Monday, June 8, 2009

Unavailable Vs Restricted Call

New Opposition pantomime Extremadura 2009

Just today, the new pantomime / mock examinations for the Board of Extremadura 2009.

Here you can access the PDF

I am personally freaking in color, to see finally finish removing the mask, and directly eliminate a lot of topics through hype, to directly to the Court 10 questions at hand.

The purpose of this is to streamline processes, but it is to remove the few guarantees of impartiality that still had to directly replace arbitrariness of the court.

This opens a new world of possibilities to cronyism, as the interim and / or plugged, you will not have to know compose each one of 90 themes, if not now, with knowing only the 10 questions that will fall in the test, and may be submitted to review and take it warm, as did other savvy before them, those of 2006.

This is what it says on the bases.: __________________________________________________


splits into two phases, each tie, debiéndose
independently approve the two phases, each phase is assessed from 0 to 10 points,
still need a minimum of five in each of them to overcome the second exercise.
both phases will be conducted in one day.
First phase:

consist of written answer in a maximum of two hours a
series of questions asked by the Court of the specific program in
number and manner established in the notice, which shall not exceed ten
questions. Be assessed in this the realization phase, the knowledge and ability to synthesize
the applicant. Court directs. The content of this exercise will
aimed at assessing the applicants' ability to carry out the tasks .... _________________________________________________________________________

In summary.

1 º

Place a type examination test , easily filterable days before, as has happened this year ago, all geography English, where friends and trade unions as UGT it seems that filtered the questions to members the days before.

Moreover, given the breadth of the agenda, you can ask anything of any issues of Psychology, constitution, legislation autonomic and national levels, in short, there may be millions of possible questions.

2 º

review is removed taken a kick ball, which was plugged many problems, since neither the court itself may decide to issue state the applicants.

now 10 questions correct will subjectively, and it goes without saying, all you have done exams in college, or secondary the many possibilities of deflation bloating or shout when you want, in this type of testing .

If not for missing a comma, can be "in writing", or "the orthography " or put "very brief", or "putting too much"

Excuses to which can accommodate the proper test, are endless

3 º
Maintain a review to develop, characterized by the same subjectivity and arbitrariness than the previous, not to establish any method of control or review the court's action, at the time of qualifying with a score concrete answers the applicant.

Like all of you know here in Extremadura , and relying on a misinterpretation interested available case law, the Supreme Court of Extremadura supports systematically practices of the courts of oppositions, which has degenerated into thinking that "the court has the last word and that is the supreme body to determine eg

blank examination, can be described as 10 (I take the example at the end to see the situation in which we)

If a court here in Extremadura did that, and I know that some have bordered on the delusional real life example, would be considered within the law and protected by that misinterpretation of "discretion technique

So, encouraged by this culture of corruption , either directly in this 2009 edition, are removing the annoying paperwork that had to do before, to put certain people.

Now everything will be "more agile " in words (I think) Francisco García Peña .... "....

will eliminate the few guarantees control the processes that were longer, we can connect to to to plug in, in a more agile and dynamic .. .

... is what I understand to be meant the Chief Executive, under the fucking shit out of bases that have taken for 2009

Now objectivity is one thing we take for granted even pretend , but that if no procedures ensure not clear.

And all this with the court in 2006, with a complaint they have, and not pending "litigation management"

... that is, that previous courts, under the shadow of suspicion with complaints ... What we're going to have to trust your good faith?



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