Monday, May 24, 2010

Older Women's Girdles

Psychoanalysis of terrorism (part 1) University

by Camilo Ramírez Garza
April 28, 2010

"Any film fan can have the feeling that they saw this somewhere," Slavoj Zizek

Terrorism involves smite the fictional references and tissues of a society; regarding seeking organize minimum conditions of safety and comfort that a state must provide (rule of law, safeguard the physical integrity, security, constitutional guarantees, etc.) seeking to establish control and domination by fear.

All strategies are aimed at striking security, the most basic to most complex.

To put it in a metaphor, something opposed to terrorism: the absence of metaphorical expression always real, cruel and untimely-terrorism is to blow up one by one, each step of the Maslow pyramid happy.

At the beginning of XXI century, in 2001, witnessing an image that will organize speeches in the coming years: the attack on the twin towers on September 11, 2001.

A group of suicidal terrorists hijacked several aircraft to crash in the heart of New York and the Pentagon.

From which U.S. launched a call to its "allies" for a war against terrorism, George W. Bush said you are either with us, taking the side of freedom, of course, or against the side of terrorism. Then

sent troops to Afghanistan, under the premise that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction, weapons which so far have not appeared, despite invade a country and cause thousands of casualties on both sides.

deaths have mass singularities are pure statistics, both for those who hijacked the planes, and for those who report the thousands of "low."

"The death of a person is a tragedy, the death of thousands, is just a statistic" (Stalin) Speaking of terrorism, may occur almost instantaneously, the cliché of Hollywood cinema-Eastern extremist groups looking to claim their a violent ideology, through the annihilation of another, from the infidels.

But remember that there is also state terrorism, states also have used and use actions to take control of populations, causing fear, both openly (imprisonment, disappearances, torture, psychiatric and psychological control, political prisoners, murder, media smear campaigns, fear, danger, etc.) and silent, sometimes indirect, and seemingly nonexistent, but equally operative and effective. Whose

terror strategy is also undermine social organization, in order to keep people captive in states of constant stress ("And then why stress?) There should be both state terrorism, as applications that States make the terrorism carried out by others: war in Afghanistan, political uses of the "war" declaring Felipe Calderon narco, breaking national infrastructure to usher in foreign capital etc. Are governments, with their media campaigns, certainly overlapping fears Medes-media, which "will take the back" nodal situations for the country, engaged in producing fear (terror campaign against the narco, viruses, etc. ) so, of course, like all commercial cleaners, raised the terror once offered the only solution to improve everything (I Only I can protect you!) Do not forget that terror aimed at damaging the most basic of human condition: security.

One way to reverse some of its overwhelming effects become more aware and distance is to consider what he reveals: the illusion, sometimes hopeful other naive, "feel safe, protected, unprotected.


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