Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Lump In Between Cheek

Part 2 How to differentiate the sounds? Part 1

Camilo Ramírez Garza

Twitter: CamiloRamirez_

time ago I was on a cruise. Nearby recarpeteo work performed. The traffic light changed and progressed a little slow, having a crash. Later, in the afternoon, watching the news I hear that I was a few meters from the persecution and execution! Only then I realized that the sounds were not from hammers, but machine guns. It was right where fear broke: "And what if I had ..." . A good friend talked that, having dinner with his family in a restaurant, heard a loud bang. Only he and who took the order seemed to know that it was a grenade. The rest of the table, continued as usual. Last Sunday in Monterrey, NL., Event was held in fireworks, many fireworks are thundered. In the various social networks many asked with concern what it was. Interestingly, a day before someone threw a grenade at Televisa Monterrey facilities. Another commented that a neighbor heard a hammering, and at first thought it was gunfire. The next day someone said: "It is not least we are all flaky, anything can happen by a grenade or gunfire. Now any sound passing through a grenade or gunfire. How these sounds (explosions of transformers, drills, someone hammering something with a hammer, etc.) Are "captured" by one: the burst of shrapnel, grenade?

Humans not only captures the physical energy (light-light, ear-sound, taste, smell, chemicals, touch, temperature, pressure, movement), but we interpret it, make sense, we lost the regulatory instinctive indicating that biologically before being and needs to be done. By losing the natural order, we create the artifice of language and everything to guide us or disoriented (culture: religion, law, arts, science, information -medios/miedos) we became humans as speakers, artificial, dependent and affected by words and images that attempt to complete the body, sexuality, life, happiness, future, etc.. In that sense, the item actually impossible to symbolize the human body chaos, contingency, what is not known, attempts to delineate by what you can imagine and think about what happened, happens and will happen ( "They say what really happened was ...") The terror experienced many people in Mexico, especially in the northern states of Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Sonora, etc. arises where the life, integrity and security. Thus we can say that we are witnessing the paranoización of life: every sound becomes a sign of certainty ("They will come for me, kill me, we are all at risk") When Freud invented psychoanalysis to early s. XX, then the neurosis organized life of cities and families (head function decline of the father, the social order, etc..) Now at the loss of the most elementary safety, all rave in an attempt to make sense , order and protection. Just at a point where the work of the State are ineffective, if not nil, to fulfill one of its basic functions: to ensure the safety of its citizens. Instead he sees officers (transit, police, special forces, army, navy ...) feels more at risk.

disaffected One way to be taken by terror, is just noticing the effects on the body of the discourses of terror (media / fears, authorities, etc..), Which refine the way you listen and live day day, for fear is always greater than what might happen than what actually happens. When something happens, then you can calculate and prepare something, an answer find a solution. When nothing happened, then the fear is just imagine a whole range of possibilities.


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