufficiently adapted to growth the brain. There are over 20 million spontaneous abortions each year in the first two months of pregnancy, the imperfect segregation of chromosomes ...

-With or without intelligent design, many people wonder how God allows it ... "Evolution is a beautiful process without adjectives. No more and no less strong, there is no better or worse. Science is not to make value judgments.

More information about the book of the Academy of Sciences USA: ECbrochure.pdf

Posted in ABC 8_1_2008 Tuesday


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