Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Aqua Velva Aftershave

the Phoenix arrive in good

AFP - 05/27/2008 22:00

Phoenix in good condition but communication problems delayed its activities

En esta imagen suministrada el 27 de mayo de 2008 por la NASA/JPL-Caltech/Universidad de Arizona, se ven las llanuras del polo norte de Marte desde la sonda Phoenix.

Less than 48 hours after landing on Mars, the U.S. probe Phoenix was on Tuesday in perfect condition, but a radio communication problem delayed its unprecedented exploration of Martian arctic soil in search of water ice and past primitive life.

"A disturbance (cosmic) caused temporary disruption of radio communications in very high frequency (UHF) to Phoenix," he told a press briefing Fuk Li, who heads the Mars exploration program at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory ( JPL) in Pasadena (California, west).


He was optimistic by ensuring that radio communications shall be restored in one way or another and that the problem "will not compromise the Phoenix mission."

Fuk Li said that in the worst case the European orbiter Mars Express could ensure the same communication radio with the probe.

"The team (engineers) of the MRO (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter) is currently reviewing what happened and has been trying for several hours to restore radio communication, and we hope that everything returns to normal," he added.

The problem originated in the MRO not in Phoenix, said Fuk Li, "is in perfect condition."

The technical problem delayed, however, planned maneuvers Tuesday to extend the probe's robotic arm.

Other activities may develop normally, but the arm of the Phoenix will not start digging in the permafrost until next weekend, according to JPL.

arm is similar to a mechanical digger and measured 2.35 meters deployed. Is able to dig up to half a meter deep.

The first layer is made of dust, which will be a good show at Mars, given the severe storms that occur regularly on the set of the red planet, said Gary Napier.

mission scientists believe "very likely to find ice mixed with soil in three to four weeks," he said.

This permafrost, a mixture of ice and soil in a ratio of 70 and 30% respectively as the Arctic land, should most likely be at a depth of 12 to 30 centimeters said, although that is not secure.

The first images transmitted by Phoenix show "flat and desolate landscape that also has mounds," said the specialist on Monday planets Peter Smith.

This surface is produced by the polygonal-shaped grooves in the landscape, caused by expansion and contraction of ice sheets in the basement, he said.

When temperatures drop, ice shrinks, causing cracks in the surface soil. After the depressions fill with dust. Once the temperature rises, the ice extends further. As the grooves in the floor were filled, the centers of the polygons under the pressure rise expanding ice in the soil, forming mounds, said the scientist.

If Phoenix finds ice on these grooves, it would mean that "this region was very wet in the past, what would be a great discovery for our team," he said.

The two U.S. robots Spirit and Opportunity, exploring the past three years the surface of Mars in the area of \u200b\u200bEcuador, also found evidence of the presence of water.

Phoenix is \u200b\u200bequipped with a furnace capable of heating the samples for volatile substances like water and molecules confirm that life could exist in the past of this region.


Monday, May 26, 2008

Pokemon Soul Silver Usa Freeze


A good lesson. Not thinking about Chile's political class, to learn that teaching takes a lot, but for the national journalism. At least, he was rescued from an entire case, which led me to investigate more than 3 years, leaves a sample, an indelible impression that we are dedicated to information work could almost make a new school, a new branch within journalism traditional. We managed to enter the event, each from his trench, understanding that the communication monopoly continues to develop and refined over time, but at work, with few exceptions, we journalists turn the common table, and from a look a little less biased reporting our readers what happened in the case called "Case Spiniak." Met

also see how some media were kept out of resources doing a clean job, unquestionable and willingness to try to change the look of a society that reads what monopolies want their readers to read and thus define how they should learn. It is in this sense, I give my most sincere congratulations and respect for the fortnightly PLANBA, led by renowned journalist Alejandra Matus. But it is an act of appreciation to Alexandra, that even without the financial contributions of any kind, and with his experience, his leadership contributed to the work of half that opened paso en el mundo informativo y que muchos trataron de acallar. PLANB no utilizó la ley mordaza o la autocensura, simplemente, la revista no resistió la presión del mercado. Ese fue su fin, pero los que trabajaron ahí hoy pueden decir que tuvieron buena escuela.

