Monday, May 26, 2008

Pokemon Soul Silver Usa Freeze


A good lesson. Not thinking about Chile's political class, to learn that teaching takes a lot, but for the national journalism. At least, he was rescued from an entire case, which led me to investigate more than 3 years, leaves a sample, an indelible impression that we are dedicated to information work could almost make a new school, a new branch within journalism traditional. We managed to enter the event, each from his trench, understanding that the communication monopoly continues to develop and refined over time, but at work, with few exceptions, we journalists turn the common table, and from a look a little less biased reporting our readers what happened in the case called "Case Spiniak." Met

also see how some media were kept out of resources doing a clean job, unquestionable and willingness to try to change the look of a society that reads what monopolies want their readers to read and thus define how they should learn. It is in this sense, I give my most sincere congratulations and respect for the fortnightly PLANBA, led by renowned journalist Alejandra Matus. But it is an act of appreciation to Alexandra, that even without the financial contributions of any kind, and with his experience, his leadership contributed to the work of half that opened paso en el mundo informativo y que muchos trataron de acallar. PLANB no utilizó la ley mordaza o la autocensura, simplemente, la revista no resistió la presión del mercado. Ese fue su fin, pero los que trabajaron ahí hoy pueden decir que tuvieron buena escuela.

En mi caso, trabajando la investigación para el quincenario The Clinic, tengo quizá muchas anécdotas que podría contar, pero acá no vale la pena hacerlo, es mejor referirme a la calidad del trabajo realizado, al reporteo diario, a la dirección de quien en ese tiempo era mi editor. Para él, Juan Andrés Guzmán, dedico estas líneas, porque fue escultor también de mi trabajo y perfeccionamiento en el nicho comunicacional denominado "Investigative journalism." A guide, a person who was always attentive and willing to support the development of each story, though, many times, I must confess that more than I would have liked, "I took out of boxes for reasons of style. However, I still remember some phrases that have helped me to write this book.

I know that I was not the best journalist, but I admit, without false modesty, I did a responsible job, judiciously and with great dedication. That is why, in the void as a good professional feel I deserve, I am pleased I did and regret what I did not manage to perform. However, I still think there's a new time.

dedicate this book to those who want to read it, who agrees and who disagrees. The goal is simpler than many imagine, just to show that, from journalism can contribute to changing the mentality of a country that says "modern" covered by a rule of law, to young and displayed within the stories collected are treated with dignity, regardless of the condition in which they live and even less what to do to survive. Report

think these violations is the meaning of this book, which demonstrates that it is avoidable also continue to maintain two codes of justice that segregate our country: "The Penal Code is for those who have no resources, namely the poor, and the Civil Code for those who have everything and can play up to these entities to supply and demand.

thank everyone who supported my work, who hugged me when the world was already weighing on my shoulders, if only one country. I also thank my colleagues to respect the work I did and everyone who knew me in this activity.


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