Monday, May 18, 2009

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Total! For a costume!

This is like pains apology Cospedal The possible plot Corruption in Valencia .... appealing the low material value of the payments allegedly received.

Putting aside the fact that those gifts would be awarded finger works worth billions of pesetas .

And that by giving this concession works, or whatever, a briber X company, leaves the business to another company of honorable people, is likely to bid with an offer most advantageous to the administration and for citizens.
And now they see injured after losing a Recruitment assuming economic damage, while the other takes it espabiliado warm. Total "....¡

!.... If the money is not nobody Administration ...."

Same problem we have here in Extremadura, with the opposition.

"Total! Enchufaos four!" Listen

to get to 4 fucking plugged in, or have twinkie can be the little square where the floor has a mortgage of 200,000 and the boyfriend, you still need to organize opposition half so that we ensure that such person or grupete interim of gay, are not passed by above for note.
Running a little higher, a little lower. Centers asking for documents, which can only find a temporary .... for which it is not, fuck ....

That is insane, seeing themselves affected by the lack of transparency in test corrections and of course, to the parties themselves, minimizing their importance as well ... the was something corruption that is not so impact on real life .... thing we resent it and rival political who "want bad" one.

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In Asturias begin to demolish the "dedocracia" in Public

Well, if friends.

In Extremadura is endemic the issue of dedocracia . In other regions the main focus of corruption the urban , here like no other thing, the roll turns but the main focus of economic activity , which is the Public Administration.

As the fashion for "Public Companies Private, paid by everyone, but which employs a few.

O fashion of "technical assistance", which is put to do the work of officials, to "people" chosen to finger, and appears to be Councils in many already account for nearly 10% of total staff.
A chollazo hear!
Finally the political cast off the pain in the ass that of the Competition, which is a bundled , take long, and connect to friends, we must not see a liar ....

Even so to part the subject of giving public employment if private somo, we also passivity and understanding abuses faced by many in the legal establishment Extremadura

If you look closely , as you will read in the magazine's number two "ATLANTICA " are well of explicit, and subtitled:

"Fear of judges to the political ."

I would that more than fear, is assumption of these paradigms, and I think it's more accurate to say that Extremadura, Legal world partakes fully with certain misconceptions involved, such as the concept of:

"discretionary TECHNICAL "

... which here, the Superior Court of Justice of Extremadura , and therefore all the less, make the most foolish of possible interpretations, in the sense that it gives carte blanche to the courts in opposition to what comes out of eggs, and say this is because the coverage of the "discretionary technical " when it this figure, it is very clear limitations that appear contained in Supreme Court ruling ....

And .... Attorney ay crazy you can think of to propose a different reading! Sera

a nut for sure! An anti of those!, But if everyone knows there is a technical discretionary, which means that the court has absolute freedom!

assume that this is concern in Asturias, with the judges this shit with the class policy.

Even that rather than fear, as I say, I imagine that will be something else.

Sadly, we know that when corruption is endemic , judges are people, can hardly block, escaping of the possibility of (a guess) leave farlopa whores and expenses payments to the trendy like HEAVEN of Madrid, as seems to have appeared in newspapers and television , allegedly to the Chief of Police Coslada Local and Judge Carlos Nogales, although finally not been able to demonstrate. What if Gotta have is temporarily suspended for CGPJ that court, under the weight of the evidence.
in Extremadura , it is clear that not much money will move the real estate market, or a night-life plagued eastern whores willing to do anything, grams and grams of farlopa nor " glamorous? to believe a smug of Sin Tetas No Hay Paraiso

And although we are sure that in these areas there will other "claims" to those who can hold his hand loose, all perfectly legal, of course .... rather think that what happens is that there simply abandon the world total legal ...

A passivity , by those who fixed epithets give away as "Appreciation , vague and potheads" to generation of 20-30 aner, blamed by just that, "we are about drifters. "

When those who live very well, lounging, and living off the income without wanting to revolutionize or Extremadura hair, so that everything remains the same, we know quiene are ....

