Friday, December 12, 2008

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"Here Be Dragons" a free 40-minute video introduction to critical thinking. It is suitable for all audiences and is presented for free public distribution.

Most people fully accept paranormal and pseudoscientific claims uncritically as they are promoted by the mass media. Here Be Dragons offers tools to recognize and understand the dangers of pseudoscience, and to appreciate the benefits offered by real science.

Here Be Dragons is written and presented by Brian Dunning, author of Skeptoid: Critical Analysis of Popular Events and Executive Producer of The Skeptologists.

This English version courtesy of Lalo Marquez SobreNatural.NET

Thursday, December 11, 2008

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Here Be Dragons murderous and abusive beliefs

There are items that are of interest and its diffusion seems important, so I leave you with another good entry "Return of the charlatans."

an appetizer some quotes:
Generally, people are just saying that everyone is free "to believe what they want and, above all, ensure that the beliefs" do no harm to anyone. "

My answer to the first is that no one is free "to choose as you do not have full information concerning its decision. One can not "freely choose" to believe in anything you do not know the full context ...

The answer to the second is that irrational beliefs and self harm themselves are dangerous, indeed, are very dangerous.

few days ago, the world learned a little horrified by the atrocities committed in some African countries, mainly Tanzania, against albinos, which are hunted and killed for dismantling them and use their limbs and organs in "magic potions" to help as witches that one does not have Tanzanian mine accidents, precious minerals find more and get better Results for fishing. Magonia summarized the case.

Immediately after we learned with horror that a Pentecostal bishop course, Sunday Ulup-Aya, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, was arrested after telling a British documentary (aired November 12 on Channel 4 UK) that had killed 110 "child sorcerers". Generally, (there are) people just argue that everyone is free "to believe what they want and, above all, ensure that the beliefs" do no harm to anyone. "

My answer to the first is that no one is free" to choose as you do not have full information concerning its decision. One can not "freely choose" to believe in anything you do not know the whole context ...

The answer to the second is that irrational beliefs and self harm themselves are dangerous, indeed, are very dangerous.

A few days ago, the world learned a little horrified by the atrocities committed in some African countries, mainly in Tanzania, against albinos, which are hunted and killed for dismantling them and use their members and organs "magic potions" to help as witches that one does not have Tanzanian mine accidents, precious minerals find more and get better results in fisheries. Magonia summarized the case.

Immediately after we learned with horror that a Pentecostal bishop course, Sunday Ulup-Aya, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, was arrested after telling a British documentary (aired November 12 on Channel 4 UK) that had killed 110 "child sorcerers".
The delusional claims of imaginary mysteries sellers in the West, whether or not bloody, like those of offenders convenencieros en otros lugares del mundo, sólo pueden someterse a prueba mediante el método científico, porque, no importa cuánto hablen de "otras demostraciones" quienes viven del engaño, o que digan que "no todo es ciencia", el hecho es que el método científico es el único que ha demostrado que funciona , es decir, que entiende la realidad y puede controlarla. Nadie vuela levitando después de decenas de miles de años de miserables que cobran por enseñar este arte, pero gracias al ingenio y la experimentación, hoy millones de personas vuelan en aviones. Nadie consigue una prueba medianamente interesante de la telepatía, pero miles de millones de personas se comunican a distancia mediante teléfonos, radio and mobile. The "seers" never see anything, but science can see the virus, and the most distant stars, with human ingenuity and accumulated knowledge. The different types of quackery say "cure" but only science applied to medicine has been able to effectively reduce mortality, increase life expectancy of human beings and enhance the quality of our existaencia with their actions, surgeries, braces, glasses , hearing aids, insulin injections, pacemakers and various drugs.
Please read the entire article.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

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A Christian evolutionist.

Francisco Jose Ayala - President of the American Association for Science
biologist, an expert in genetics and evolution, just coordinate the study "Science, Evolution and Creationism" and the U.S. flag in the fight to eradicate the creationist school of politics and society

NEW YORK. Born in Madrid in 1934, but is naturalized U.S. citizen. He has been there forty years. He is a biologist specializing in genetics and evolution and now heads the department at the University of California, Irvine. He chairs the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), publisher of the journal Science, and Gabarrón 2007 award for Science and Research. Just coordinate the study "Science, Evolution and Creationism."

