Thursday, May 14, 2009

Foods To Firm The Stools

RATINGS III. Why now and us?

"But why now, why us?!

Very simple.

1 For can
People and Social Education, are disorganized, have no protection from hard and established professional associations, we have no collective conscience.

If occupations are more roots to eat them.

2 ° They do now because the social demand is soaring

And by "social demand", I mean cousins, wedge, wives, girlfriends, boyfriends and all sorts of political and social environment of unions.

who are tired of how bad he lives out of public employment, and will "get head" where is now the

working conditions of private employment, are so damaged that many people spent years pondering as to make the leap to become officers, and finally all that social class has seen this option

This "attack class", as when men take have brought laws to oppress or discriminate against women, or women to men, or any group over another.

In our society today, this predation is occurring a lot lately on "pot-bellied forties 'and' housewives with children" on "young."

We have lived with the issue of the housing bubble, where a whole generation has been agreed to, with income from work, grab reverse all da

housing available, to force all to come back, (mostly young) to pay exorbitant prices to have a roof over their life, whether for purchase or rental. For

some are doing the same thing too, with the theme to steal the fruits of our academic endeavor.

These strata, have spent years currando and making money without having to invent in training.

And now they want to do is make the leap to the Public Administration, meeting the "little impediment" to enter that stupid soup of the Administration, need "silly title."

And these people as I say, there are all levels and in each union in each provincial capital, there are at least 10 brothers and 10 cousins, 10 brothers, 10 friends, who always wanted to plug into some opposition, but lacked the title of FP, Social Educator, or whatever.

So Allah, titles out! we invented a process of recognition of qualifications in vocational and ale!

In fact, when this issue was presented to validate the titles of FP few months ago in a popular TV program of the Extremadura region, the host of the magazine, expressed his surprise to union members invited to the program, not understanding the process because as the host plant ...

what would happen? Do not you stop the FP? because now all the young people would stop studying FP and would put to work without going to study "

To which the unionists, they smiled and commented that neither of joke. That they were also convinced that " knew no more 10 people in each province of Extremadura, in a position to take the exams on the Recognition and overcome "

words, explained that " did not think any young man of 20 years, which if present, would validate the FP "

(Since this matter was addressed to an elite of elderly people we understand)

Given this, the host itself and felt a little lost and asked the program to the union ...

"but then ... What was a reform of both depth of the FP? When most senior professional, already have their own shops and customers across the life, so that they would want the title of FP, when it spent years in the profession, and fully established?

nonsense is not it?

Is not is aimed at young people so they can incorporate more agile?

And it is here when it appears the crux of reform so nice .... from the mouths of members:


Then I stay clear. It is a black tea, to be shared between the different mafias union, public places were closed so far for friends, not to have these titration.
Of course, all disfrazadito of "social action", to "improve the employment of young"

Even then that pawl, are middle-aged, well established, that looks even better placed.

You also explained something, like they (people akin to unions, if not union members) would be responsible for conducting assessments and others!

That is, the two trade unionists who spoke Extremadura in the Magazine of the evening, were invited by them to people close above them, would be responsible for assembling all the stall test, exemenes and others, to grant the titulitos those.

With this you can imagine the chaos that may be that, for a guy of 40 tacos, which will examine the birthplace of his friend Manolo: "pa ezo then getting into the Hunt of mu puezto UNOH Guen, where you either colocaoh Keas muh pa and the viah toah"

Whereupon, white and bottle. Now you can enter competitions in group C Culqui who until a few days, I had no FP, where his friends will be assessed by the union, and where the court competitions will also be pro-union or no, family friend of ...... Business



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