Friday, January 21, 2011

Cutlery Brown Marks Removal

Why are we as we are?

Ramírez Garza

"The great secret of psychoanalysis is that there psychogenesis" Lacquer Lacan

insistent question these days, which tries to find some clue to the causes, meanings and
solutions to problems that individuals and society as we face (
the suffering of the subject is part of the group and vice versa). Why are we cry
as we are? is already very general, whether the one person utters a
community. You can respond to the equally barren response "We are as we are because
are as we are "bound to suffer again with the being, and there seems
that has to be" different "to resolve something. Or the "classic"
is due to the loss of values \u200b\u200b"," What if everyone is guilty, that if more budget-
always ask this educational unions-etc. etc. and other common places
not do more than resting joyfully in the guilt of being "the shit" and that we "lack
lot of education, culture and livestock, etc.. and so on. ... And then?

The "Why Whys? "say everything and nothing, are very vague, giving the illusion of
locate a cause (risk factors, etc.). there who knows where at one point in the past, where everything would
started to emerge. Factors that at present, we should "attack" to avoid
well, that is deploying the device of preventive strategies. Which, in more
a sense, only serve to provoke the very thing that was to be avoided: prevention
has the structure of anticipation, set something like its cause, leaving some within and some outside
, operationalizing , standardizing, reducing the figure, the data, discarding others
many possibilities. In pursuing these "red flags" ends up producing.
For example, the motives for war, revolution, etc.
often end up producing it that were supposed to "attack" (Fidel Castro, Calderon, Chavez,
PRI, leftist movements, etc.) In the case of President Calderon, his interest is to prevent deaths
, protect the people, ("To live better," "For the drug does not reach
your children") which produces exactly why I wanted to avoid. "What is what makes policy
life ends by approaching inexorably to its opposite? "asked
Foucault, keeping track of where you stand present invent new positions,
for both the subject and for the community.

As in psychoanalysis, to account for why? have to keep track of how.
In that sense, the question "Why are we as we are? And its variant Why are we
as we are? Be reformulated to How ...? How to enter the present time, leaves a side
moralizing only rends garments, while doing and undoing; those who "eat shit
saints and devils," makes us aim for the tracks, knotted and woven so

involved in my / our discomfort, leaving aside the complaint joyful's "Why are you so?".
That alone is used to screw the other, de-identify the real problem spots.
eg Before the executions, shootings, extortion and kidnappings in Mexico are suffering, the worst is
consider it a "climate" or a "wave of crime", and do not address what specific
modus operandi, staying scared by "narcobanners" without reading your message,
see who hand the target audience and what are their objectives, for example.
both crime and the State, what relationship? Texts as "The Sinaloa cartel:
a history of political use of drug" by Diego Enrique Osorno, and "drug lords"
Isabel Hernandez. Further, or closer, the questions about the veracity of the testimony
their sources, which of course, the authors state, are exercises in critical discourse to analyze
How many? the discomforts shared
propose ways to think and study these criminal activities from a perspective not of the
moral degeneration of society, humans, etc.. but as a business and political
their aims very clear in its purpose and use of information media, which,
advanced societies and individuals of high culture, access and invest, as in any business

Twitter: CamiloRamirez_


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