Thursday, November 11, 2010

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Love: a failure to play these days

"My wife I are still together, because we keep talking,
quarreling and making love"
Sttephen King

Love is not this idyllic, romantic and naive notion of fairy tales; these end
before failure (fra-married, right after getting married), in the ecstasy made "coitus interruptus
of happiness" "And they lived happily ever after" but quite the opposite. It ends before it starts
good, that which is know and express the fleeting smiles
complicit partners, especially of women to see love as just a story "happy."

If anything the only story that shows some of the adventures, mazes and intricacies of love
is "Shrek" filmed by the production company, DreamWorks. Yes, love and its failure,
a dream, dreams are also a dream, as Freud suggested, "is also an embodiment
of desire." Remember that in German, the word "Schreck" metonymic
history of Shrek, means terror, fear, fright. And if all love and love-up, produces a kind of horror
What I do with this I feel? Why am I / you love / or? What
that (I imagine) I have to do to respond / maintain / care / have your love? All love
produces delusions: Does she love me not love me? As well as a close-to kidnapping and extortion
impossible demand exclusivity, stifling: "If you say you love me, let
to see your FRIENDS! "No wonder the arts have referred to love as" a disease
and incurable insanity "(" Love is a great folly and the cure that heals, makes a great
madness ") as a destiny marked by fate ("Romeo and Juliet") impossible love, the perfect match !!...
perfect because they lived together, they put the "black door with three locks
! - just died in ecstasy.

"Love is a failure to play" Why? Because there are failures, difficulties, problems
burst and show you something: in love faults. When I fall for someone
produces something like "Give something you do not have someone who is not" (Jacques Lacan)
You love something in another that is more than himself, is said to be " I ", or something shared: I love something in you that
maybe even you do not see it (or if you're not) and hence many things to do or say
not fit this idea / image / fantasy I guess you (Any assumption
position speaks speaks
whom some regard) thwarted. "Who the hell I fell in love then?!
claim is
-lovers, when they discover that their images do not match the model with
copy. (Eidos / Copy / Drill, orders platonic) and then from there you start the procession
complaints and cries like: "Why can not we be as before?! "
When we started out it was all ...! How will you be able to be as before, without first
knew and did not close, and daily treatment, previously unknown pests, mistakes, failures
himself and the other, everything was perfect, just because nobody knew nobody, had not the element
uncomfortable differences ("Irreconcilable Differences" is it not a major
grounds for divorce?) the closeness ... everything that is producing a kind of
unmasking of the object: it is not (really) as I thought. What thing-tell me-if
is one I thought, as I imagined? At that juncture that some relationships can be completed
, tangling a bit more, or suspended in a pause where no one touches (the
body, words, etc.) That love does not reach the urge to do something that traumatic and / or

annoying the other, perhaps others can find ways to play the game of love and heartbreak
... play with static images with romantic and disappointment as they show what
films "Shrek" where exactly the differences (abnormal, ugly,
amorphous, etc..) Cause rejection of others and of itself, constitute the very thing that makes
loop and symptoms of love, because he loves what the other is also what you hate, is part of the failure
with horror and fascination. I think limited is not participating to some extent
you hate / love the other, hence the poet says: "I hate you hate half the
to keep it to myself" (Sabin)
Twitter: CamiloRamirez_


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