En mi caso, trabajando la investigación para el quincenario The Clinic, tengo quizá muchas anécdotas que podría contar, pero acá no vale la pena hacerlo, es mejor referirme a la calidad del trabajo realizado, al reporteo diario, a la dirección de quien en ese tiempo era mi editor. Para él, Juan Andrés Guzmán, dedico estas líneas, porque fue escultor también de mi trabajo y perfeccionamiento en el nicho comunicacional denominado "Investigative journalism." A guide, a person who was always attentive and willing to support the development of each story, though, many times, I must confess that more than I would have liked, "I took out of boxes for reasons of style. However, I still remember some phrases that have helped me to write this book.

I know that I was not the best journalist, but I admit, without false modesty, I did a responsible job, judiciously and with great dedication. That is why, in the void as a good professional feel I deserve, I am pleased I did and regret what I did not manage to perform. However, I still think there's a new time.

dedicate this book to those who want to read it, who agrees and who disagrees. The goal is simpler than many imagine, just to show that, from journalism can contribute to changing the mentality of a country that says "modern" covered by a rule of law, to young and displayed within the stories collected are treated with dignity, regardless of the condition in which they live and even less what to do to survive. Report

think these violations is the meaning of this book, which demonstrates that it is avoidable also continue to maintain two codes of justice that segregate our country: "The Penal Code is for those who have no resources, namely the poor, and the Civil Code for those who have everything and can play up to these entities to supply and demand.

thank everyone who supported my work, who hugged me when the world was already weighing on my shoulders, if only one country. I also thank my colleagues to respect the work I did and everyone who knew me in this activity.

Paddling For Discipline

forceps delivery

More than three years of work, many interviews, incessant search for new sources of fresh were linked directly or indirectly Spiniak case were the result of this book. Efforts make the publication were not uncommon. Censorship was present.
The answers I gave for not publishing were never satisfactory and often suspicious, leaving me with a bitter taste for not understanding or simply because I was denied the opportunity to understand the reasons they gave me but, reread, returned to correct more I never went to self-censorship.
I took my pages and read again without stopping, until he could go alone by editing each line of writing and thinking that somehow or other my work would come to light. The reasons for my contention is simple: many years of work, dedicated research and careful, do not expect financial support of any kind, is, simply, the respect for my own work, on the one hand and, secondly, because of a slap learned that life is paradoxical. Violation of a minor, under the conditions is that, can not leave me to one side of the road being mere spectator to the pain of others as believing that I never would touch anything.
Yes, I have clarity and certainty that there was censorship, but that should not stop the course of history. If not passed a red light because the model requires it then journalism would be liquidated. There was pressure, mainly by people engaged in high positions in the country to frighten, but not frighten me, I did not cause fear, just scares me that the use of their "power" attempt to silence and then take out a speech by simply renewing old fruity words to try to conceal the reactionary mentality.
Obviously, this book is and has been a forceps delivery, but dignity is not tranza. And even without means I birth my project today. Claudia Molina B.

Kates Playground Home

book "The taste of impunity. The truth of the matter Spiniak" (summary)

My son Diego. That without realizing what was happening and not understanding the times I had to leave my family together to move forward with my work has always been giving me the strength to keep going. For you son, a recognition and Education: No one should or may infringe your rights. You'll be a great man, just and responsible, respectful of your own rights and those of your peers. I am very proud of you.

In my family, my brother, who had to live as experiences that we never thought would come this far, to my mother from a distance and silence that accompanied me along this path and be who I am, my cousins, my Aunt Hilda, all my family and friends who support and encourage me to new friends in the course of this publication are summed to give me strength to go all my greatest thanks.

Fragile as a kite / on the roofs of canyon / Luchín child playing / with his little hands purple / with a fake ball / with the cat and the dog / and with the horse .... (Victor Jara)

Thank you all.