"Before starting his research career in the United States was ordained a Dominican priest in Spain. Do you keep your faith? "I'd rather not answer that question, because then my ideas are attributed to my beliefs, when they are absolutely independent. "That is precisely the study, right? Science and religion are separate and compatible ...

"Yes, when is a serious science that draws valid conclusions and when religion does not make statements on issues not within its competence. "Maybe the problem is that both tend to be all-encompassing, to want to explain the world for themselves ... "There are many people who believe that scientific knowledge is the only valid one. There have written books claiming that science can prove God does not exist. That is outrageous, because of God science has nothing to say. Science deals with what they see sense and what happens in nature. God, the spirit world, religion and morality transcend science. St. Augustine put it well in the fourth century: What matters to me as a Christian if the Earth is in the center of the universe or not? "Then, when a candidate for President of the United States maintains that neither he nor his family descended from apes," maybe it's because they consider it a shame, because they draw moral conclusions from simple facts of nature?

"That happens when people talk about issues that have no idea. Scientific ignorance is unfortunately something widespread. There are several reasons for this: the very poor science teaching in schools, gives scientists disclose bad science, then the media often do a very bad ... - So where to start to fix it?

"As a little everywhere, improving education, trying to convince the media that worry. "The New York Times" and has a regular column on science ... ABC

And also, let him hear. "Of course, these are the notable exceptions ... And, co. mo I said, the scientists themselves have to do many more outreach efforts. I have written several books in English and English, the latest just came out in English Alianza Editorial, titled "Darwin and intelligent design" ...

-Let's talk about intelligent design. Exposes you as an unnecessary compromise between Creation and Evolution ...

"But at this point the intelligent design attempts to reconcile anything he does is to deny that evolution can be explained scientifically. Among its promoters are only a scientist but also is not evolutionary biochemist Michael Behe. Behe, unlike others, at least in general accepts evolution, but it makes an utterly ridiculous proposal that God intervenes from time to time to create entities that could not appear alone. For example, the flagella of bacteria. Or the system of blood coagulation in mammals. Or the immune system. Well, these are evolutionary steps is explained scientifically perfect. "No need to lower your blood clot God ...

"Well, is that if intelligent design is scientifically nonsense from the religious point of view is much worse: it is directly blasphemy. Attributed to God to have designed some bodies so badly, so badly that an engineer does that and you are fired. How can you blame God that the human jaw is too small to hold all the teeth and have to remove wisdom teeth? When this is fully explained by the increase of the brain as it increases decreases the jaw, that's the explanation.

"Maybe in the world need ... Evolutionary humility "?

"No advocate of intelligent design is a good theologian. They start with a good attitude: they believe that science is materialistic and leads to the denial of God. Then, as they have studied the evolution of superficial, write these books full of atrocities. They are ignorant to defend God singled out as the greatest abortionist in the world. Every year hundreds of thousands die of children at birth, and mothers in childbirth, because the human birth canal is not yet sufficiently adapted to growth the brain. There are over 20 million spontaneous abortions each year in the first two months of pregnancy, the imperfect segregation of chromosomes ...

-With or without intelligent design, many people wonder how God allows it ... "Evolution is a beautiful process without adjectives. No more and no less strong, there is no better or worse. Science is not to make value judgments.

More information about the book of the Academy of Sciences USA: ECbrochure.pdf

Posted in ABC 8_1_2008 Tuesday

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

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* Jesus in the Koran

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

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"Verily it (the Qur'an) is a revelation that the Lord sent down of worlds. "(Qur'an 26:192)

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is part of Sura Az-Zumar numero39
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful [39:6] He created you from a single person, which has made its mate. Gave you the cattle in pairs. He created you in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation in three veils of darkness. Such is Allah, your Lord. His is the Sovereignty. There is no god but He: How are ye perverted? [39:7] If ye reject ... Allah is Independent of you. Not accept the ingratitude of his servants. But if ye are grateful, I will accept it pleased. No bear another's burden. In the end, return to your Lord and He will inform you of what you did. He knows what the breasts contain. [39:8] When the man suffers a misfortune, invoked his Lord, turning to Him in repentance. Then, when He has bestowed His grace, forget the object of his previous invocation and attaches equal to Allah to mislead others from His path. Say: 'Enjoy your disbelief a little! You will of the inhabitants of the Fire.

