Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How To Set My Io Remote

by Camilo Ramírez Garza

The harrowing experience of losing a son in a bloody manner, thousands of mothers
in Mexico, the crime must also have a poor delivery system
of justice, which, using the impunity and corruption, made a veiled way and open
a much greater violence and crime: not assure
minimum safety and protection to its citizens, let alone earlier by preventing crime,
but then the execution processes and penalties for offenders. Ideally:
to be justice not only put in place to each, but served, why not say,
for the rest of family and friends and society in general, particularly the
parents. Finally the death of our loved ones and his crime went unpunished
was sanctioned. That law would meet its goal of being secured, while in other cases
justice waits indefinitely for the style of the series "Cold Case." As is the case
of massive crimes 68y 71 in Mexico, despite forming a specialized committee
these crimes of the past, justice has not occurred.

experiences in many disappearances and abductions, parents request
loudly at least know where his daughter, his son, in order to rest,
homage, mourn his memory. I remember Nelson Vargas repeatedly expressed
so, like thousands of parents all across the country. For
have a body and a grave is the beginning of the break, the duel, both plagued by crime
and the family. When this is lacking, the beloved family is in all places and
while none. When it comes to death for a crime, besides the immense pain
- Words can not! - Adding to experiment in passivity and impotence
a radical act performed by someone known or unknown, in an instant, he
of our life something different, no turning back. "I do not I have nothing to lose, I'm
living dead" (Nelson Vargas)

The whys are multiplying and are, if not silence, a thousand possibilities
explanatory, each is an attempt impossible to capture the meaning of death,
act crazy, criminal, performative, even unknown to those who executed him. If the murderers
acquaintances, they curse the hours, days, places where he saw
his hand, received, talked to him ... he stole the breath dear relative. And if
also heartbreaking crime that can not reach a sentence for the system
should dispense justice, then the pain has no place or time, or measure, and the pain of loss
one be bloody he wanted to add the crime despite the injustice of a poor and corrupt
that rather than protect, punish. Who then will
justice if the state does not guarantee? Does God, school, church, just as before the eyes
accomplices to these same state institutions opera?

Impotence Escobedo Marisela Ortiz, an activist who emerges from the sorrow for the tragedy
the murder of her daughter, Ruby Marisol Frayre, at the hands of a criminal, who
not punish the Mexican justice system, but released, was launched to carry out legitimate activities
protest, demanding justice, finally another criminal act, the braking being finalized
opposite the Palace of Government of Chihuahua, the night of December 16, while
placed a blanket said: "Justice: Governor's privilege. And for my daughter
when? "... Days earlier said: "If I will come to kill that man, to come and murder me here
opposite, shame on government. I have threats from him and his family
.... To come and finish me, let me finish here in front, to see if
ashamed. " The death of Marisela Ortiz Escobedo was another act of protest, complaint
dramatically against the very thing that lovingly by her daughter, was struggling
: impunity for their crimes, perhaps the only way to deal with death.

Twitter: CamiloRamirez_


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