PROLOGUE It was a summer day, the heat hits the city, October 2003, when I started working in the investigative report of a case shook and shook an entire country, it was the famous "Case Spiniak." Judicial process that helped to see clearly the political and ideological divisions in our country, even topped the issue of rape human rights. Not because they were less important, on the contrary, but because it really showed teeth both ends of national policy in the least overlapping and that Chile was not very accustomed.

one hand, the traditional right and the hardest engaged in an alliance that proved to be far weaker internally than many thought. The division of the positions within the Alliance for Chile proved to be a particular ingredient in the treatment of the subject that the questioning. On the one hand, the National Renovation (RN) led by renowned businessman and politician, Sebastián Piñera, who supported discreetly at first, the said a parliament of its own policies and, on the other hand, the far-right Independent Democratic Union (UDI) led by Senator Jovino Novoa, who was involved in the thorny case of child abuse that Chile has been known also by MP Pablo Longueira friend and colleague of Novoa. Both of the hardest line on the right who are teaching them the game creator, Jaime Guzman Errazuriz, as good disciples, but at the end - to end.

Nobody thought that one more case of child abuse who were in a state of extreme vulnerability that the racket would move as political pendulum from one side to another, as they emerged statements and also the active participation of the press, each obeying its editorial line and also by the political reaction that took on the case.

drew attention to the UDI came on the scene loudly, intimidating to many complaints to speak of the "remote possibility" that a senator of that party was involved. Rather, the opinion of many, the attitude and strength in his speeches helped Chile to recall, with the same force, the military orders issued during the first day of the coup in Chile. Insurance would not blood, but if heads would roll. And it was. The first to go was appointed Visiting Judge Daniel Calvo, and gradually many others who may read these pages.

Delving into the movements that were both right-wing parties such as the conglomeration of the Coalition, realize that there is a country where first we can not know everything that happens on the national stage and, otherwise, we can know something but provided to realize that nothing could be true. A kind of bazaar theory: You do what you want and you and I look to the side. True, the law of probability exists and works, but there are cases in which breaks that myth. Thus begins the story rough from the night he was arrested on a prestigious businessman, Jaime Claudio Spiniak Vilensky.

Since he was arrested and charged with everything said was true, both for defense and alienated by the media and by the prosecuting attorneys. Slowly, he began to form a cloud that was trying to make that nothing was true or at least everything would be a montage, a conspiracy.

The truth is that those ideas and a strong defense, also was convicted, that is, not everything was true and not everything was fake. One of the certainties that can be deployed police of this great event is the unveiling of the limited capacity to act "in a transparent manner, the National Service for Minors (SENAME), which led at that time by the Christian Democratic Delia Del Gatto, showed the failure of a poorly thought out and developed that would allow truly protect children. Quite the contrary, the same victims were butchered many more times than any conscience could bear.

This book contains details that were not published and, over the investigation resulted in what is written with absolute responsibility and ethics that should be in this profession. Many details given in the research, do not appear with their names for fear of reprisals, fear not in our country even lower. One example is the justification for the Catholic Church to take long box and then appear against the former priest Artiagoitía

· judiciary Since when Spiniak knew of the case?
· Who were the political friends of the entrepreneur and criminals?
• What was actually the work of SENAME in this case?
• How it came about the fall of Minister Daniel Calvo, who was behind this move distracting? Who was truly "queer"?
• What is the secret that the Cardinal Errazuriz is kept under lock and key and that helped out down the right to withdraw support to the priest Artiagoitía?

· Why why there was a lawyer SENAME was also part of the State Defense Council participating in the same case?
• Why the identity of some-of the many mentioned in the research were well guarded and not the former Mayor of Valparaiso?
• Why Valderrama Minister contradicted the crimes and confirmed by the Minister Sergio Muñoz in sentencing, leaving a sentence Spiniak so low that it seemed a new judicial joke?

Chapter I. - Starting a rough history.

This chapter presents the first young men who gave way to the opening of the investigation of life and tastes "oddball" Claudio Spiniak Vilensky and at the same time, the work of various media in Chile.
CB, is one of hundreds of children through the doors of the various properties in which it was Jaime Claudio Spiniak Vilensky. This young, high on the property suffered a fit of despair and decided to retire. The way to do it was violent. He jumped high fence of the house. Thus began a woven a story that, little by little, he showed his face hidden, ruthless and abusive face of a country that still aims to cover the sun with a finger.

By investigating a simple command in the role of 33 ° N from 2381 to 1910 Criminal Court of Santiago, the young against the two policemen Claudio Palma and Mauricio Madrigal, May 30, 2003 at 12: 15 hrs., recalled and recounted his experience in the house of businessman Claudio Spiniak Vilensky, when he was only 13 years old. This statement is what finally kicks off the precipitous decline of the entrepreneur and a few characters with power Spiniak supported in achieving their pleasures.

