Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Scrapbooking Ideas For Wrestling Page Layouts

ON LOVE Psychopathology classroom


Camilo Ramírez Garza

"Consciousness is divided: I am an image in my images

and each one of them, the reality show, confirm mine ...

Octavio Paz

(part 1)

"I wish I were the women / perfect man or ".... Is there woman / man perfect / o? - someone asks. But the question-and-be more acidic, and if any woman / man perfect, to find / or would you like me to walk?

The "perfection" is an ideal, a beautiful illusion that organizes the fiction of love for some time. Since that tender look of a mother, for whom their children are always the most beautiful and intelligent, although for others, it makes little piece missing to boot, some eyesores. Whenever you stop a killer, people say, "And you saw the look of ragamuffin who has? What will look his mother? The lovers', who "with eyes of love" referred to each other, and in whose eyes, there is little room for flaws, but for the most beautiful ever designed adjectives. For " The look does not lie simply to eye level. The eyes may not appear to be masked. The look is not necessarily the face of our neighbor, but the window behind which we assume that we are watching. Is an x, the object to which the subject becomes the object (Jacques Lacan) only until the illusion and assumptions, are contrasted in the day to day, or there incuse least there will always be opportunities to "look the fat " between the networks of Cupid and his arrows.

When asked Freud about love, wisely - Or by fear and ignorance?, Or a little of both. Since ignorance is a precondition to take the wise: " I just know that I know nothing" (Socrates) - saying, ask him to poets, musicians, artists, because they will have us talking about love , with their expressions we make available the object of love: its paradoxes, twists and turns, its consequences.

now and for decades, is expected, seeks, yearns, living love, know love, but under certain characteristics, we could name, the inter-market: I live to love, to enjoy the benefits of having a partner, but without suffering, let alone every day suffer the consequences of being in love, ie, hope, illusion, frustrated , have discussions, arguments, meetings, disagreements, breakups, disillusionment, search, sense, solutions, outings, etc.. but without suffering. Is looking for love, but without the problematic element, traumatic suffering. It operates like the market, trying to fill the gap, the gap between the ideal and found, as the logic "I want more for my money" where you do not want to take risks ("If the / or want, but do not want suffer, or be hopeful home, for something that may not come "" I'm not willing to get hurt / to ...) when more love, to meet "Whoever wants blue, the cost." Love, more or beyond, its beautiful images where there is conflict, and roses ("Every rose has thorns") or misunderstandings, poses a traumatic dimension, which gives the same "flavor" the whole thing : Who am I to you? ie, what should I do with your love? Who are you to me? What is that, beyond my own home, you see me? How and what I agree that, the love you have for me? ... Therefore love is a fiction of knotting, where something beyond himself / herself is seen, caught, on the other, and that assumes that loved / or possesses. While this or this, suffers from the ravages of being for the other thing perfect love as imperfect perfect ... " not you, me," course, in love, there is something in the ego of the lover, who transcends itself and find exactly what the other thinks he loves. "Love is giving what is not there, someone who is not" (Lacan) ... and many times he does not want or expect it, but after that I find something is raised injury, a failure ... "What do my lord?" - exclaims St. Paul, being thrown from his horse ... as you experience the love, about love-what they demand, and believe that they demand, the other : Will you be my ...?

(Part 2)

What the subject says to me is always a fundamental relationship

a possible deception, where I send or receive the message upside down "


Previously commented on various aspects of romantic relationships ("About Love" El Porvenir 06/16/1910) And love can not fail to deepen, as speaking beings, something escapes us, and transcends Rebaza, forgotten, hidden, precisely to show: that unknown other, located in the other, we ... In his seminar 3 (The three seminar: psychosis, Buenos Aires: Polity Press) Jacques Lacan raises among other things, that "All human knowledge has its source in the dialectic of jealousy, which is a primordial manifestation of communication"

Every relationship is a relationship with the other, "talk is talk to others, through notions called on him, on the other (the love of my life, worse, a sham, a farce, a fraud ... "You are what you expected, you do become overalls ...") The couple love experiences have located on the other, something ("That do not know, that is me") that transcends just: love. "Love is a give what you do you have someone who is not (Lacan) No one loves anyone, loves, just who is supposed to respond" in any way, to desires and questions about who you are , what you want. After all, the trite phrase of the romantic comedy "Jerry Maguire" (USA, 1996) " You complete me" is not so wrong.

If I wanted to keep the "Disneyland" instead of walking through the maze "Underground" of love, should end right here, the equivalent of "And they lived happily ever after" . Anyone who wants to stay that way, just stop reading.

Instead of aseptic notions of relationships, incompatibility, domestic violence, irreconcilable differences, etc. In psychoanalysis we speak of "Amor," "Lover" "Desire", "Enjoy", "Missing", "Lack" ... Open questions rather than closed and "provide answers" style recipe ... What is the purpose amadodiado knotting each síntomamoroso? Pun intended! Love is a fiction that makes the body, passes through each of their holes (eye, mouth, ear, anus, penis, breast, skin pores) Each lover has some references that allow love another love / la: you still have "It" that makes me crazy, "Love is crazy and the priest who heals, makes a great folly," "I love you, because I keep finding myself in your words" Love it / Love it rhymes with moor, tie, put something together : the Love is a figment of knots: Knot, stripped naked, tied, untie, flight: You walk unleashed! Go flying low! A-mor-measures, orality, love, love is tested. View stories of vampires, where love, enjoys his role canivalesca: biting with kisses! I hold a bite! Eyes also eat: "In the light Lovelier" has good away ... "" Body of desire, the face of repentance. " Conflicts arise when the error occurs, the fault, the unexpected, frustration, due to the disparity between what is assumed and what is experienced, the way in which the other rips that illusion. "Are you worried my happiness, right? He asks her boyfriend to Grace "Of course my love, if not clash with mine!" (Will and Grace, USA, NBC, 1998-206) Love is also demand: What do you want from me? Already, tell me once and that's what you want? One of the discomforts love is on the one hand, wanting sex without flaws, errors, or difficulties ("When one wants to avoid a problem, there will be a thousand more"), "I almost did not we fight, we are well" Please be assured that relationship will end in 5,4,3,2 ... A way to bet the market, get exactly what you want, instead of opening to the experience of what faults, errors and discussions, we show: making something out of the difficulties, rather than seeing them as things to overcome, is to give place, because here comes the new, the experience, the lived life, not life-thought -suffered.

Twitter: CamiloRamirez_


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