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Monday, November 3, 2008

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Sunday, November 2, 2008

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* Some sayings of the Prophet

Examples of the Muhammad delProfeta
n {The believers, in their love, mercy and kindness among them as a (single) body: if a member of the ill, the whole body shares its sleeplessness and fever.}
{ Believers with the best morals are those whose faith is the best. And the best among them are those who are best to their wives.} 2
{None of you believes (completely) until he desires for his brother what he wishes for himself.} 3
{A compassionate people the Merciful (God) shows them mercy. Show mercy to people on earth, and God will show mercy to you.} 4
{Smiling at your brother is charity ...}
{A good word is charity.}
{Whoever believes in God and Judgement Day should be good to your neighbor.}
{God does not judge you according to your appearance and wealth; looking in your hearts and actions.}
{Pay the worker his wage before his sweat dries.} 9
{A man walking along a path felt very thirsty. When you reach a water well fell him. He drank his fill and came up. Then he saw a dog with its tongue hanging out, trying to lick up mud to quench its thirst. The man said, "This dog is feeling the same thirst that (I) felt." So he went down into the well, filled his shoe with water, and gave the dog a drink. Therefore God thanked him and forgave his sins.} Someone asked the Prophet, "Messenger of God, are we rewarded for kindness towards animals?" He said: {There is a reward for kindness to every living creature.} 10