"... Then we were in a field stands at the entrance to the house and Claudio
said aloud: "It is rich black, do you have big? (Referring to Michael) and Michael
he said: "No ... the donkey is better than me ... moments later
all entered the house, keeping only Claudio , where he hugged me and started stroking my head saying
" Mijita are beautiful and rich, take off your clothes, how tennis? Tennis
do you grow up? Where I said: "There goes ná ( sic)
(CB Story) Chapter

II. Spiniak Children and their political friends.

Jaime Claudio Spiniak Vilensky was born in September 1948 in the heart of a wealthy Jewish family. His father, Miguel Spiniak and his mother Fanny Vilensky arrived in Chile after the Second World War. Joined, as is tradition-based Jewish Colony in Chile. They had three sons, Paul , Claudio and Luis Alberto and although the business reported good results amassing no inconsiderable fortune, did not leave to live in austerity. Spiniak

but rather exhibited a introverted personality was not alone. Although never known for being an outgoing person, anyway had some "friends" of quality and relevance in different fields. Thus did the detention block CB when the child ran away from home in the array, calling a retired police officer, but as you know, in Chile, even when retired influences persist over time. From politicians, soldiers, businessmen and even criminals were part of its core but more reliable, at least one group of friends that allowed him to be calm and assured to give vent to their pleasures.

Chapter III. The Judicial major political scandal.

relapse research on 03 February 2002, in Los Cabos Madrigal de Palma and the 37 th Precinct, were "supposed" to maintain contact for further progress in research in conjunction with the 48th Precinct of the Family. But these two units as well as other instances of police and never knew that there was another police unit devoted to research prior to the employer. The 18th Precinct of made Vitacura research and monitoring daily activities and parties Spiniak .

According to the investigation and in private conversations with involved, for fear of reprisals spoke on condition of anonymity, said they, in the investigation, able to recognize various politicians who attended the address of the employer, one of them was Senator Nelson Ávila . Confirming something that closed after the investigation was dismissed. "Not true, say police sources, because there were indeed involved politicians and high ranking soldiers, it was found during the time that the 18 th police investigated the matter. Just wanted you to tone down the subject, the whole truth did not come to light, "said one respondent.

From that date onwards, until September 15, 2002 Madrigal and Palma were directly working on the case. However, something happened that left two soldiers out of the case and had to surrender all records to the 48 th Commissioner of the Family. Fiestas Patrias originate, research is already quite strong in a short break, while the strength of 48 ° are venturing into research. Back from the holiday week, is already beginning to devote what would The major political scandal and police. On 30 September the same year, under a peremptory order, the 48th took the head of the arrest of businessman and past midnight. Him out of his home half dressed as the cameras of Channel 13 (Program Contact) was already showing their lights on all over Chile in the early hours of the morning after the big operation deployed in the upper quarter of the city. And begins to move the national political racket.

Chapter IV .- The Great Missile

Maria Pia Guzman, member of political party center-right National Renovation (RN ) and iron supporter-along with Christian Democratic Rep. Patrick Walker - ARASI Foundation (Action and Response Against Child Sexual Abuse) directed by Claudia Fuentes, appears on national television screen, the program "Good Morning All "referring to the amendment of the law of sexual abuse against minors which increased sentences for perpetrators of this crime against children.
When asked about the arrest of Claudio Spiniak , which occurred last night, Guzman took a blow to the national political class, indicating that information had realized political participation within the network that had been disrupted during the night of 30 September. On that occasion, the deputy referred to the issue in harsh terms and added information that shook the entire society. Although not provide further details, Guzman reported that within the network would have some bipartisan members of the country. "All I can say, according to information management, is that two of them would be Christian Democrats (DC ) and one of the Independent Democratic Union (UDI ).

