Friday, May 21, 2010

Korean Erotica In 3d Movie

Antidoping The dream regional

by Garza CamiloRamírez

"That the drug does not reach your children"

Felipe Calderón

"As someone wants to consume,

always someone that wants to sell"

Mauricio Fernández Garza

recently reflected on the logic used to strip the socio-political dimension of what is happening in Monterrey (Is the regional dream? El Porvenir / Cultural 12/05/2010) and in other regions of Mexico. Today we are witnessing other two forms of the same strategy: antidoping school (secondary schools and colleges University of Monterrey, ITESM, UANL) and stress on public officials (North 16/05/2010) which is given followed by a row over bonuses in government officials Nuevo Leon up to 37 thousand dollars for "risks" of their duties, coming to remind the cascade of wastage: 400 thousand pesos in photos of the governor Medina, the million spent daily in media promotion. Does this have nothing to do with mental health Monterrey? "With fear and insecurity of citizens to see their governor laughed and embraced botargas, dancing events, spending what is not his, while crime and insecurity progressing?

These initiatives occur in the context of a "war" of the federal government against organized crime, the murky investigations and statements regarding the murders of two students at TEC de Monterrey ("Dead in crossfire?, What credentials of students? First reported assassins, then known as students, ambiguity authorities in investigations, etc.).

remember that school drug testing was proposed as part of the federal campaign "Clean Up Mexico "launched from Montreal on July 2 , 2007 (Does the doping does not violate Article 3 of the Mexican Constitution?) In Northern 16.05.210 note two private universities, the University of Monterrey and announce that they will be expelled ITESM students who use drugs are detected, while UANL , send them to medical / psychological. What are they such initiatives? Why take it up now?

These measures, pursue, rather than trying to understand the logic of the substances in a unique experience, the responses made us more questions. Not that the drugs do not reach your children, but why they want to go to them first? are times of biopolitics reduction of simple human figure and body. Everything happens for its operation: joy, happiness, stress, ADHD, fatigue, virus (medicines, drugs, etc..) Would it be coincidence that a large majority want to get a little peace and quiet means a substance? Are not they the same logic of the medicalization of life, where everything has to do with drinking and taking pills? Do not see the power of bio-Tecnoa-market daily living, millions of drug profits and the pharmaceutical industry? Live post-political times where social control is called terrorism, not democracy, and the silence of the people, addiction! -What is not said. Perhaps you've changed the formula of Marx "Religion is the opium of the people" to "Opium is also a religion" There is who makes his substance, his life, allowing you to find that it has ceased to operate in other orders, political, educational, religious, etc. Feel, not-being, do what you want. Paradoxically, government and organized crime, share a common goal: to citizens quietly, using drugs, food, medicine, media campaigns, slogans ... paying and paying, they look more beautiful.

twitter: CamiloRamirez_


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