Monday, May 18, 2009

Steve Prefontiane Clothing

Total! For a costume!

This is like pains apology Cospedal The possible plot Corruption in Valencia .... appealing the low material value of the payments allegedly received.

Putting aside the fact that those gifts would be awarded finger works worth billions of pesetas .

And that by giving this concession works, or whatever, a briber X company, leaves the business to another company of honorable people, is likely to bid with an offer most advantageous to the administration and for citizens.
And now they see injured after losing a Recruitment assuming economic damage, while the other takes it espabiliado warm. Total "....¡

!.... If the money is not nobody Administration ...."

Same problem we have here in Extremadura, with the opposition.

"Total! Enchufaos four!" Listen

to get to 4 fucking plugged in, or have twinkie can be the little square where the floor has a mortgage of 200,000 and the boyfriend, you still need to organize opposition half so that we ensure that such person or grupete interim of gay, are not passed by above for note.
Running a little higher, a little lower. Centers asking for documents, which can only find a temporary .... for which it is not, fuck ....

That is insane, seeing themselves affected by the lack of transparency in test corrections and of course, to the parties themselves, minimizing their importance as well ... the was something corruption that is not so impact on real life .... thing we resent it and rival political who "want bad" one.


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