Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Dragon Ball Z Yaoi Scanlations


Camilo Ramírez Garza



twitter: CamiloRamirez_

"... in his admirable biography, Doris Lessing points

that children are always harassed and, he says, will haunt forever.

Therefore, the question that imposes itself is:

but, "What are, then, our children?" But "How to explain that

adults and teachers of today are no longer able to cope" [1]

Paul Verhaeghe

"Every time a psychiatric advance little deeper,

immediately lost the ground gained,

by the very way of conceptualizing what it was immediately

sensitive observations " [2]

Jacques Lacan, 19551

"The measures, then "He continued, were good in their class and well executed;

Its defect lay in their being inapplicable to the case and the man. A certain set

of highly ingenious resources are the Prefect, a sort of bed

Procrustes, to which he forcibly adapts his designs. But he perpetually

errs by being too deep or too shallow, in matters entrusted to it, and many children school is a better reasoner that he "

Edgar Allan Poe, The Purloined Letter

Anyone who engages in teaching, you know, it's not at all a simple activity. Among the students, managers and parents, teachers go through a myriad of problems.

Teaching, said until a few years ago, responding to a vocation, as its etymology, to a call. The call to take place and functions of teacher, teaching, providing knowledge and training to cope with public life and work, being an example, guide and model, the main axis of the second broad social group, after the family, where we fit into this world. This romantic vision of the functions of teaching, support and guidance of life, has been reduced due to the logic of the industry taken to the field of education, making teachers into mere administrators and coordinators of the work in the classroom . It is therefore not surprising to find in managerial professionals from the engineering, designing in parallel (telos Why?) The teaching and industrial processes. " teachers who are no longer contain the anxiety and shape education, accompanying, being an example for students, since they themselves-the teachers-are embedded in a seriation operationalization that approves and desiring crushes on creativity; the same as before the singled.

Instead, they are now demanding administrative work, hand over records of monitoring and quantifiers, that of teaching, so now its functions also include a large filling requirements: lists Support daily, weekly, monthly, bi; lists of students with difficulties and strategies to be followed in each, descriptive cards, assessment tools, compliance and strict adherence to the program at times appointed, checklists for each activity and each assessment tool to evaluate meeting the objectives for each class, classes, standardized face or online, etc.. Measurable and quantifiable evidence, the "watchword" of what is done in the classroom. [3]

When looking to standardize or approve criteria, which is produced is one single frame of reference from which to interpret what happens in the classroom. "When we look at an image obtained through a photographic medium / e, nothing seems to stand between us and reality, nothing can hinder or distract our eyes. "Seeing is believing, which means" I'll believe it when I see "but also" what you see is what you believe " [4]

a priori claim to possess coordinates and their interpretations closes the case on the meaning of what happens, give explanations, interpretations, no questions open, but closes issues and mobilizes prejudices. Something we have defined as the psychologizing and psychiatrization of school, "The encoding psychological and psychiatric Education, as" new "coordinates tissue (Qualifier) \u200b\u200bsymbolic, imaginary and which placed abordar el ámbito escolar, por no decir la total existencia humana” [5]

Al estilo de ¿Qué debo de ver? ¿Cómo pensar esos casos? Y ¿Qué hacer? En donde la “búsqueda” de determinada evidencia funciona como delimitadora de lo que se “verá”. Algo que Michel Foucault trabajó a lo largo y ancho de su obra, respecto al surgimiento del sujeto sospechoso, cuando se produce un desplazamiento de lo que se hace o ha hecho, a juzgar el alma/mente de quien lo ha realizado: “…al formally register the infringements in the field of objects susceptible of scientific knowledge, to provide legal punishment mechanism and a handle justifiable not just about the violations, but on individuals, not just on what they have done but on what are, will and can be ... have been, because judging something other than the offenses: the "soul" of criminals " [6] citizens, students, etc. . etc. biopolitics it reaches everyone, for the treatment of criminals marks the horizon of how they will be treated the rest of the citizens.


cases: the cases are read asking questions, following leads, opening questions.

