Tuesday, September 21, 2010

White Discharge In Place Of My Period

subvert the positive-negative circuit

by Camilo Ramírez Garza

"What makes life ends policy

by inexorably closer to its opposite

Michel Foucault

Whenever addresses the positive and negative, it is impossible not refer to the world of mathematics - the lives mathematization? - in particular the number line and dials. Just as the great texts of Nietzsche, "Genealogy of Morals" in which historically focuses on how emerging notions of good and evil, somehow rigged "power-with beauty and wealth, and hence also the health / disease to account for normal / abnormal not only in medical terms, but socio-political and psychological.

Given the tragic features of our country, Mexico, state and city Nuevo León, Monterrey, like many other cities the north, south, east and west ... It seems that the tragedy has spread throughout the country! - would be for many, impossible, not demoralized and assume that the reality is always going to be worse, ie , recognized as "pessimistic." While others, seemingly opposite, positive, try to counteract the bad "vibes" from them. Well, this can not be, because, structurally, both positive and negative, are the same: one is defined by the other, neither can exist in isolation, trying to claim one of them, the more it appears the opposite, wanting to eradicate negativity or pessimism, with ideal-positive arguments only does "grow" more as negativity, as in raising persistently positive, the ideals, the more the subject becomes aware of how far he is to meet this ideal. Something similar happens with the guilt: the more I ponder fulfill my highest ideals, the eradication of guilt, feeling good, the more it strengthens and opens the gap to sink into the reluctance, pessimism and apathy. Thus, paradoxically, nothing is more sad as the positive joy, and there is nothing more joyous than sad. Examples? 1) Cookies bad luck, black humor equivalent of the famous cookies for good luck, application of social network Facebook, which when opened gives you a fatal message paradoxically, ends up producing a lot of joy, 2) the same as the disincentives, comedians making fun of the "well intentioned" positive life attitudes, allowed to leave the circuit networks: positive, negative, optimism-pessimism peace, violence, sentimentality, indifference, etc.. Circuit that encapsulates the subject in a sadness without possibilities, outside the two "negative" positivism. " 3) The game of football, classic stripes and tigers regional body, which was conceived as pro-peace, ended in bickering.

One way to subvert these networks that prevent real change, they always have the idea needs to be changed first, be positive, stop being negative, to change, improve, develop. Leave the circuit is ideal for peace, positivity, etc.. to assume a position des-sentimentality, the way in which, for example, Gandhi and Martin Luther King did: hit command set denouncing his powers, not the sentimentality or positivism (India and suffering of the blacks) but raising their labor rights as citizens, ie, taking the context in which it is generated discomfort is suffering socially, beyond a priori "be" pessimistic, positive, out of that pair equally fruitless, to provide pathways change and transformation social movements via peaceful, really violent in its effectiveness, understanding of violence: the ability to jeopardize an entire nation and empire.


* Article published in the newspaper El Porvenir (09/15/2010), p.2. Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico


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