Thursday, November 4, 2010

Electric Toothbrush Price Pune


by Camilo Ramírez Garza

¿ Acaso puede protegerme la casa de la muerte?
Jaime Sabines

En México, sobre todo en los estados y ciudades al norte, tal parece que a la única certeza en la vida, la muerte, y su angelical ensueño de causas “naturales”, las personas debemos añadirle las de una muerte cruenta, sea a manos del crimen organizado o del fuego cruzado, o confusiones “daño colateral” a manos del ejercito y/o la policía. Incluso hay quien se ha atrevido a comparar tales muertes, con la noción biopolítica de daños quirúrgicos "Desgraciadamente no se puede hacer in the human body as an operation, ie, surgery without touching the other members, sadly it has, we regret very much that ... " " said the Cardinal of Monterrey, Robles Ortega (El Norte 31/10 / 10) similar to what George W. Bush said the invasion in Iraq, as a preventive surgery, to which many doctors questioned the impossibility of such a notion.

definitely all die someday that's for sure, yet death is always experienced distant, distant, especially when "no reason to live" otherwise Death pervades with its aura of "mortification." As a symptom obsessive thinking, distracting, if not truly protect Traumatic actually pass something, hope, life, risk.

What if we lived aware that one day we will die? Not tragic sense as the poet of "transitory" describing Sigmund Freud, but as a creative possibility, namely that in the places, times and places we tread, others will be those who hold and enjoy, perhaps, of what we now have, of their effects. This would perhaps have other priorities, live slower, lighter, enjoy life: "Nothing you'll get when you leave / when the day is your final / live happy now while you can, maybe tomorrow will not have time to feel awake. ..."-sung the poet and singer Napoleon.

As capitalism, the state and the company want to know anything unusual deaths, their conditions and sufferings, as well as memory and history, for they are bearers of what is done and has done, focuses on "quality of life" rather than its qualities, seeking commodified, profiting from economic and how to minimize its importance by the statistic: "One death is a sad fact, thousands, simple statistics" W. Churchill, death is hence uniquely appealing. There is nothing more human and closer than that (Who do you play the bells?) To think or know someone's death, for more distant it is, it is impossible not to refer to itself, the death of another, my mirror, is somehow their own. As the only possibility to imagine making one's death is like another.

On the other hand, the addition of living death is celebrated, commemorated, announces: How much people do not meet precisely at the funerals of family and friends?! A talk, mourn, remember, tell jokes, laugh, suffer together, until later, dancing, drinking, making love ... just do claim that Heidegger expressed by humans: "We live in death, while dying, life ... hence the cry of the Mexican mischief, apology to life: To eat and suck the world will end! ".

Twitter: CamiloRamirez_

* Article published in the newspaper El Porvenir, Cultural, p. 3. October 27, 2010


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