Thursday, May 27, 2010

Average Cost Of Starter Replacement

Monday, May 24, 2010

Masterbation With A Glove

Psychoanalysis of Terrorism (Part 2)

by Camilo Ramírez Garza

"I did not understand was that under the guise of this violence were

irrational subjective

upside receiving in the same message they had sent."

Slavoj Zizek

Caleb Carr says in his text: The lessons of terror: the historical origins of international terrorism: "The nation or faction that resorts to war against the civilian population more often and with greater fury is probably the nation or faction further believes that its interests thwarted and, in many cases, their existence is threatened " terrorism, both state and other groups, is aimed to exercise dominion and control of the civilian population through fear.

Remember the campaign of then candidate of PAN, now president Calderón, against another candidate, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who prayed that this was a danger to Mexico? So does the above-mentioned candidate, but on the other end, to raise "would be better off with ...", launches a hope, as the other fear, there in the most basic of the subject, rather than produce critical thinking voters.

However, not only governments, or those fighting them, use it as a strategy.

Fear and security-insecurity are everywhere: in the media, fear of communication, insurance agencies, hospitals and clinics, are still bombarded with fear campaigns "For disasters and accidents warn, "read the slogan of a bank that offered a" voluntary "life insurance that customers are forced to accept and which can hardly be canceled by calling the labyrinthine switches.

"Those who do not register your cell line will cut the number"; "If hostesses many children die."

is no coincidence that these times are filled with speeches on democracy, tolerance, anti-violence towards children and women, protecting the planet and human rights, which systematically employ the strategies of fear: fear of natural disasters, the collapse economic, terrorist attacks (bacteriological, suicide, etc..) to outbreaks of virus into a pandemic.

This is the era of fear! "Liquid Fear" Sygmund Bauman said, it has become our way of thinking and acting, without mediation, hence the effects on the body: stress, anxiety, tragic deaths, all under the logic of urgency.

While we believe that more that are more developed, culturally and technologically, we are producing better legal frameworks and working to "develop" - with the danger involved for the power, citizens face critical-there is an involution : transform people's thinking and acting in "trembling fear at the end of the world as a result of the collapse of 2YK cyberspace in 2000, where fear was deposited in the inability of computers to read two figures, we turn to terror ecological collapse, the global economic meltdown to the most recent, end of the world in 2012.

By being seized with fear, subjects transform certain functions to assess their contexts.

As Freud said in "Psychology and the Analysis of the self" to the spread, the mass work carried by the affections rather than reason.

Fear crushes reacted impulsively, all is despair and urgency.

What happened last Sunday morning in the Expo Guadalupe, NL

: before the detonation of an alleged gun, emerged a stampede that ended the lives of five people and wounded dozens.

could say that these deaths produced by the effects of fear and the search for protection.

paradigmatic of our context: looking for your own safety no one thinks anyone, even kill to feel safe, the annihilation of the other is my own safety, this could also be the discourse of terrorism, State and organized crime.

Older Women's Girdles

Psychoanalysis of terrorism (part 1) University

by Camilo Ramírez Garza
April 28, 2010

"Any film fan can have the feeling that they saw this somewhere," Slavoj Zizek

Terrorism involves smite the fictional references and tissues of a society; regarding seeking organize minimum conditions of safety and comfort that a state must provide (rule of law, safeguard the physical integrity, security, constitutional guarantees, etc.) seeking to establish control and domination by fear.

All strategies are aimed at striking security, the most basic to most complex.

To put it in a metaphor, something opposed to terrorism: the absence of metaphorical expression always real, cruel and untimely-terrorism is to blow up one by one, each step of the Maslow pyramid happy.

At the beginning of XXI century, in 2001, witnessing an image that will organize speeches in the coming years: the attack on the twin towers on September 11, 2001.

A group of suicidal terrorists hijacked several aircraft to crash in the heart of New York and the Pentagon.

From which U.S. launched a call to its "allies" for a war against terrorism, George W. Bush said you are either with us, taking the side of freedom, of course, or against the side of terrorism. Then

sent troops to Afghanistan, under the premise that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction, weapons which so far have not appeared, despite invade a country and cause thousands of casualties on both sides.

deaths have mass singularities are pure statistics, both for those who hijacked the planes, and for those who report the thousands of "low."

"The death of a person is a tragedy, the death of thousands, is just a statistic" (Stalin) Speaking of terrorism, may occur almost instantaneously, the cliché of Hollywood cinema-Eastern extremist groups looking to claim their a violent ideology, through the annihilation of another, from the infidels.

But remember that there is also state terrorism, states also have used and use actions to take control of populations, causing fear, both openly (imprisonment, disappearances, torture, psychiatric and psychological control, political prisoners, murder, media smear campaigns, fear, danger, etc.) and silent, sometimes indirect, and seemingly nonexistent, but equally operative and effective. Whose

terror strategy is also undermine social organization, in order to keep people captive in states of constant stress ("And then why stress?) There should be both state terrorism, as applications that States make the terrorism carried out by others: war in Afghanistan, political uses of the "war" declaring Felipe Calderon narco, breaking national infrastructure to usher in foreign capital etc. Are governments, with their media campaigns, certainly overlapping fears Medes-media, which "will take the back" nodal situations for the country, engaged in producing fear (terror campaign against the narco, viruses, etc. ) so, of course, like all commercial cleaners, raised the terror once offered the only solution to improve everything (I Only I can protect you!) Do not forget that terror aimed at damaging the most basic of human condition: security.

