Sunday, May 3, 2009

Midnight Hot Timings In India For Ftv


To not dwell much on the subject.

just say that this post, leave links to the ongoing compliance in terms of both resolution of competitions in running, which breach the legislation force, leaving the opposition legally invalid, only nobody goes to trial (so far)

And also to be see how you respect the time periods of 2 years maximum call entity that committed the political to comply.

As many of you know , on January 28, 2009 Don Angel Franco,

announcement before May 2009, convened new competitions and also that "The oppositions that are called before May, will be more agile and no massive "
of course, his concern not seem to be the enforce the law, if not to " specialized academies say that so far, there are few takers to prepare for evidence of the Board due to "a lack of confidence".

Osea that cojonudo . The setting the pace of regular "flooding of the Nile " are nothing less than the unions and dealers academies.

That is, news like this, that already know who sets the pace ..... now what we do not even want to imagine, is that power would have pressure the millions who wins each academia, on the political agenda

This post is dedicated to all those who post agendas and preparation of oppositions social education, as if they were to be imminent, when it is clear that if this year, which may not, they will be very few in squares, and only going to be worth drawn tenure, and to make interim to earn points will no longer be invoked to "get head", since the merits disappear


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