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* 7 Answers about Islam

1. What is Islam?
Islam is the name of religion, or more appropriately the 'way of life', that God (Allah) has revealed and what was practiced by all prophets and messengers sent to humanity. The very name of religion stands apart from other religions because it means a state of being, no reference to any particular person, such as Christianity, Buddhism or Zoroastrianism, Judaism as a tribe, or a nation like Hinduism. The Arabic root from which comes the word Islam means peace, security, salutation, protection, absence of guilt, health, submission, delivery, acceptance, surrender and salvation. Islam means specifically a state of free submission and surrender to Allah, worship Him alone, and accept and obey its laws with devotion. Through this submission and delivery, achieve peace, security and the healthy welfare involved in its literal meaning. Hence, a Muslim, male or female, is a person in the state of free submission and delivery. The Islam of an individual is weakened through sin, ignorance and evil deeds, and is completely abolished when associated pairs of Allah or stop believing in Him
2. Who are the Muslims?
The Arabic word 'Muslim' means one who is in a state of Islam (Free submission and surrender to the will and law of Allah). " The message of Islam is universal and will accept anyone who becomes a Muslim. Some people mistakenly believe that Islam is a religion only for Arabs, but nothing is further from the truth. In fact, over 80% of the world's Muslims are not Arabs. While most Arabs are Muslims, there are Arab Christians, Jews and atheists. If you take a look at the various peoples living in the Muslim world - from Nigeria to Bosnia and from Morocco to Indonesia - it's easy to see that Muslims belong to different races, ethnicities, cultures and nationalities. Islam has always been a universal message for all peoples. This can be seen in the fact that some of the early companions of the Prophet Muhammad were not only Arabs but also had Persians, Africans and Byzantine Romans. Being a Muslim entails complete acceptance and active obedience to the teachings and laws revealed by Allah. A Muslim is a person who freely accepts to base their beliefs, values \u200b\u200band faith in God Almighty. In the past, even if it is not used much today, they used the word "Mohammedan" to refer to Muslims. This word is wrong, and the result of deliberate distortion or sheer ignorance. One of the reasons of this misconception is that for centuries Europeans have been taught that Muslims worship the Prophet Muhammad in the same way that Christians worship Jesus. This is totally false, it is not considered a Muslim who worships other than Allah, a deity or person.
3. Who is Allah?
often mentioned the word "Allah" when talking about Islam. The word "Allah" is simply the transliteration of the Arabic word for God Almighty, and is the same as used by Christians and Arabic-speaking Jews. In fact, the word Allah was widely used before there was the word God, as the Castilian English is a language relatively new. If one reads the Arabic translation of the Bible, would you use the word "Allah" where Castilian was used "God." For example, Arabic-speaking Christians say Jesus is, according to their beliefs, the son of Allah. In addition, the Arabic word "Allah" is similar to the word God in other Semitic languages. In Hebrew, for example, the word God is "Elah". For various reasons, some people believe that Muslims worship a different God from the God of Moses, Abraham and Jesus. That's another misconception since the Pure Monotheism of Islam calls all people to worship the God of Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and all the other prophets, peace be upon them all.
4. Who is Muhammad?
The last prophet sent by God to humanity was the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. At forty years old, received the revelation of Allah. Since then, he spent the rest of his life explaining, and living the teachings of Islam. The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, was the greatest of all prophets for many reasons, but mainly because it was chosen by Allah to be the last prophet - whose mission to guide humanity continue until the Last Day - and because it was sent as mercy to all mankind. The outcome of his mission has brought more people into the pure belief in One God than any other prophet. From earliest times, Allah sent prophets to the earth, each in his particular people. However, the Prophet Muhammad was sent as the final Messenger to all mankind. While other religious communities claimed to believe in One God, with the passage of time some corrupt ideas have entered into their practices and beliefs away from monotheism pure and sincere that the prophets preached. Some people took their prophets and saints as intercessors with Almighty God. Some even believed that their prophets were manifestations of God, "God Incarnate" or the "Son of God." All these misconceptions led to the worship of creation rather than the Creator, and contributed to the idolatrous practice of believing that God can be approached through intermediaries Almighty. To protect his followers of these falsehoods, the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, stressed that he was just a man with a mission to preach and obey the message of Allah. He taught Muslims to refer to him as "the Messenger and Servant of God." Throughout his life and his teachings, Muhammad turned to Allah, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, the perfect example for all mankind - was an example of a prophet, statesman, military leader, ruler, teacher, neighbor, husband, father and friend. Unlike other prophets and messengers, the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, lived to the full light of history, and all his sayings and actions were carefully recorded and preserved. Muslims do not need to simply have "faith" that he existed, or that his teachings were preserved, but they know through science and history that actually happened. Allah protect the message revealed to Muhammad and stopped out distorted lost or forgotten. This was necessary because Allah promised Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, would be the last messenger to mankind. All Messengers of Allah preached the message of Islam - that is, free submission and surrender to the law of God and worship the one God - but Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, is the last prophet who brought the final and complete message would not be changed until the Last Day
5. What are the teachings of Islam?
The basis of the Islamic faith is the absolute belief in monotheism (oneness of God). This means believing that there is only one Creator and Sustainer of the universe, and that nothing is divine or worthy of worship but He certainly believe in the Oneness of God means much more than simply believe that there is "one God" instead of two, three or four. There are many religions that claim to believe in "one God" and the existence of one Creator and Sustainer of the universe, but the true monotheism is to believe only one true deity to be worshiped according to the revelation that He sent His Messenger. Islam also rejects the use of all intermediaries between God and man, and insists that people approach God directly and reserve all manifestations for Him worship and devotion. Muslims also believe that Almighty God is Compassionate, Merciful and Compassionate. A common mistake is to argue that God can not forgive His creatures directly. By exaggerating the burden and penalty of sin and claim that God can not forgive humans directly, people are underestimating the Mercy of God. When they are convinced that they can not approach God directly, they turn to false gods or aid, as heroes, political leaders, saviors, saints and angels. We often see people who worship, we pray or seek intercession with false deities, which are not considered a 'god'. Say they believe in One Supreme God, but