Monday, April 25, 2011

Las Vegas Wedding Lunch Ideas

crime leisure Wisdom

leisure Wisdom [1]

Camilo Ramírez Garza

"... to the mother because we only care about money,

the power, click on "competitiveness" and excessive consumption. "

Javier Sicilia

Leisure is one of the greatest pleasures, and, however paradoxical it may seem- producer of wisdom. Let's stop here, as I mentioned a word, at once majestic and simple, as is "wisdom," and clarify a point : no any school, nor the most prestigious local, national or international that to which everyone wants to apply and be counted among their ranks, with thousands of advisory boards, resources, facilities, history and great halls, that manages to convey wisdom in itself. How so? Just because wisdom is of another order of life experiences and no effect on number of "controlled" environments-style experiments and models of competence, assessed, measured and quantified as industrial processes. At most what schools-kindergarten through college-is knowledge will provide literature and operational style "How to do it", but experiences that have the effect of know-how, hence a second beginning, we might say - of training and in the workplace. That does not mean they are completely negligible classes and schools that grant credentials. Most of the world moves by such logic. However, perhaps the entertainment is also a school, but life (from gr. Skol: leisure time) contingency. After all it is no coincidence that "leisure" keep an etymological connection with the Latin root word "school" Schola.

What leisure has to do with wisdom? It seems paradoxical to relate them, on the contrary to the vision of production as the development of success!, which seeks to accumulate human capital at a time and money. Interesting that you call the common denominator, "capital", two very different things, just the vision of the company and state (biopower) as the Nazis and organized crime, is to reduce the single human figure (%,$, etc.) Leisure is not just the mother of all vices, such as believe, but the context of the occurrences that give rise to creative arts, home to what really matters: the nothingness from which everything arises. For example, we need both, lack. are the ones that function in part as the memory of mankind and questions about what we've become the direction we take. And what about the millions of inventions that arise from the contemplation of the wise inventor.

Leisure also keeps a relationship with the slow, being in the body in the present moment, without urgency or plans full of things to do. We could say that two events that do take full news room: the birth and death. All others can be away, to pretend that we are not, for they do not. That is perhaps what most enjoyable vacation: leave the pre-occupation for the occupation of relaxation and leisure: the pleasure of doing nothing, living the moment. Until, of course, Express rides appear nourished offering sightseeing, walking, story, photo, souvenir, it is impossible not to think that even the relaxation and fun, should be managed, overloaded. Hence, it is not strange need a vacation from the vacation, once you return. Then bet there was also "enjoy the most"

While the technical advances have shortened distances and times, speeding and eficientizandando resources (market values) the body has been saturated with activities, Drop , feel, is a step to rest.

Twitter: CamiloRamirez_

[1] Article published in The future April 20, 2011, cultural section, p. 3

Friday, April 8, 2011

Nac Jewellers Oddiyanam

The object of the gaze

by Camilo Ramírez Garza

".. can not watch a series of strange signs or hear a sequence of words
unknown without distorting their perception because of embarrassment first comprehensibility,
underpinned by something known as "Freud

In" The Prince: the clown "Octavio Paz says," Matching that unfolds: I am a
image in my images and every one of them, the show actually confirms
mine ... suddenly, and soon, the agreement is broken, do not recognize myself in what I see and what
recognize. "

Seeing something, you have the illusion that is the subject who ve / includes / defines / controls
that you see (something, something, the world, the other ...), much along the lines of domination "Go and
name, know its laws of res extensa, control, ... however exploit the
object, apparently, what looks and produces, from its apparent passivity
calculated effects on the subject: it is not known to be produced from the encounter with what you see (visit
a museum, seeing something on TV, a look, a meeting) See can be primarily a surprising encounter
be found by something.

Freud appointed-from contributions of psychoanalysis as the "3 rd wound to narcissism
human" (The first two were "The earth is the center of the universe", and raised
by Darwinian evolution ") the fact that" I is not master in his house, "referring to the impossible
agent domination and control course, where speech / define /
control ... there is something (that) they dare speak of him, a truth not known, but
as it owns and organizes the production, the same symptoms, pains, dreams ... like life itself
subject referents with whom he lives, see, loves, dreams, struggles, failures, etc.
. In that sense, the self is pure ignorance, "status" is to wonder what he sees and
sees it, created an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat "The effect of taking a picture" (Lacan, "The
mirror stage ") The fiction is that of an agency that looks and controls, when the constitution is precisely
be a thing that is look, it was regarded: the self is
a look. And I think with the, you look to the self: the experiences are clarified
of what can and can not watch. Hence the realm of "invisible" when someone
to having "in his face" something and not see, at first, then to his surprise
warns that this is not seen, has always been there, but it made him look.
why advertisers are well aware, in making the advertising image is shaped not only
and seeks to capture the look of someone, but you create them.

an analysand tells me: "I like riding a bike, as are other things, car
see some walking others, but a bike is different," Noting the relationship and specific effects
each series machine middle-of-transport-looking. Where the eye is built
throughout the body (machine-body) If "The body is a gift from

language" (Jacques Lacan) then the body is woven in such a purely external and seen
in the social context ("... individual psychology is both social psychology, Freud
) would have to follow the clues to the ways in which the eye / eyes make
seek our social fabric: What if I see and Why not?, what you want to "show"
the other? Just in contexts where the unfortunate proposal Mexico Initiative, is the
of fewer words, words "What is shown-ve and not in the media about what
happens in Mexico?" even for the sake of a supposed "mental health" in the style of Vincent
Fox ("I do not see News for newspapers or depress me) and this, in a historic moment
where, in past elections, the" video scandals acted
a leading role on the national agenda, now deleted eyes
Twitter: CamiloRamirez_