Friday, September 3, 2010

Why Do My Timberland Boots Hurt

Part 3 How to differentiate the sounds?

security / insecurity is paradoxical: the more one looks, more produces its opposite,
insecurity. Something similar happens with guilt and solutions "motivational": the more you
wants to "do the right thing, the ideal" to not feel guilt, more is reaffirmed.
The more secure you want to be / remain, it is most vulnerable. As the lady referred to
Freud, carrying lots of packages, and for wanting to hold, he dropped one, when you try to pick
, others fell off, leans back, wanting to take them and escape him
others ... The same applies in reverse: to recognize the vulnerability allows
compensate some lost security, do not get hijacked by fear "absolutely, go ahead
. The fear is imaginary: it is feared more what could / might happen than what happened last
/ happens.

A practical consequence arising from such experiences, as shown
psychoanalytic knowledge: the best way to protect yourself is hidden from view, the style of "The letter
stolen" Edgar Allan Poe. The same strategy of humor and a joke, let
say the unspeakable: the truth. As experiences where, "taking the dead" fought a running
; say "Wrong number or" You españoul hablou nou "to answer the phone and receive
rant of someone who sought to extort money. Are responses occur
instantly, can not be calculated nor plan, nor can offer as a "tips" of
security, "You must do this or that" they are as to blame: no one can
executed, the ideal approach, leaving most vulnerable ("Chin .. I could not, if he had
said ...") After a security conference, someone said, "Now if I have
very scared, I knew that all this had to do to be sure." As technological advances
while we allow some independence from the "nature" more
condition. Not enough to install surveillance cameras (closed circuit)
also never have good resolution, once they are in operation,
should hire someone to go to see them. Or the door full of locks, locks and windows
panoramic, pins, keys, security ... all devices
prevent them trying to pass someone
of a threat ... "Can he protect the house of death?"
(Jaime Sabines) How do you protect yourself? Who? Who threatens and stalks,
outsiders or insiders? If insurance is created because it operates under the illusion "in" and "outside"
The movie "When a Stranger Calls" (When a Stranger Calls, USA, 2006) shows
continuous surface between inside and outside their topology (ver. Banda de Moebius)
the real threats are "inside" understanding in psychoanalytically
as those located on the outside, on the surface: the discourse of fear of the media /
fears, the state discourse referent (screenplay) required the work of organized crime.
One of the discomforts that occur in Monterrey, NL, as in many cities
Mexico, is about what you hear, not only during the day, but especially at night. (Ver.
Ramírez-Garza, C. How to differentiate sounds? Part 1. El Porvenir 08/25/1910) Terror
sound is all noise (firecrackers, fireworks, exploding transformer
car ... even the same gunfire and grenades) has been invested by
fate (come for us, we are going to kill, kidnap ... the end has come!) So
as love enters through the ears, fear itself does outpace bodies. For this the sensations
security / insecurity could also be read as an irruption of
a feature of erotomania, the "anxiety / fear / fascination with the destruction, chaos and death;
a way to live life erotic times of war and death. (Continued in Part 3)


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