Friday, May 2, 2008

What Happens After Deworming A Puppy


recently read with great satisfaction that the United Kingdom has launched an initiative to psychics and other charlatans prove to a court esoteric powers. These charlatans states rose in protest (with collection of signatures and all) they claim to protect freedom of belief in not wanting to realize (or potential customers fall) to believe that freedom is not violated at any time, only the freedom to trade with the belief without guarantee, as is law in the market which may affect the consumer, the authenticity of what is sold. The premise is logical, if I sell something that has a function shall have shown me something that actually serves, that is, it works.

felt some envy because I have the feeling that in this country have little chance of seeing such an initiative put in place a carbon traders and finally put up a barrier dignity against the impunity of those who exploit superstition and fear. Because let's not forget that here the court, and specifically the Supreme as assumed that you must have a minimum education, does not consider that cheating is guilty and throws a "Fuck the cheated" a "have been more cult "and acquitted of a crime of fraud to a healer who deceived brothers who came to her to heal the liver cancer he suffered his father.

Now, a little hope on the horizon: the skeptic Circle has taken an initiative to collect signatures to propose the measure was made in the United Kingdom the Directive 2005/29/EC of the European Parliament and Council to protect consumers from predatory scams esoteric market like the one mentioned without the scammers go scot-free by deceiving someone who "should have been more cult. " It is a matter of believing or not believing, is a matter of protecting, as in all other areas, consumers in the market. Please sign ...

Want to know more?:
A sign!
esoteric market control.


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