Thursday, May 14, 2009

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RATINGS III. Why now and us?

"But why now, why us?!

Very simple.

1 For can
People and Social Education, are disorganized, have no protection from hard and established professional associations, we have no collective conscience.

If occupations are more roots to eat them.

2 ° They do now because the social demand is soaring

And by "social demand", I mean cousins, wedge, wives, girlfriends, boyfriends and all sorts of political and social environment of unions.

who are tired of how bad he lives out of public employment, and will "get head" where is now the

working conditions of private employment, are so damaged that many people spent years pondering as to make the leap to become officers, and finally all that social class has seen this option

This "attack class", as when men take have brought laws to oppress or discriminate against women, or women to men, or any group over another.

In our society today, this predation is occurring a lot lately on "pot-bellied forties 'and' housewives with children" on "young."

We have lived with the issue of the housing bubble, where a whole generation has been agreed to, with income from work, grab reverse all da

housing available, to force all to come back, (mostly young) to pay exorbitant prices to have a roof over their life, whether for purchase or rental. For

some are doing the same thing too, with the theme to steal the fruits of our academic endeavor.

These strata, have spent years currando and making money without having to invent in training.

And now they want to do is make the leap to the Public Administration, meeting the "little impediment" to enter that stupid soup of the Administration, need "silly title."

And these people as I say, there are all levels and in each union in each provincial capital, there are at least 10 brothers and 10 cousins, 10 brothers, 10 friends, who always wanted to plug into some opposition, but lacked the title of FP, Social Educator, or whatever.

So Allah, titles out! we invented a process of recognition of qualifications in vocational and ale!

In fact, when this issue was presented to validate the titles of FP few months ago in a popular TV program of the Extremadura region, the host of the magazine, expressed his surprise to union members invited to the program, not understanding the process because as the host plant ...

what would happen? Do not you stop the FP? because now all the young people would stop studying FP and would put to work without going to study "

To which the unionists, they smiled and commented that neither of joke. That they were also convinced that " knew no more 10 people in each province of Extremadura, in a position to take the exams on the Recognition and overcome "

words, explained that " did not think any young man of 20 years, which if present, would validate the FP "

(Since this matter was addressed to an elite of elderly people we understand)

Given this, the host itself and felt a little lost and asked the program to the union ...

"but then ... What was a reform of both depth of the FP? When most senior professional, already have their own shops and customers across the life, so that they would want the title of FP, when it spent years in the profession, and fully established?

nonsense is not it?

Is not is aimed at young people so they can incorporate more agile?

And it is here when it appears the crux of reform so nice .... from the mouths of members:


Then I stay clear. It is a black tea, to be shared between the different mafias union, public places were closed so far for friends, not to have these titration.
Of course, all disfrazadito of "social action", to "improve the employment of young"

Even then that pawl, are middle-aged, well established, that looks even better placed.

You also explained something, like they (people akin to unions, if not union members) would be responsible for conducting assessments and others!

That is, the two trade unionists who spoke Extremadura in the Magazine of the evening, were invited by them to people close above them, would be responsible for assembling all the stall test, exemenes and others, to grant the titulitos those.

With this you can imagine the chaos that may be that, for a guy of 40 tacos, which will examine the birthplace of his friend Manolo: "pa ezo then getting into the Hunt of mu puezto UNOH Guen, where you either colocaoh Keas muh pa and the viah toah"

Whereupon, white and bottle. Now you can enter competitions in group C Culqui who until a few days, I had no FP, where his friends will be assessed by the union, and where the court competitions will also be pro-union or no, family friend of ...... Business


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ATTACK OF CLASS (Ratings Educator II)

As many know, this issue is one of the issues that most concern people in the profession, particularly in the south.
For it seems that there bundled with open bar to get a lot of savvy in official places without going through the university, it is well to study, but no money right?

So we have to make a repasito this phenomenon , which are now given away professional titles.

The thing we do not just affect us educator l @ s @ s.