A teacher tells a student in first grade the following: "This girl, her pupil, has psychological problems, because when we are in classes she starts to sway. She puts her hands between her legs and begins to stimulate and no longer does anything "

The teacher says he imagines that may need to talk to parents, because such behavior may reflect problems at home, including sexual abuse. This last idea he assaulted the teacher, since I once the girl urinated in class and as usual, "she says children who were sexually abused have secondary enuresis diurnal, that is, begin to urinate during the day when they have achieved bowel control, because this could be a sign. Let's see how action can be taken as a sign or something we do not know why it's there, and even about other items, the action takes on a different meaning. For example, in this case, the girl said it was not the bathroom because he was playing at recess and had a lot of line, so he decided to play and play and then go to the bathroom to spend the rest of recess lining up to enter the bathroom.

I told the teacher that as a teacher if a pupil, instead of listening to my class, decided to "swing" in the same way as her student, considered from the outset that something happens to my class, something is amiss as if, instead of being in class, someone decides to "get rich" then the most basic is that just to be kind of boring, That is interesting!

Everyone who lives closely with children, I happened to see that children are stimulated, either with his knee while balancing, arm, corner table, chair, etc.. the same way that poor and poring mother rests the daily grind of washing and washing, is charged with the shaking and "loving" washing machine, which incidentally, is a way to "feel something" for housework, which leave very tired.

"Before these cases you need to do? Nothing, if it bothers you, remove / a, distract / to something else, but one thing to take into account your child's student has discovered something that will never leave you: the pleasure of autoerotic sexuality. The question will be how will the eroticism of the body, the link with words and knowledge games that occur at school, hence the game to work, etc. For if the eroticism, pleasure, have no place in school, how will that someone likes to go to school? It is no coincidence to find love at school. I am not referring to sexual abuse by a teacher, you might consider as a manifestation of a master key that is not a teacher guide, but takes sexual control of another, but to give rise to pleasure, to ways of relating to otherwise the body. In this specific case, or scold, or prosecute because the student is being stimulated with hands swinging between his legs tightening, but continue with other work ... instead of "make the problem bigger," call the parents, set at psychologist because that's not right ....

The teacher insists, even though the girl did not present any problem, possibly his pupil was sexually abused by someone (Rather is sexually abused, and that early!) And according to the theory, probably by someone close, then one has to mention their parents, but be aware that they will deny, then the negation itself becomes suspect. The suggestion is already the trap, as when a "well intentioned" friend says to another: "Hey, and what if when your boyfriend says he'll ax, what actually happens is that going to ... 'enunciation of the trap and brings out the disparity, the tone is received the word dimension is always present.

Notice how from a feature (the balance being stimulated, and urinated been) the subject is constituted "sexually abused" as a posteriori, according to the statistics say, a symptom of sexual abuse, it may be that, but also others, that is. As the features are not taxable. To see in detail the features we can find that these symptoms may be present in a myriad of situations. As one where a high school student was sent to the school psychologist, as always sat back, dressed in black and wearing sunglasses, which "drew attention" to the teacher, "not otherwise going to be a danger" How can a color and location someone might say both? Perhaps those who dress in bright colors (pink, blue, white) and sit on are "good"? Morality mathematization of colors: black = negative, evil, the devil, etc., White = positive, good, peace ... Instead of having noted that: "It strikes me" and say, "Hey that chidos lenses bring that beautiful eyes you have "etc. or something like that.

Then the teacher tells me what she did: nothing: observed, detected and channeled. Often what the school system suggests the teacher, both to stay out of trouble "at what happens in the classroom and school, thereby losing the loop dimension that happens (where, before who, how, etc.) events are decontextualized: it removes the human to what happens. What should be noted is what "We say doing, and what we do by saying"

Then let him do what he was doing, he said nothing, because he wanted to consult with someone first, because not going to be that there were a "trauma" greater. Something like the comic reference who will not wake up sleepwalking, sleepwalking, it will not be that trauma.

Something that could calculate, in a certain way, change the play, as indeed you do not go to school to masturbate, but perhaps this may have other readings: the school is a mental masturbation based on repeat and repeat and repeat without regard to what is learned. A registration body another way, for pleasure, the registration of different body-medical students, now considered patients (medical, neurological, psychological, psychiatric) "Antidoping school" students' medical records, etc. Not surprisingly, For example, many symptoms that occur in the body fixed (extreme violence, choking, cuts, lacerations, bumps, bullying, anorexia, bulimia, etc.) just when the body is a frontier to want to dominate and control: drugs, health, food, drink, drugs, etc..