His statements became a big missile, waiting and willing citizens know who were so prestigious politicians involved in despicable acts and political parties began to falter again with these statements, which left everyone exposed to public ridicule.
Although after his remarks, Senator Patrick Walker with Pia Guzman who worked to pass the bill in Congress, along with Claudia Fuentes, who was director of Arasi and who gave him information the politicians involved, let Guzman alone against windmills. Refused all information, go even further, both said they had no record, however, after the interview on Good Morning to All of Deputy RN the three met at the Hotel Carrera and decided to attend the Supreme Court to request a special prosecutor. Why else did not have strong background?
This inconsistency was highlighted in an exclusive interview with Claudia Fuentes and is reproduced in these pages.

Chapter V. - The Mysteries of Gemita

One of the characteristics of the personality of the young man was the notorious feature to people punishing female. However, men showed a docile behavior, almost sweet and seductive. Its most aggressive towards the male sex due mainly to the degree of protection that had been assigned by the court, claimed he was too guarded and could not freely do what she wanted. With police behaved held a sharp and sometimes swearing. Extremely hard in the treatment of them, but even so, this attitude did not prevent a sexual relationship with one of the guards, the police officer Beltrán.

This policeman had to testify before the court because of this relationship with the girl, assuming institutional responsibilities and also awarded against his wife (he was married) committed infidelity. Worse, the couple had to undergo examinations due to possible infections of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs ) who had been diagnosed by the doctor Orlandi. Meanwhile, Gemita should hold a scandal that the wife of him in uniform over the phone.
But what else could hide Gemita Well? According to the investigation sought to hide much of his life and exposing other unconnected with his own reality. And while everything started to darken between these and misfortunes, one thing was yet its truth. One of those things, it was never clear in the work the Sename and mainly in relation to what the young told a professional institution. Why Gemita Well first said Rina Montt interview him truthfulness, in circumstances that was Patricia Vera?
As this example, many more will find in this chapter.

Chapter VI .- Sename
in Action's work
Sename in this case is amazing. How to manage situations that helped to further emphasize the power of the institution, because never before had so much public exposure as entering into this case.
The institutional organization committed serious misconduct, an example of this is that simple valuations became aware interviews that background information and referring them to court. Who was responsible for it?
Moreover, the Sename was aware of all the proceedings and what was happening and that was entered in the record, as the attorney for the institution was also part of staff attorney of the State Defense Council . That is, both sides got the information that served to feed some media.
What was the great role of Delia Del Gatto Spiniak if ?. Rina
Montt, the psychologist prosecuted for various crimes that led her to be detained on two occasions has the details of how it worked Sename this case and the scope of each of the activities of the institution.

Chapter VII .- The First Fallen

Daniel Calvo Flores, had 45 years old when he took over the case Spiniak . Provieniente a Catholic family, he married Monica Olivares with whom he has five children. He studied law at the University of Chile, and today is at least 18 years of experience in the judiciary.
began his career as a reporter of the Court of Appeals of Santiago, owner of the 3rd Criminal Court, and reporter of the Supreme Court between 1995 and 2002, during which their skills were outstanding, making it very respected within the legal circle.
On October 13, 2003, the Plenum of the Santiago Court of Appeals removed the investigation was in the hands of Judge the 33rd Criminal Court capital, Eleonora Domínguez, and appointed Calvo as prosecutor for the process in question. Withdrawing human rights cases to be devoted only to the "Case Spiniak ."
However, after less than a month after the start of its investigation, on 5 November, denounced the judge himself the subject of a covert extortion. After much thought, nervous and anxious, Calvo decides to put his resignation to the Court of Appeals, because the situation was hurting too. Why is extortion and discredit the work of Daniel Calvo at a time when the investigation was a fast and efficient way? Who could be behind this plot? His mood began to crumble. I sensed that something would come strong against him, but not size in question and what it would have on his career, his family and the judiciary as a whole.
In this chapter you can read background will gradually elucidating who participated, how they did and what was the point target to get the Minister Calvo of the investigation. Why is the judiciary gave back a minister who had all the support and prestige for work performed prior to the case Spiniak ? What was a real plot?