also pray and worship to others only to get closer to God. In Islam, there is a clear distinction between the Creator and the created. There are no mysteries or ambiguities regarding the divinity: Nothing to be created to be worshiped, only Allah, the Creator, is worthy of worship. Some religions falsely believe that God is part of His creation, and that has led people to believe you can worship any created thing to get to the Creator. Muslims believe that God is Unique and Exalted beyond speculative any understanding definitely has no partners, colleagues, peers, antagonists or offspring. According to Muslim belief, Allah "does not beget nor was He begotten" - neither literally, allegorically, metaphorically, physically or metaphysically. He is Absolutely Unique and Eternal. Has control of everything and is perfectly capable of giving His infinite Mercy and His infinite forgiveness to whom He pleases. That is why Allah Almighty is also called, Compassionate, Most Merciful. Allah has created the Universe for man, and as such wants the best for all human beings. Muslims see everything in the universe as a sign of Creation and Compassion of God Almighty. Furthermore, the belief in the Oneness of Allah is not merely a metaphysical concept. It is a dynamic belief that affects our view of humanity, society and all aspects of practical life. A logical corollary to the Islamic belief in the Oneness of Allah, is his belief in the equality of men.
6. What is the Quran?
The Quran is Allah's final revelation to all mankind, which is the word of Allah, the Exalted, sent through the Archangel Gabriel in Arabic to the Prophet Muhammad, in sound, word and meaning. The Qur'an (sometimes incorrectly spelled Koran), was transferred to the Prophet's companions, who diligently memorized it verbatim written and compiled meticulously. The Quran has been recited continuously for the companions of the Prophet and his successors to the present. In short words, we can say that the Koran is the revealed book of sacred scriptures of Allah addressed to all mankind for their guidance and salvation. Currently, the Quran is still memorized and taught by millions. The language of the Koran, Arabic, is a living language spoken by millions of people. Unlike the scriptures of other religions, the Qur'aan is still read in its original language by countless people. The Qur'an is a living miracle in the Arabic language, and is known to be inimitable in its style, form and spiritual impact as well as the unique scientific knowledge it contains. The Quran was revealed in a series of revelations to the Prophet Muhammad a period of 23 years. Unlike many other religious books, the Quran always had the certainty that is the exact word of Allah. The Quran was recited in public in front of Muslim and non-Muslim communities during the life of Prophet Muhammad, and also after his death. The entire Quran was written during the lifetime of the Prophet, and numerous companions of the Prophet memorized the entire Quran, word for word as it was revealed. The Qur'an was always in the hands of society: It was always taught as the word of God, and because of the extended memory was perfectly preserved. Did not change anything and was not modified by any religious council. The teachings of the Koran comprise a universal writing addressed to all humanity and not a tribe or 'chosen people' in particular. Your message is not new but it is the same message received by all the prophets, 'submit to Allah the One God and worship Him alone, to follow the Messenger of Allah to succeed in life and obtain salvation in the beyond. " As such, the revelation of Allah in the Qur'an focuses on teaching human beings the importance of believing in the Oneness of Allah, and framing their lives around the guidance which He has sent, which is articulated in the legislation Islamic. The Qur'an contains stories of prophets earlier, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus, peace be upon them all, and also contains commands and prohibitions from God. In modern times, where many people fall prey to doubt, spiritual despair and social and political alienation, the Qur'an provides solutions for the void in our lives and the turmoil that is gripping the world today .
7. What is the vision of Muslims about the nature of man, the purpose of life and the afterlife?
In the Holy Qur'an, God teaches human beings that were created to glorify and worship Him, and that the base of all true devotion to God is consciousness. All creatures Allah love him naturally and only humans have free will to worship Allah or reject it. It's a huge challenge, but also a great honor. Since the teachings of Islam encompasses all aspects of life and ethics, God awareness should be promoted in all matters of life. Islam makes it clear that all acts of man are acts of worship if done only by God and by His Divine Laws and Scriptures. As such, worship in Islam is not confined to religious rites, and for this reason is known as a 'way of life' rather than a religion. Lessons of Islam act as a balm for the human soul, and encourage qualities such as humility, sincerity, patience and charity. Additionally, Islam condemns pride and self-righteous character, as only God Almighty is the sole judge of human integrity.
The Islamic view of human nature is also realistic and balanced in the sense that human beings are not inherently sinful, but are able to do good and bad alike, is their choice. Islam teaches that faith and action go hand in hand. God has granted free will to people, and the extent of our faith are our actions. However, since humans have also been created weak and fall into sin on a regular basis, continually need to be guided and seek repentance, which is itself a form of worship loved by Allah. The nature of human beings as created by God in His Majesty and Wisdom, is not inherently 'corrupt' or in need of repair. The path of repentance is always open to everyone. Almighty God knew that humans were going to make mistakes, so the real challenge is whether they will seek repentance for their sins and avoid them, or if you prefer a life of sloth and sin, knowing full well that it does not please God . The true balance of an Islamic life is established by a healthy fear of punishment from Allah for sins and faults committed, along with a sincere belief that Allah, in His infinite mercy, is pleased to grant His reward for good deeds and acts of sincere worship for their cause. A life without fear of God leads to sin and disobedience, while at the opposite end, if we believe that we have sinned so much that there will be no way that God forgive us, we will only have a life of hopelessness. In light of these facts, Islam teaches that only those who go astray from the Mercy of his Lord and evil criminals are deprived of the fear of Allah, his Creator and Judge. The Holy Quran, as revealed to Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon it also contains a lot of lessons about life in the hereafter and the Day of Judgement. Muslims believe that all human beings will be judged by Allah, the Absolute Sovereign King and Judge, for their beliefs and actions in their earthly lives. In judging human beings, God is absolutely just, punishing only the real culprits and criminals and rebels who do not repent, and absolutely merciful and compassionate to those that He, in His wisdom, deemed it worthy. No one will be judged for something that is beyond their ability, or something that did not commit. Suffice it to say that Islam teaches that life is a test designed by Allah, the Creator, Almighty and Wise, and that all human beings will be accountable to Allah for what they did in their lives. A sincere belief in the afterlife is the key to having a balanced life and moral. Otherwise, life will be seen as an end in itself, which will cause individuals to become more selfish, materialistic and immoral, blinded by their pursuit of pleasure even at the expense of reason and ethics.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Holopaw Suburban Estates