The response from the teacher can see a detail of the alleged excessive information and professionalism, the discourses "specialized" teachers, parents, etc.. end up feeling powerless over situations that once resolved in other ways: pretend to produce a parallel education to the processes taking place in industry, education occurs to telos. Hence the relevance of what was said by Verhaeghe "... the question that imposes itself is: but," What are, then, our children? "How to explain that adults and teachers today are no longer capable of address them (children)? " Similar to reported by a person who sees some neighborhood kids, about 12 years, playing" doctor ", says nothing, but his wife raised the issue and go the next day to denounce the sexual harassment DIF, when before it was was a game, but the fear of "Well, will not be that large become rapists" appearing reference of the rapist / bad student / murderer in the making, the subject hazardous speaking Foucault, which arises in the s. XVIII.

interpretation is different to read.

The interpretation is always on what is known, in addition tends to error. As a good friend often said: "Today's problems are yesterday's solutions"


of psychoanalysis poses: "If you have understood, is surely wrong" ... Everything that human behavior is a psychological is subject to anomalies such deep, has at all times so apparent paradoxes " [7] " What is a term understood fugitive, elusive, surprisingly, never to be calibrated as a primary lesson, a formulation required at the entrance to the clinic. Begin to believe they do not understand. Part of the idea of \u200b\u200bfundamental misunderstanding. This is a first provision, without which there is really no reason not to understand everything and anything " [8] (Jacques Lacan, 1955-56)

basis of assumptions is understandable given and through whom are believed to have an answer; for knowledge always keeps a link with the power [9] In the application model (call for scientific prejudice-medical-psychological) is and does what is known, then the reality is that conforms to the theory (as the Procrustean bed) to symbols and interpretations in the manner of "X is always Y" as a dictionary-style dream What ...?

Because when you reduce an interpretation based on a trait, as in this case: If the child wets or masturbate, then it means that a) was sexually abused or b) has psychological problems. So do not appreciate the meaning, the logic of what really happens: the object moves to do this or that, you can even sense that it escapes him, is as not-known, not being able to respond about the meaning, for example when asked why does it do? ... hence that unconscious (which is not known what is said and / or does) can be investigated by the psychoanalytic method taking the elements that Case number: What did? To whom? What is the logic that pushes desiring? Why? ...

What transforms the psychoanalytic method is to pass interception to read the items in question, just looking to find out why after following the tracks of how to present (I recommend reading Ramírez-Garza, C. What is a symptom? http://camiloramirez.jimdo.com/articles/ ) The analytic treatment is a talking cure, that part of the surface of words, to account for the effects and meanings : Well "... the symptom persists to the extent it is hooked to the language, at least if we believe we can change something in the symptom handling ... (read), ie operating on the meaning " [10]

Freud therefore proposed as the analytical method ask patients, "Talk you of everything that comes to mind for most senseless and shameful that seems" Freud asked his patients . Just to try to thwart cheating device thought (the thought-up) allowing analysis (separate into parts) to alert the effect of meaning and resonance of each element on the relation of each other. "A signifier is what represents the subject for another signifier " (Lacan) as when there is: girl + girl swinging wetting + do not know what to do about it + + book that I read the talk that I went ... = sexually abused child. If it is a little girl sexually abused, battered as he enjoys his "toy" back in school. "

Camilo Ramírez Garza, psychoanalyst


twitter: CamiloRamirez_

[1] Verhaeghe, P. Love in times of loneliness . Buenos Aires: Polity Press, 2005. (2 nd reprint) pp.87 ff.

[2] Lacan, J. The Seminar of Jacques Lacan: Book 3: psychosis, 1955-1956. 1 st ed. 14 th repr. Good. Aires: Polity Press, 2006., Pp. 32.

[3] Ramírez-Garza, C. Chapter I: The psychologizing and psychiatrization of school. In Osorio, F., Del Campo, E., Ramírez-Garza, C. Exercising authority: a problem of parents and teachers. Buenos Aires: Noveduc, 2009.

[4] Bauman, Z. Liquid Fear: contemporary society and its fears . Barcelona: Polity Press, 2006, P.32

[5] Op.cit Osorno, F., Ramirez-Garza, C

[6] Foucault, M. Discipline and Punish. Mexico: siglo XXI PP26 ff.

[7] Lacan, J. The seminar 3: psychosis, Buenos Aires: Polity Press, p. 17.

[8] Op.cit. Sem. 3 psychoses, p. 35

[9] See Foucault, M. Knowledge and legal forms, Gedisa Ed.

[10] Lacan, J. The seminar 23 The sinthome , Buenos Aires: Polity Press, p.40.


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