Chapter VIII .- Margarita and Uncle Ricky

During the investigation, almost from its inception, was named one girl who was allegedly murdered in the house of businessman Claudio Spiniak located in the array. Margarita.
Longueira said at the time that this girl did not exist and that his party had found safe and sound. However, the girl who found the UDI in the port of San Antonio, there was little that George described. Her name was Margaret, in that there were coincidence, but this girl had lived in the home of the priest Artiagoitía and then returned home with their families. The happy ending to Longueira , because in response to the doubts sown about the missing girl and questioning of Well said, is a description of the girl under the title " Spiniak : the story of a sketch ".
After extensive research and monitoring of tracks is concluded that there was Daisy. Mainly, because in the investigations, the Department V found the testimony of a minor, performed within an organization called The Face, recounting his life story and that it coincided with the descriptions made Gemita of the child. But
Sub-Commissioner Eduardo Rendich reported that it could help in the search because the "Missing Persons Unit" was formed a year ago (2001) and therefore did not have information from previous years. As for Margarita can not be regarded as a "lie more" or say, simpletons that never existed. Today there is no way to know for taking charge that the Police Department has no records prior to 2003 for the Missing Persons Unit, the case still remains between them.
What happened to the famous Uncle Ricky ? Uncle Ricky , a man who until now for many is a NN is one more than was in and out of the case, it does not exist. Making almost urban myth. Notwithstanding the fact that some reporters were able to know who it was, was never published anything about the identity of this character, even when repeatedly participated in the celebrations of the employer. And though it was covered and protected in books reserved, Uncle Ricky has identity and names and important positions. In this chapter you will know who the famous businessman who called himself Uncle Ricky . Chapter

IX - The Great Secret of Cardinal

When there was only one month to fulfill a yearlong investigation by the case Spiniak, the church broke the silence that characterized the highest ecclesiastical authority. Cardinal Francisco Javier Errazuriz , who had maintained a profile that characterizes such controversial situations, spoke for the first time against Artiagoitía priest, the priest Jolo, calling peremptorily silenced.

The call was not an ordinary day, it happened on Tuesday August 17, 2004, after a meeting he held at the home of Senator Novoa , managed by the former mayor of Santiago and ailing former presidential the right Creole, Joaquin Lavin . On 19 August the Cardinal, in a friendly and against the media took the support of the priest. Through the press, Errazuriz Artiagoitía ordered to remain silent, a sneaky do not you shut up!

This was taken not only as a warning to the priest, but a significant support removed. What happened to the Cardinal took this decision and made public, but without giving further arguments?

Cardinal kept a secret, like the church. What is the secret that the prelate was able to change her attitude? In the pages of this chapter the reader will find this no small detail that I investigated and corroborated by church sources and served for one of those consulted me immediately threatened to excommunicate and lodge a complaint against me for 500 million pesos . But neither the pressure of the church or any organization or person intimidate the development of my work.

Chapter X - We drop the key witness.

Not that Novoa is good ... but Gemita Malo. With this cover begins a new and strong tremor in Chile. When the entire country was on the lookout for opportunities to say publicly that Gemita Well had been sexually involved with Sen. Jovino Novoa , despite all the reports and information circulating around that she was falling slowly into a canopy of lies, their own lies, also was expected that something would happen and put the case back to the track from where it departed the investigation and charges.
did not. And what many called a "cartwheel" because of an article I published in The Clinic and appeared on the cover with the sentence quoted at the beginning, the outcome of that report was a detailed investigation and analysis of interviews Gemita Well I had already given and which was corroborated with other sources gave way to tell readers that Gemita lying. Later
Gemita told reporters that he had spent all of Chile through the slit, making it clear that he had falsified his statements, leaving the priest in check Jolo, her protector, her daddy , the man who ultimately said "love." A new debacle and speculation all national level. The media not knowing where to direct our gaze, anyway something that suited him right, he fell to the former "key witness" and send it to COF arrested.
But is it true that Gemita lied about everything? There are situations which were not clarified and these are reflected flat assertions of Gemita that could never be denied. Just ended the chapter of this story, legally, with a decisive sentence "lack of evidence to say whether is true or false testimony" far left open the possibility that Gemita said something that could not be verified.

Chapter XI .- Farándula and politics.

For the office of Minister Muñoz was a parade of faces, television, actors, politicians.

Actor Carlos Embry, was one of them. Embry was accused of being "frequent customer" by the young Carlos Acevedo. Even took out a confrontation between the two, where the young described the apartment where he lived Embry, and where it contacted, at a gas station next to the Posta Central. Carlos Acevedo slept in units of the health center. The charge came to nothing, because the department described the young man was being leased by others. Anyway, an actor you know perfectly Embry said he often saw him accompanied by young and seemed strange but could not think or imagine he was involved in these things. It's a shame!

