Monday, May 17, 2010

Best Pre Workout Supplament


by Camilo Ramírez Garza

"The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to

knowledge of the unconscious in mental life"

Freu d

In 1921 Freud published Psychology and the Analysis of self. In which I argue, among other things, that any individual psychology is at once social psychology.


Each individual possesses the collective marks. For Whom the Bell Tolls wrote Hemingway.

recently been mentioned by various means the expression "regional sleep" from which lists a number of features that would identify the royal, where in addition to the clichés about eating roast beef, mashed with egg kid if going to the Tigers or the Rayados, speaking of solidarity, social skills, so clearly, it worked and saved, if not elbow him the possibility of face of crisis management. of the royal.

Such values, as they are called, have a reverse seldom acknowledged, because "the truth Creek" and agrees to let her out.

Hence the attempt to implement a logic of "nothing happens here:" We are suffering crises that come from outside, "said former Gov. Natividad Gonzalez Paras NL, referring to the economic crisis, crime and influenza , among other things, still pending. Volume

a paradigm to address certain elements of the back of the "Dream regions."

Following what Freud says about the dream as the royal road access to the unconscious, we wonder: What it reveals "the royal dream" about our individuality-collectivity? Recently came to light, quite literally, the case of a young, Mayela Saldaña Salinas who was imprisoned for 20 years at home.

("Honor to his name: Sal-damaged, leaving damaged?) His parents died, she could leave.

first thing is to think that had forcibly detained. In interviews said that their parents said it was better not leave, because then visited.

(Is not that where the feelings of many royal, better not go out?) The case shocked just that last time the notes in the media today, a moment.

34 years, Mayela begins to walk the streets of the city in which he lived, but not conoce.Una note said that 15 years now fulfill their 34.Tomemos what happened to come out, we move from individual to the condition which shows the regional group. Various media, government agencies and individuals are reported to give their support: they did a makeover, cutting and hair dye, makeup, excursions, walks. They asked her if she wanted to work, replied that he knew, he just wanted a clean house and furniture in good condition.

Is not the ideal of many royal: owning a home, car, look good no matter what happens around ... and sometimes not work? Why not offer a summary of news, talk has been all this time? Not for nothing has qualified us as a little politicized society, where "circus and theater rope" are effective.

"Civilization ends where it begins roast" said Jose Vasconselos. Can we become a collective individuality-informed, critical and active despite the highest-rated local television they own game shows and comments stultifying? Is not it rather that the "dream regional" refers to stay sleeping, close your eyes, rest on our laurels, to infantilize adults 15 years ... parties at 34? Is that the ideal profile "for the regional authorities, which is created king, but is governed by ignorance, buying and buying, enjoying and rejoicing, believing sleep a peaceful sleep without going outside, as" salt-damaged "being caught by fear, giving up their spaces and guarantees to crime, as criminal groups and the State?



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