Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cool Gift For A Barber

From sadness and melancholy

Camilo Ramírez Garza

"Psychoanalysis does not seek to bring the subject to reality, but rather,

raised at first, how came this thing called reality"

Slavoj Zizek


throughout history have been described some experiences where you can appreciate the loss, gradual or sudden interest in people, objects and / or daily activities . Not only did not feel like anything but, maybe, not even feel like they are willing, or not feel like anything, but at least want to want. They have been called by various names: "Melancholy", "Depression", "Sadness in the extreme" to modern inventions biopolitical of psychiatry: mood disorders, "depressive disorder" "Alexithymia." Even a group emerges as the Emos, similar to the former consisting of "Rebel Without a Cause," now "Depressive without cause?"

Regardless of the names or the purpose for which it is concerned (economic interests of the pharmaceutical industry, mental "illness" that clashes with the interests of production and consumption, neurochemical imbalances, disorders of the soul, mind, etc.) rather than questioning, we insist, beyond behavioral symptoms with which is often identify (Do you eat too much / little?, Do you sleep too much / little?, you stopped to do things that previously gave him pleasure? "... assessing the areas of eating, sleeping, sex life, work and social activities, their presence in time: days, months, etc. ) Is the singular expression - sense it - that this presents for those who have suffered, posing not only a change (increase, decrease?) In the "energy, desire, emotion (from Lat. Ex - motion : what moves outside) but an attempt to sizing feels something is missing (what you lose when you lose something / someone
?) Freud not free to take as a benchmark for metapsychology vision energy, also known as "economy", the libidinal, stating that it is likely to increase and decrease, subject to change. Even beyond the letterhead that any "psi" I can give, the sadness and depression, first, show that it is possible to argue all the time "interest", "Desire," "like" ... that tend-as well knows the market and physical-to entropy, not only in sadness, but in the sense of nothing, little explored. Some people just feel nothing. In this line, we mean that there is "" Depression, as a single entity, but sadness, depression in the plural, with the unrepresentable feeling of nothing: What moves a sadness? What is life?

In "Mourning and Melancholia" Freud distinguishes the reaction to loss, grief, melancholy, as those experiences where not only missed something, but do not know what and how much! missed him. While the market knows how much lost depressive employees do not work (illness, stress, absenteeism, tardiness, etc.) As well as how much you can gain from farmacologización of emotions (depression, anxiety, bipolar, etc.). in melancholia, a difficulty to locate bursts has been lost and what can be done to "get" again something that no one even knows for sure who was ... Is not the same logic of addiction calls : to silence the language to display the tangible pleasure of the real body? Do we prefer the tablets to the words? Hence, in tables of "Melancholy" measuring instruments appear, because it is what has been lost dimension not only of the other, but themselves, "How to turn a loss each? What is lost when you lose? What illusions tear their losses? As in a relationship, not only is foreign to another, but something of himself that he had and lost when it feels that the other was: "I have lost something of myself than when I lost you," someone once said.

Twitter: CamiloRamirez_

[1] article published in the newspaper El Porvenir (12/08/1910) cultural section, p. 3


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