Friday, May 23, 2008

Coduri Pentru Mount And Blade

Hitchhiker Ghost

One of the most ghost stories are repeated from the Urban Legends is of ghost hitchhikers. Lost souls who died in a car accident or at some point in the road and behaving like a normal person until a certain point or mile for the hitchhiker.

Generally their appearance is that of a normal hiker and people collect them think they are helping someone. His behavior is normal in most cases, although sometimes speaks of a deep sadness or attitudes that demonstrate that they were "as frightened" when approaching the point where they died.

The agony in the time usually goes away (even with the car running), although in some cases reaching a curve (where it is assumed that died) some cry before vanishing as a result of remembering the day he died.
People who have had encounters with ghosts hitchhikers have accurate descriptions of the face and clothing of people gathered. Descriptions to be verified with family or police reports show that these people had a real encounter.

Below you will see three famous cases that although not the most impressive are the most documented and credible that I could find.
The Phantom Hitchhiker Young

In 1931 a girl was killed while being driven home after a dance at the O'Henry Ballroom Archer Avenue in Chicago. Wearing his white gown and your dancing shoes, was buried at Resurrection Cemetery Also in the same street.

For several years after the events, some motorists have reported seeing a young white dress with a former practicing hitchhiking on Archer Avenue. It is said that, mostly, or single men picked her up to her car without being invited and asked to take her home and then made them leave in the Resurrection Cemetery . Some drivers have said the woman left the car without opening the door.

One night in December 1977 a man came by car and noticed a young woman dressed in white behind the gate of Resurrection Cemetery . Believing that he might have been inadvertently locked inside, a motorist called police.

But when they arrived, the girl had disappeared. Noted, however, that the wrought iron bars of the gate the cemetery were slightly bent outward and distinguished on both sides in the footsteps of both hands.



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