But this was not the only character who went through the office and consultation of the Minister Muñoz. One of the hardest hit was the former Mayor of Valparaiso, Hernan Pinto, who until he was subjected to expert, one protactal (review anal) leaving it exposed to public opinion absolutely humiliated. Why him and with other characters that were not called to testify? Perhaps this is discrimination?

Chapter XII .- A statement questionable.

10 August, and winter seeped in Santiago, was 14 degrees maximum temperature, but the barometer marked more in the Presidential Palace. President Michelle Bachelet received 10 mayors of Chiloé, to discuss the failure of the project construction on the bridge over the Chacao channel, south of our country. Courthouse in temperature also rose, journalists, we prepared to listen and play the sentence would be issued by the Minister Claudio Valderrama against Spiniak.

could say that the ruling left again a disoriented Chile. However, after discussions between colleagues cans and lawyers, in fact, all recognized that it was curious, to say the least, the ruling, which showed us nothing but the x-Chile, the same x-forever. Where the perpetrators are able to obtain benefits and innocent in this case violated, are carried away by the waters of "justice" applied with an iron fist. Valderrama
Minister, who issued the ruling, Spiniak acquitted of charges that had been framed as felonies by his predecessor, Minister Sergio Muñoz. A statement to be read carefully to understand the arguments that left Spiniak a sentence of 5 years and a day. A statement that is felt in the public as a "mockery."

Amid the Alameda de las Delicias, Chile limited to the center of injustice

Note: The Complete Edition Book "The taste of impunity. The truth of the Spiniak case, may be obtained by sending an email to the author.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Coduri Pentru Mount And Blade

Hitchhiker Ghost

One of the most ghost stories are repeated from the Urban Legends is of ghost hitchhikers. Lost souls who died in a car accident or at some point in the road and behaving like a normal person until a certain point or mile for the hitchhiker.

Generally their appearance is that of a normal hiker and people collect them think they are helping someone. His behavior is normal in most cases, although sometimes speaks of a deep sadness or attitudes that demonstrate that they were "as frightened" when approaching the point where they died.

The agony in the time usually goes away (even with the car running), although in some cases reaching a curve (where it is assumed that died) some cry before vanishing as a result of remembering the day he died.
People who have had encounters with ghosts hitchhikers have accurate descriptions of the face and clothing of people gathered. Descriptions to be verified with family or police reports show that these people had a real encounter.

Below you will see three famous cases that although not the most impressive are the most documented and credible that I could find.
The Phantom Hitchhiker Young

In 1931 a girl was killed while being driven home after a dance at the O'Henry Ballroom Archer Avenue in Chicago. Wearing his white gown and your dancing shoes, was buried at Resurrection Cemetery Also in the same street.

For several years after the events, some motorists have reported seeing a young white dress with a former practicing hitchhiking on Archer Avenue. It is said that, mostly, or single men picked her up to her car without being invited and asked to take her home and then made them leave in the Resurrection Cemetery . Some drivers have said the woman left the car without opening the door.

One night in December 1977 a man came by car and noticed a young woman dressed in white behind the gate of Resurrection Cemetery . Believing that he might have been inadvertently locked inside, a motorist called police.

But when they arrived, the girl had disappeared. Noted, however, that the wrought iron bars of the gate the cemetery were slightly bent outward and distinguished on both sides in the footsteps of both hands.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Kamehasutra Comic On Blog

"I miss being" in Dean Funes Duende

Cordoba, Dean Funes, May 15 2008

DWARF "in Dean Funes?
A troll lurks

Last Saturday unofficial sources appeared as an elf in this city. This happened on Sarmiento Street and Constitution.

One version states that a man was walking by this corner and saw a petite figure. The man asks - Hoooooolaaa you do? just what greets a neighbor and when you turn the creature had disappeared without a trace.

Another version says that a young was on the intersection of these streets, when I hear that something stepped dried leaves libustrines back of the house and the teenager did not give importance . When he returned close to where the comment was that the dwarf had appeared in this house and sat on the sidewalk. when he saw that quickly came to be jumping the roof and disappeared without a trace.