* the value of parents in Islam

In the Islamic world, one rarely finds homes or institutions for the care of the elderly. The strain of caring for parents in this difficult time of their lives is considered an honor, a blessing and a opportunity for great spiritual growth. In Islam, it is not sufficient that only pray for our parents, but we should act with limitless compassion, remembering that when we were helpless children they preferred us to themselves. Mothers are particularly honored. When Muslim parents reach old age, are treated with compassion, kindness and selflessness.
In Islam, serving one's parents is a duty second to prayer, and it is right to expect it of them children. It is considered despicable to express any irritation when, through no fault of their own, the old become difficult.
God says
your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, and that you be dutiful to your parents. If one or both of them reach old age, do not be arrogant with them and did not even say, 'Wow! And speak to them with gentleness and respect. Treat them with humility and mercy, and say: My Lord! Have mercy on them as they did with me when I grew up being small. "(Qur'an, 17:23-24)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Parents Tamil Kavidhai

Alleged Ghost in "Huinca Renancó", Rio Cuarto, Córdoba

The Video of Alleged Ghost
Click here to download mp4

Nearly 382 kilometers of the city of Cordoba is the town of "Huinca Renancó" in Rio Cuarto.

Click to Enlarge

In this town on the 10th of October this year, local TV channel "HR News" featured a video of a silhouette of a person dressed in black who walked on the roof of the Cooperative Cemetery.

This is a distributed via "You Tube" and local television here.

