Sunday, May 3, 2009

How Do You Set Furnace Timer

ass MERITS IN COMPETITIONS (Social Educator too)

That's it.

I personally was up to the hilt of backpackers points. So I admit, is my personal opinion, they are my natural enemy, but I can reach understanding with them.

From my point of view, I tell you:

in Extremadura at least, many people saw that he could not enter the labor market either because of limited supply that private employment, or whether that oppositions mamoneo was pure dark, which have made generations of graduates over the years, has been made:

-making courses, OK insulting
grants 300 euros per month
-Back to do more courses
-Get plugged into different There are applied to the leather and autonomous agencies, with works shit, just "to get points"

accept this situation, the end has created a situation of PSEUDO MERITOCRACY where at the end, we have not entered the game to fill the coffers of some savvy to teach courses whether Private Schools, Chambers of Commerce, Trade Unions, have been offside.

Because on any opposition to any place in a poky old town of shit where you should kiss your ass just because someone has stepped on a university cease to see there, is that a very regular basis that it contained more OK, apart from the personal interview is not that macramé cursillito that oh surprise! is just the fact that it has Social Educator-law of Councilman Celebrations.

So people will not see the reality that the place was given, preferring to think that this person had been to have the title of the balls cursillito. So 6 months later, the 10 unsuspecting shall be submitted to the plaza and not lograon, targeted to all establishments which provide courses Macramé academies, unions and chambers of commerce, of course .. why "is needed to competitions ".... And at the end

entered a DYNAMIC where it appears that the race is not worth working for yours, if you have to have thousands of courses that do not have the slightest relation to Social Education, or are fully redundant as courses on "Socio."

This system has been the prevailing economic boom years where people have been agilipollada lost.
Because there was no problem, because "it was poor was because he felt like" and where everyone has been pulling shit jobs or family solidarity.

This was very easy to accept SCHOLARSHIP of $ 300 a month, and your parents will get paid the rest of your expenses, so as to "score points and experience."

That is, you have been traded real jobs and real money, for a "fictitious promissory notes" that they have called "points" or "courses" or "merit."

And I have said, what else could you forward the exchange for jobs and real money.

Well, Social eduacion nuggets, as the pepitorros of the bubble economy, you've been scammed, your points will not be worth a shit, not going to be exchanged for nothing, as the pepitos hiceron they were before ye.

As you'll see in the news, finally just the merits, at least in Extremadura and also in the opposition Social Educator of Castilla la Mancha.

Even so, it is clear to try to help with all sorts of illegalities and mamoneos to temporary and acquaintances, leaky, with specific questions for them ... but play the fucking neck, which is an important development


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