Neighbors say they saw this dwarf jumping roofs and also in the "Tennis Club" a few meters of the previous time was also seen.

Six months almost to the other appearance in Salta, this creature appeared in Dean Funes Will this be connected with the appearance in Guemes, Salta? Perhaps because of this city passed the Belgrano Railway which passes through the same Guemes.

Text: Facundo


Edited by Alone in the Dark

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Howmuch Time Off With Kidney Infection

I can not publish this I found navigating through cyberspace. I find it very interesting in terms of many religious bias in their efforts to go to scripture to justify what they see fit.

Laura Schlessinger is a radio host known in the United States has a program that gives advice directly to listeners who call. He once jumped over the controversial (and more when mixing of religion and homosexuality, where each person interprets what God and the Bible says differently) when the presenter attacked homosexuals. The broadcaster has said recently that homosexuality is an abomination, and that tells you the Bible in Leviticus, verse 18:22, and therefore can not be allowed under any circumstances.

transcribed What follows is an open letter to Dr. Laura written by a resident in the United States, which has been made publicly available on the internet (no waste):

"Dear Dr. Laura:

Thank you for doing so much to educate people in the law of God. I have learned a lot from his radio show and try to share my knowledge with all people that I can. For example, when someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, I simply remind them that Leviticus, in verses 18:22 clearly states that homosexuality is an abomination. Endpoint.

Anyway, I need some advice from you regarding some other specific biblical laws and how to follow them

a. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In the times we live in, what Price thinks it would be best? B.

Leviticus 25:44 states that I can own slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans but not Canadians. Can you clarify this point? Why I can not own Canadians?. C.

I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness (Lev 18:19). The problem I faced is: how I can know if they are or not? I have tried asking, but most women take offense. D.

I have a neighbor who insists on work on Saturday. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should receive the death penalty. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself? Can you clarify this issue you somehow? E.

In Leviticus 21:20 states that one can not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. Do I have to admit that I wear reading glasses? Does my vision have to be 100%? Can relax a bit this condition?

f. Most of my friends (men) wear their hair trimmed, including the area of \u200b\u200bthe temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev 19:27. How should they die?

g. I know thanks to Leviticus 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean. Even so, I can still play football if I wear gloves?

h. My uncle has a farm. He violates Leviticus 19:19 says, planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton / polyester blend). He, also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary to conduct the cumbersome process of gathering all the villagers to stone them? (Lev 24:10-16). Could not we just burn them to death at a family reunion private, as is done with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev 20:14).

I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident you can help. Thanks again for reminding us that the word of God is eternal and unchanging. "
Source: Atheist Forum
Photo: Still Life with Bible, Vincent Van Gogh

Friday, May 2, 2008

What Happens After Deworming A Puppy


recently read with great satisfaction that the United Kingdom has launched an initiative to psychics and other charlatans prove to a court esoteric powers. These charlatans states rose in protest (with collection of signatures and all) they claim to protect freedom of belief in not wanting to realize (or potential customers fall) to believe that freedom is not violated at any time, only the freedom to trade with the belief without guarantee, as is law in the market which may affect the consumer, the authenticity of what is sold. The premise is logical, if I sell something that has a function shall have shown me something that actually serves, that is, it works.

felt some envy because I have the feeling that in this country have little chance of seeing such an initiative put in place a carbon traders and finally put up a barrier dignity against the impunity of those who exploit superstition and fear. Because let's not forget that here the court, and specifically the Supreme as assumed that you must have a minimum education, does not consider that cheating is guilty and throws a "Fuck the cheated" a "have been more cult "and acquitted of a crime of fraud to a healer who deceived brothers who came to her to heal the liver cancer he suffered his father.

Now, a little hope on the horizon: the skeptic Circle has taken an initiative to collect signatures to propose the measure was made in the United Kingdom the Directive 2005/29/EC of the European Parliament and Council to protect consumers from predatory scams esoteric market like the one mentioned without the scammers go scot-free by deceiving someone who "should have been more cult. " It is a matter of believing or not believing, is a matter of protecting, as in all other areas, consumers in the market. Please sign ...

Want to know more?:
A sign!
esoteric market control.