One way to reverse some of its overwhelming effects become more aware and distance is to consider what he reveals: the illusion, sometimes hopeful other naive, "feel safe, protected, unprotected.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Korean Erotica In 3d Movie

Antidoping The dream regional

by Garza CamiloRamírez

"That the drug does not reach your children"

Felipe Calderón

"As someone wants to consume,

always someone that wants to sell"

Mauricio Fernández Garza

recently reflected on the logic used to strip the socio-political dimension of what is happening in Monterrey (Is the regional dream? El Porvenir / Cultural 12/05/2010) and in other regions of Mexico. Today we are witnessing other two forms of the same strategy: antidoping school (secondary schools and colleges University of Monterrey, ITESM, UANL) and stress on public officials (North 16/05/2010) which is given followed by a row over bonuses in government officials Nuevo Leon up to 37 thousand dollars for "risks" of their duties, coming to remind the cascade of wastage: 400 thousand pesos in photos of the governor Medina, the million spent daily in media promotion. Does this have nothing to do with mental health Monterrey? "With fear and insecurity of citizens to see their governor laughed and embraced botargas, dancing events, spending what is not his, while crime and insecurity progressing?

These initiatives occur in the context of a "war" of the federal government against organized crime, the murky investigations and statements regarding the murders of two students at TEC de Monterrey ("Dead in crossfire?, What credentials of students? First reported assassins, then known as students, ambiguity authorities in investigations, etc.).

remember that school drug testing was proposed as part of the federal campaign "Clean Up Mexico "launched from Montreal on July 2 , 2007 (Does the doping does not violate Article 3 of the Mexican Constitution?) In Northern 16.05.210 note two private universities, the University of Monterrey and announce that they will be expelled ITESM students who use drugs are detected, while UANL , send them to medical / psychological. What are they such initiatives? Why take it up now?

These measures, pursue, rather than trying to understand the logic of the substances in a unique experience, the responses made us more questions. Not that the drugs do not reach your children, but why they want to go to them first? are times of biopolitics reduction of simple human figure and body. Everything happens for its operation: joy, happiness, stress, ADHD, fatigue, virus (medicines, drugs, etc..) Would it be coincidence that a large majority want to get a little peace and quiet means a substance? Are not they the same logic of the medicalization of life, where everything has to do with drinking and taking pills? Do not see the power of bio-Tecnoa-market daily living, millions of drug profits and the pharmaceutical industry? Live post-political times where social control is called terrorism, not democracy, and the silence of the people, addiction! -What is not said. Perhaps you've changed the formula of Marx "Religion is the opium of the people" to "Opium is also a religion" There is who makes his substance, his life, allowing you to find that it has ceased to operate in other orders, political, educational, religious, etc. Feel, not-being, do what you want. Paradoxically, government and organized crime, share a common goal: to citizens quietly, using drugs, food, medicine, media campaigns, slogans ... paying and paying, they look more beautiful.

twitter: CamiloRamirez_

Monday, May 17, 2010

Best Pre Workout Supplament


by Camilo Ramírez Garza

"The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to

knowledge of the unconscious in mental life"

Freu d

In 1921 Freud published Psychology and the Analysis of self. In which I argue, among other things, that any individual psychology is at once social psychology.


Each individual possesses the collective marks. For Whom the Bell Tolls wrote Hemingway.

recently been mentioned by various means the expression "regional sleep" from which lists a number of features that would identify the royal, where in addition to the clichés about eating roast beef, mashed with egg kid if going to the Tigers or the Rayados, speaking of solidarity, social skills, so clearly, it worked and saved, if not elbow him the possibility of face of crisis management. of the royal.

Such values, as they are called, have a reverse seldom acknowledged, because "the truth Creek" and agrees to let her out.

Hence the attempt to implement a logic of "nothing happens here:" We are suffering crises that come from outside, "said former Gov. Natividad Gonzalez Paras NL, referring to the economic crisis, crime and influenza , among other things, still pending. Volume

a paradigm to address certain elements of the back of the "Dream regions."

Following what Freud says about the dream as the royal road access to the unconscious, we wonder: What it reveals "the royal dream" about our individuality-collectivity? Recently came to light, quite literally, the case of a young, Mayela Saldaña Salinas who was imprisoned for 20 years at home.

("Honor to his name: Sal-damaged, leaving damaged?) His parents died, she could leave.

first thing is to think that had forcibly detained. In interviews said that their parents said it was better not leave, because then visited.

(Is not that where the feelings of many royal, better not go out?) The case shocked just that last time the notes in the media today, a moment.

34 years, Mayela begins to walk the streets of the city in which he lived, but not conoce.Una note said that 15 years now fulfill their 34.Tomemos what happened to come out, we move from individual to the condition which shows the regional group. Various media, government agencies and individuals are reported to give their support: they did a makeover, cutting and hair dye, makeup, excursions, walks. They asked her if she wanted to work, replied that he knew, he just wanted a clean house and furniture in good condition.

Is not the ideal of many royal: owning a home, car, look good no matter what happens around ... and sometimes not work? Why not offer a summary of news, talk has been all this time? Not for nothing has qualified us as a little politicized society, where "circus and theater rope" are effective.

"Civilization ends where it begins roast" said Jose Vasconselos. Can we become a collective individuality-informed, critical and active despite the highest-rated local television they own game shows and comments stultifying? Is not it rather that the "dream regional" refers to stay sleeping, close your eyes, rest on our laurels, to infantilize adults 15 years ... parties at 34? Is that the ideal profile "for the regional authorities, which is created king, but is governed by ignorance, buying and buying, enjoying and rejoicing, believing sleep a peaceful sleep without going outside, as" salt-damaged "being caught by fear, giving up their spaces and guarantees to crime, as criminal groups and the State?