Click to Enlarge

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Birthday 4 Year Old Rhyme

"Alternative Medicine? For alternative justice

remember have said several times in forums, in conversations and monologues that explain, why those people who likes to insult both to the science for the traditional, natural, ancient or alternative is so limited when apply its criteria to very limited areas? Ever commented on more than one occasion I was conalguien cunaod defending the validity of the words of a psychic, soothsayer or astrologer if you like, should be charged in court, to have those people as witnesses against him and that their methods would serve to convict, comodicen in the movies, beyond reasonable doubt. Now I present an interesting and divertidísio article recounts humorous concpeto the absurdity of both weight and worth to some.
Proponents of "alternative medicine" or "inmedicina" and especially the champions of anti-science, the antiinteligencia, the enemies of the experimental method and defenders of the "intuition" as an alternative to make me certain knowledge testable think they are also advocates of "alternative justice" or "injustice" based on things that they would seem the most valuable of human experience: the occurrences, the ancient traditions and wild, carefully cultivated ignorance, the " intuition "and" inner feeling. "

Today, in times where we find it easy to order a "DNA test" or require proof that a bullet came from a gun, when freedom of many people depends on an analysis of the components of a tissue or the time of death as determined by forensic entomology, when you can exonerate the innocent with a cotton swab gently past his oral mucosa or through other evidence, all based in science maligned, it may be appropriate to make a small Gedankenexperiment , ie, a "thought experiment" we can not do in reality but that develop as conjecture can give us a clear dimension of certain things, in this case of the top brass of "inciencia" [...]

Full article in The Return of charlatans, alternative justice.
by Mauricio-José Schwarz

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Can You Get Herpes Jacuzzi

¿DGT Buddha uses to prevent accidents? He says the Bibilia

A date of publication of this post I have not exactly my best day, so I'll refrain from making long comments and proceed to the crap crap and speak for themselves:

Presentation of a hull designed by monks

Can a Buddhist center to reduce the number of motorcyclists killed? It seems a joke, but no. The hull has been designed by Buddhist monks in the monastery of Garraf, Barcelona, \u200b\u200band was presented today at the headquarters of the DGT with the support of its own Director General, Pere Navarro.

The helmet is of gold and red, the same as worn by Buddhist robes and has symbols of peace. One is the mantra of wisdom. " The monks believe that contact with the crown of the rider is able to change their behavior. This add mantric


150 euros and with it, buyers will receive a manual for driving under the Buddhist principles. It recommended a focus motorists and smile: "If you get angry after another driver will have made a bad move, if you smile, do not encourage any fury."

2 º This is the great invention of these monks. And released an album with his prayers that he led sales. The detail would be nice if it were not for the high number of motorcyclists killed. In 5 years, deaths have increased by 80%. So far this year and 167 are dead, which represents a 19 percent higher than in 2007, which resulted in 423 fatalities.

(published in

Since it is fools day, here or elsewhere, that we have no blush of embarrassment. If I'm back and I'll humor relevant comments below.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Aqua Velva Aftershave

the Phoenix arrive in good

AFP - 05/27/2008 22:00

Phoenix in good condition but communication problems delayed its activities

En esta imagen suministrada el 27 de mayo de 2008 por la NASA/JPL-Caltech/Universidad de Arizona, se ven las llanuras del polo norte de Marte desde la sonda Phoenix.

Less than 48 hours after landing on Mars, the U.S. probe Phoenix was on Tuesday in perfect condition, but a radio communication problem delayed its unprecedented exploration of Martian arctic soil in search of water ice and past primitive life.

"A disturbance (cosmic) caused temporary disruption of radio communications in very high frequency (UHF) to Phoenix," he told a press briefing Fuk Li, who heads the Mars exploration program at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory ( JPL) in Pasadena (California, west).


He was optimistic by ensuring that radio communications shall be restored in one way or another and that the problem "will not compromise the Phoenix mission."

Fuk Li said that in the worst case the European orbiter Mars Express could ensure the same communication radio with the probe.

"The team (engineers) of the MRO (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter) is currently reviewing what happened and has been trying for several hours to restore radio communication, and we hope that everything returns to normal," he added.

The problem originated in the MRO not in Phoenix, said Fuk Li, "is in perfect condition."

The technical problem delayed, however, planned maneuvers Tuesday to extend the probe's robotic arm.

Other activities may develop normally, but the arm of the Phoenix will not start digging in the permafrost until next weekend, according to JPL.

arm is similar to a mechanical digger and measured 2.35 meters deployed. Is able to dig up to half a meter deep.

The first layer is made of dust, which will be a good show at Mars, given the severe storms that occur regularly on the set of the red planet, said Gary Napier.

mission scientists believe "very likely to find ice mixed with soil in three to four weeks," he said.