The issue is broader lot, and is a real CLASS ATTACK.

me explain.

As I have seen the issue, I think that is why people in order to trade unions and other mafias, takes watching from a few years old the bargain is that the PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT , so who have spent years trying to be passed by a square of opposition , but without having to study, being very tired.

So savvy these sectors who are friends or "cultural environment" of political , trade unionists, civil servants and other fauna have seen all his friends live nicely for officials, union released, etc ..... and now regret not having studied the race X or simply have removed the FP or graduate.

Therefore, little by little the social demand for all these groups that surround unions, have materialized in a movement of open bar, which is going to give the title to anyone who asks.
So simple. Of course provided that within the networks of patronage political party , vertical unions, etc ...



Gift the titles of Professional Training to all those who "prove experience" , which more or less, according some draft with three of añitos experience, and worth for FP have .


Our case, which gives the title to the first passing through the street, stating, literally

c) The professional practice demonstrating professional competence and eight years in office full-time professional or main tasks of social education in the twenty years preceding the entry into force of this Act

Source Taken from a post "Light CC" in

Sunday, May 3, 2009

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If amijos.

Forget everything you thought you knew about working and get you life, because he is old fashioned.

What Piluca your friend told you about how I put it in nosedonde this outdated, that was yesterday.

Ignore all the rock that was placed in the Extremadura going hangover of having been made of reeds, the first test.

All of that happened. Now according to the gurus that IF anticipate the crisis, such as Santiago Nino BECERRA the host is waiting for us girl .... and will not to happen, nor in 2012 or dosmilpollas.

just going to have 30% unemployment . Osea one in three.

If these highly complex economic data we are not interested, better make it clear ...


And there's more, it will not come to save his ass, nor Obama, nor any fantastic plan of ZP, and Rajoy, and Rosa Diez, and Fernandez Vara, or Gallardon or mother **** any of these.

course not funded by any union


The European Union, a situation the unemployment rate estimated a "conservative" 20.5% for the next year.

what if we're dead? If

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'm freaking. With "Educating Qualified "----------------------------------->

turns out that for years, in competitions 2004 in Extremadura, counted according to tribal elders and became a rare maneuver to give Social Educator jobs in the Extremadura, teachers and other professionals who came Educator developing tasks.

The case is that they left some spaces in secondary schools golosisimas, real adept at sweet, and these educators without titration of Social Educators, the pretendendian. So I have

languages, such as "JTS" (a nickname) Oppositions Forum
Extremadura ... it seems that invented the roll of the "outfit as an educator" to give aa accommodate these professionals, to the exceptional fact of the entry into scenes of the new qualification, and for-entry workers put these somewhere.

But of course, that was in 2004 and were given the opportunity to express your career in Social Education, even have the bad language, for my wrong on that course, which has taken so long to get Educator's opposition, to allow many people to pull out the little run of the balls, and so not having to pirules rare.

Although as you will see, this does not make much sense, that total ... whether to pay 30 euros enabled and have the title .... who else would?

The case, which this week has once again return the matter, and I have been of stone that seems to be that once again, there are people out there who want to pay 30 euros, and get your title Social Educator Express to gain access to a consolidation of job that will make life-long official.

O as seen in some competitions HAYUNTAMIENTOS, which directly and ask that you the title of "EDUCATING SOCIAL ENABLED" leaving clearly that going to the niece of Alderman such a bitch is not race but "worth a lot of the girl."

goes without saying that you should go to an administrative dispute against this bullshit, but it sounds to me already was in 2004, according to what they tell the old, and not got it, but you have to investigate.

Because if not this is already the world upside down, because they first get the plug to Curran, and then you've carefully worked, for 30 euros "I arranged the papers" so that you're not going through college. Damn

hear that bargain!

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ass MERITS IN COMPETITIONS (Social Educator too)

That's it.

I personally was up to the hilt of backpackers points. So I admit, is my personal opinion, they are my natural enemy, but I can reach understanding with them.

