Saturday, September 18, 2010

Best Printer For A Designer In 2010

How to differentiate the sounds?

"In the early days of her marriage ... she appeared in a major sexual assault that was constantly worry that the neighbors could hear a word or a noise through the wall, eventually becoming concerned that distrust of neighbors
Sigmund Freud (1896)

"Is that you hear are fireworks, grenades, a transformer exploded or bursts of AK-47 or AR-15? "I wrote in my Twitter account: CamiloRamirez_ under hastag # chistesbicentenario and" Mama, Mama! What do you hear? "In apparent detonation of a firearm, the mother , trying not to scare your child, says: "Do not worry dear, is your father who ate beans again with broccoli sauce" Situations condense part of the everyday noise of the citizens of northern states of Mexico, who terrified looking to break through deal not only with crime and insecurity, but with crushing impact: can not get out / work / study / fun / love / travel .. comfortable. Right here comes the humor in general, and black humor in particular, to a transaction suffered from fear, can-style circus jugglers sol-subvert the fear, making it laughs and possibilities.

In the second story the mother counteracts the effects of terror, lying to his son in the style of "Life Is Beautiful" (Italy, 1997) Recall briefly the plot of the film: a tender father brings his young son hide from the atrocities of the Holocaust at the hands of the Nazis. To do so, the operation of the joke: it takes certain elements already present in history (prison, barracks, soldiers, tanks, dead) articulating new items from them, which produce a different story than the first. The intervention makes a loving father-and mother-up of the joke as he speaks to his son, where for the child is a game where everyone must earn points to win the tank soldiers, and for this should keep quiet, work, do not bother the guards hold back and not eating. Appear that "Life is not what one lived, but one remembers to tell it" Gabriel García Márquez. Speaking as

fantasies, referring not only to interpret reality, but to build it. Another effect of the media / fears in people who have never heard a gun blast, but the hundreds of news about shootings and executions, is how the ear is overwhelmed by an erotic nature of fate ("How to differentiate sounds? 1 and Part 2 "El Porvenir, 11 and August 25 )" is a shootout, they come for me! ... considering that the persecution is absolute and the imminent harm, we need to protect life and possessions at all costs. Things that just, you never have at all (life and things) and always threaten to be lost or affected. If we fear both insecurity and death is just the importance of charge (charge for life) as they are not living the moment, only live in the future, so death was always uncomfortable experience, and not as something that is a party, not the future or past life, but of this, the moment. Or Does the drug invented death, insecurity, the contingencies of life? .

* Article published in El Porvenir, September 8, 2010


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