This permafrost, a mixture of ice and soil in a ratio of 70 and 30% respectively as the Arctic land, should most likely be at a depth of 12 to 30 centimeters said, although that is not secure.

The first images transmitted by Phoenix show "flat and desolate landscape that also has mounds," said the specialist on Monday planets Peter Smith.

This surface is produced by the polygonal-shaped grooves in the landscape, caused by expansion and contraction of ice sheets in the basement, he said.

When temperatures drop, ice shrinks, causing cracks in the surface soil. After the depressions fill with dust. Once the temperature rises, the ice extends further. As the grooves in the floor were filled, the centers of the polygons under the pressure rise expanding ice in the soil, forming mounds, said the scientist.

If Phoenix finds ice on these grooves, it would mean that "this region was very wet in the past, what would be a great discovery for our team," he said.

The two U.S. robots Spirit and Opportunity, exploring the past three years the surface of Mars in the area of \u200b\u200bEcuador, also found evidence of the presence of water.

Phoenix is \u200b\u200bequipped with a furnace capable of heating the samples for volatile substances like water and molecules confirm that life could exist in the past of this region.


Monday, May 26, 2008

Pokemon Soul Silver Usa Freeze


A good lesson. Not thinking about Chile's political class, to learn that teaching takes a lot, but for the national journalism. At least, he was rescued from an entire case, which led me to investigate more than 3 years, leaves a sample, an indelible impression that we are dedicated to information work could almost make a new school, a new branch within journalism traditional. We managed to enter the event, each from his trench, understanding that the communication monopoly continues to develop and refined over time, but at work, with few exceptions, we journalists turn the common table, and from a look a little less biased reporting our readers what happened in the case called "Case Spiniak." Met

also see how some media were kept out of resources doing a clean job, unquestionable and willingness to try to change the look of a society that reads what monopolies want their readers to read and thus define how they should learn. It is in this sense, I give my most sincere congratulations and respect for the fortnightly PLANBA, led by renowned journalist Alejandra Matus. But it is an act of appreciation to Alexandra, that even without the financial contributions of any kind, and with his experience, his leadership contributed to the work of half that opened paso en el mundo informativo y que muchos trataron de acallar. PLANB no utilizó la ley mordaza o la autocensura, simplemente, la revista no resistió la presión del mercado. Ese fue su fin, pero los que trabajaron ahí hoy pueden decir que tuvieron buena escuela.

En mi caso, trabajando la investigación para el quincenario The Clinic, tengo quizá muchas anécdotas que podría contar, pero acá no vale la pena hacerlo, es mejor referirme a la calidad del trabajo realizado, al reporteo diario, a la dirección de quien en ese tiempo era mi editor. Para él, Juan Andrés Guzmán, dedico estas líneas, porque fue escultor también de mi trabajo y perfeccionamiento en el nicho comunicacional denominado "Investigative journalism." A guide, a person who was always attentive and willing to support the development of each story, though, many times, I must confess that more than I would have liked, "I took out of boxes for reasons of style. However, I still remember some phrases that have helped me to write this book.

I know that I was not the best journalist, but I admit, without false modesty, I did a responsible job, judiciously and with great dedication. That is why, in the void as a good professional feel I deserve, I am pleased I did and regret what I did not manage to perform. However, I still think there's a new time.

dedicate this book to those who want to read it, who agrees and who disagrees. The goal is simpler than many imagine, just to show that, from journalism can contribute to changing the mentality of a country that says "modern" covered by a rule of law, to young and displayed within the stories collected are treated with dignity, regardless of the condition in which they live and even less what to do to survive. Report

think these violations is the meaning of this book, which demonstrates that it is avoidable also continue to maintain two codes of justice that segregate our country: "The Penal Code is for those who have no resources, namely the poor, and the Civil Code for those who have everything and can play up to these entities to supply and demand.

thank everyone who supported my work, who hugged me when the world was already weighing on my shoulders, if only one country. I also thank my colleagues to respect the work I did and everyone who knew me in this activity.