From my point of view, I tell you:

in Extremadura at least, many people saw that he could not enter the labor market either because of limited supply that private employment, or whether that oppositions mamoneo was pure dark, which have made generations of graduates over the years, has been made:

-making courses, OK insulting
grants 300 euros per month
-Back to do more courses
-Get plugged into different There are applied to the leather and autonomous agencies, with works shit, just "to get points"

accept this situation, the end has created a situation of PSEUDO MERITOCRACY where at the end, we have not entered the game to fill the coffers of some savvy to teach courses whether Private Schools, Chambers of Commerce, Trade Unions, have been offside.

Because on any opposition to any place in a poky old town of shit where you should kiss your ass just because someone has stepped on a university cease to see there, is that a very regular basis that it contained more OK, apart from the personal interview is not that macramé cursillito that oh surprise! is just the fact that it has Social Educator-law of Councilman Celebrations.

So people will not see the reality that the place was given, preferring to think that this person had been to have the title of the balls cursillito. So 6 months later, the 10 unsuspecting shall be submitted to the plaza and not lograon, targeted to all establishments which provide courses Macramé academies, unions and chambers of commerce, of course .. why "is needed to competitions ".... And at the end

entered a DYNAMIC where it appears that the race is not worth working for yours, if you have to have thousands of courses that do not have the slightest relation to Social Education, or are fully redundant as courses on "Socio."

This system has been the prevailing economic boom years where people have been agilipollada lost.
Because there was no problem, because "it was poor was because he felt like" and where everyone has been pulling shit jobs or family solidarity.

This was very easy to accept SCHOLARSHIP of $ 300 a month, and your parents will get paid the rest of your expenses, so as to "score points and experience."

That is, you have been traded real jobs and real money, for a "fictitious promissory notes" that they have called "points" or "courses" or "merit."

And I have said, what else could you forward the exchange for jobs and real money.

Well, Social eduacion nuggets, as the pepitorros of the bubble economy, you've been scammed, your points will not be worth a shit, not going to be exchanged for nothing, as the pepitos hiceron they were before ye.

As you'll see in the news, finally just the merits, at least in Extremadura and also in the opposition Social Educator of Castilla la Mancha.

Even so, it is clear to try to help with all sorts of illegalities and mamoneos to temporary and acquaintances, leaky, with specific questions for them ... but play the fucking neck, which is an important development

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The social professional education in Extremadura, the Rainforest is primarily for one thing. METER HEAD

But this esoteric term "putting his head? Well put

head is eating shit for years, until it reaches a daydream where "to put you."

But be routed to the legs. No.
In this case reference is made to be placed in any position, in which based on all the merit, the company will not have more guts to give you the job, and Reconco salary you deserve.

Of course, this conception of the job search is based on pillars, which precisely are those that have meant the ruin of our profession, such as:


In the end, what has happened in very many cases in our profession, is that people will accept authentic works dedicated garbage, shit, trash authentic, as, for instance, work in the IMAS SCHOLARSHIPS Caceres for 300 euros a month, Nosecuantos hours a day, just to have something worthwhile to present to the next opposition.
the end, there are very many colleagues, presented to any opposition, laden with backpacks authentic folders

Practices Hours
this and that

All for trying to "get head", because "once you are inside, and no sales", which has been one of the mantras that we have repeated ad nauseam, and they have only been true for a few.

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To not dwell much on the subject.

just say that this post, leave links to the ongoing compliance in terms of both resolution of competitions in running, which breach the legislation force, leaving the opposition legally invalid, only nobody goes to trial (so far)

And also to be see how you respect the time periods of 2 years maximum call entity that committed the political to comply.

As many of you know , on January 28, 2009 Don Angel Franco,

announcement before May 2009, convened new competitions and also that "The oppositions that are called before May, will be more agile and no massive "
of course, his concern not seem to be the enforce the law, if not to " specialized academies say that so far, there are few takers to prepare for evidence of the Board due to "a lack of confidence".

Osea that cojonudo . The setting the pace of regular "flooding of the Nile " are nothing less than the unions and dealers academies.

That is, news like this, that already know who sets the pace ..... now what we do not even want to imagine, is that power would have pressure the millions who wins each academia, on the political agenda

This post is dedicated to all those who post agendas and preparation of oppositions social education, as if they were to be imminent, when it is clear that if this year, which may not, they will be very few in squares, and only going to be worth drawn tenure, and to make interim to earn points will no longer be invoked to "get head", since the merits disappear

Saturday, May 2, 2009

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Well, finally I get to this issue.


written million
Take Care keystrokes on this subject, so any summary that tries to do, I will be fatal, but hey, I'll try to be synthetic

At least the people in regions like Extremadura and Andalucia. Unknown to other regions.

Many people working in the private sector, agree quite unfavorable working conditions, in which on many occasions, see themselves as educators report that is required to work the edge of legality, morality or code of conduct in jobs with children, as the cases filed by the Ombudsman for the People in O'Belem Centers, where according to all indications, the conditions for both workers forced users alike are unfortunate

For this type of working conditions, they simply believe that the private supply of jobs for Social Educators, is simply LAMENTABLE


Unfortunately, I know in Extremadura, simply are not serious and the shadow of fraud hangs over the selection processes.

top, the culture of corruption is fully installed in the current socidad, the mamoneos are understood and even justified and defended by the candidates themselves and the street people in general.

The tests are not anonymous, as they are in another category of the call itself, which are used stickers and bar codes, because if not, obviously, anyone can recognize the applicant

The tests are subjective altamentes , since there is no public criteria for correcion.Y only stands in the court able to decide what is right and what not, which is surprising when the content of the material is highly controversial and debatable, simply because no consenseo academic issues are social, psychological, etc.Se avoid using the test model used to access the Main Prison, which is a practical test, but responded by type test.Este model forces the court, to rule in advance on which considered the correct answer because each case study is about facing a possible 6 correct answers, from which alone the one it is. But enough already narrows

In short, the current system of oppositions in Extremadura, a tracing system Castilla la Mancha, it seems sadly Competitions television late at night, where for over coming calls, no one overshoot the correct answer and only they know who have written on an envelope.

Of course, as these competitions, everyone insists on typical

come! But again calling!
Do not feel discouraged
Come! and really like now if the call comes!
But if it is very easy!


Since 2004 there has been opposition Social Educator in Extremadura until 2007, and once called, have been delayed with all sorts of tricks or Abandonment, until almost April 2009 has been when they started working those approved.

This is done shamelessly violated the very basis of the call and even the Administrative Procedures Act ....

But as in the cases of urban corruption, when the level reaches a certain level mamoneo, laws become something meramete "East", something never binding, or at least to those who control the mechanisms of political power in the region.

The strength of this business is that these administrative actions, by definition, should be NULL and for having made out of time, be seen, which are legal formula for this is not so, and end can stay all in their squares have got them even though based on an act null

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The why of this blog.

First of all, explain the reasons for the creation of this blog. Tired

published in three different forums, I decided to create a blog to gather in one place, the different post that I left scattered there.

The question is, where the educators who are outside the labor market, we are beginning to see the wolf ears and started to see that a university degree, will end up to others like
" Art History " ....
or many others who went to a better life.

Those professionals who were able to put in time in the Public Function , are safe. Especially those who are civil servants. Those who are "labor personnel" as those of Extremadura. Are safe but not quite. At any time they can cancel the contract, if the thing looks ugly. Those who are working for:

autonomous agencies of public and private agencies


.. also know the same colleagues who work in these things, they have one foot inside and one outside , always dependent on the next subvecion, or who enter and leave the political positions, to see if they renew and continue a few more years.

On the other hand, we have colleagues who work in private schools in the most diverse areas.

This is an issue I do not know, so any information is welcome, but on the basis of what I read on the forums, rather unenviable job, underpaid and since have uncovered cases of abuse by Ombudsman, we have seen the low quality of such jobs.