Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How To Set My Io Remote

by Camilo Ramírez Garza

The harrowing experience of losing a son in a bloody manner, thousands of mothers
in Mexico, the crime must also have a poor delivery system
of justice, which, using the impunity and corruption, made a veiled way and open
a much greater violence and crime: not assure
minimum safety and protection to its citizens, let alone earlier by preventing crime,
but then the execution processes and penalties for offenders. Ideally:
to be justice not only put in place to each, but served, why not say,
for the rest of family and friends and society in general, particularly the
parents. Finally the death of our loved ones and his crime went unpunished
was sanctioned. That law would meet its goal of being secured, while in other cases
justice waits indefinitely for the style of the series "Cold Case." As is the case
of massive crimes 68y 71 in Mexico, despite forming a specialized committee
these crimes of the past, justice has not occurred.

experiences in many disappearances and abductions, parents request
loudly at least know where his daughter, his son, in order to rest,
homage, mourn his memory. I remember Nelson Vargas repeatedly expressed
so, like thousands of parents all across the country. For
have a body and a grave is the beginning of the break, the duel, both plagued by crime
and the family. When this is lacking, the beloved family is in all places and
while none. When it comes to death for a crime, besides the immense pain
- Words can not! - Adding to experiment in passivity and impotence
a radical act performed by someone known or unknown, in an instant, he
of our life something different, no turning back. "I do not I have nothing to lose, I'm
living dead" (Nelson Vargas)

The whys are multiplying and are, if not silence, a thousand possibilities
explanatory, each is an attempt impossible to capture the meaning of death,
act crazy, criminal, performative, even unknown to those who executed him. If the murderers
acquaintances, they curse the hours, days, places where he saw
his hand, received, talked to him ... he stole the breath dear relative. And if
also heartbreaking crime that can not reach a sentence for the system
should dispense justice, then the pain has no place or time, or measure, and the pain of loss
one be bloody he wanted to add the crime despite the injustice of a poor and corrupt
that rather than protect, punish. Who then will
justice if the state does not guarantee? Does God, school, church, just as before the eyes
accomplices to these same state institutions opera?

Impotence Escobedo Marisela Ortiz, an activist who emerges from the sorrow for the tragedy
the murder of her daughter, Ruby Marisol Frayre, at the hands of a criminal, who
not punish the Mexican justice system, but released, was launched to carry out legitimate activities
protest, demanding justice, finally another criminal act, the braking being finalized
opposite the Palace of Government of Chihuahua, the night of December 16, while
placed a blanket said: "Justice: Governor's privilege. And for my daughter
when? "... Days earlier said: "If I will come to kill that man, to come and murder me here
opposite, shame on government. I have threats from him and his family
.... To come and finish me, let me finish here in front, to see if
ashamed. " The death of Marisela Ortiz Escobedo was another act of protest, complaint
dramatically against the very thing that lovingly by her daughter, was struggling
: impunity for their crimes, perhaps the only way to deal with death.

Twitter: CamiloRamirez_

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Vc-211a Treiber Windows 7

With motherly love "The sensible and affections"

by Camilo Ramírez Garza

"Psychoanalysis, in this sense, it is conservative, since

teaches the current subject is also permitted to suffer " Slavoj Zizek

Given the insistent comment-commonplace, etiological panacea for all ills- From " That is due to the loss of values \u200b\u200b"- among others. In this every one who "pulls water to his mill, "politicians will ask for more budget, while some teachers blame parents, or those those, etc. We note, first, a predominance of the sensitive, immediate, fleeting, over the affections. While the sensitivity is, say, governed by the charm of the senses (pleasure, comfort, fast, and instantly, the faster, well, nice and cheap, better) affections, according to a psychoanalytic approach have to do more in a position before the (own) desire: to that, just that it could not have done, then cancel it, life itself is canceled, the joke of jokes, dreams, desires, etc.

The market knows any thing relating Pavlovian products (youth, beauty, happiness, joy, power) not only by the Machiavellian market, but something fundamental to humans, the loss of instinctive regulation was necessary to invention of the culture that gave us not only a context but reality itself, from that hole in the "natural" all may be associated with anything. "The body is a gift of language," Lacan. The state "natural" for humans is artificial. Which know psychoanalysts, artists, comedians and advertisers. Hence we see parading deodorants that make the skin appear beautiful women, cell phones make us leave the confinement of not having one, and instantly be connected and have thousands of friends, dishwashing liquid to moisturize skin, to the mother who would not look the hands of a servant, etc.. His logic poses immediate gratification of the senses to the manner of a postmodern superego with its dictatorial rule: You enjoy! The commitment of capital, which apparently no one would give, would be to subtract effort, patience and dedication to the way coffee caffeine is removed (for the beer alcohol, food, calories, sex without sex, war without death, etc.) their element "dangerous", which once required, for thus giving the illusion that a click, you can have the world in the palm of the hand, and if you have no how, no matter, you can at 6,12,24, 34 months interest free, to enjoy now, pay later.

"I want to work here, because I think a lot of work is not" "he said of the blue a candidate for an assistant in my office, without any labor diplomacy whatsoever. I suspect that no one listened, because someone might hear a little resonable what you are saying. The logic: work less, earn more. Sure! And your snow? Affects respond to that which longs for and can not be acquired immediately, even if they are objects to be bought, but by mediation effort, work and love, honestly for resources to enjoy what rightfully earned. The sensible for its immediacy prefer to take shortcuts, skipping the rail of the legal, sensible being organized evil that lives up to ... No matter how long they will be soon! Obviously why not say so, " most momentous, that hard-won and not a moment. Here some readers, as well as some who writes it, we might think that these speeches are of old, outdated ... of course, at one time believed that human happiness in life was also a dose of pain itself, suffering and effort. While this existence is being produced bipolar designed not only for products that satisfy immediate desires and follies, thirst, hunger, sleep, health, but about the subject .... Reduced to a simple figure, average percentage gain. Subvert this effect is possible, considering that the relationship with time and space, where networks are deployed with others, are taking their logic, their time, efforts .... "There is time for everything" ... but the problems arise when everyone wants to live without restriction or limitation, then there is no edge, the border line, borderline, bipolar, can be read socially as Desperate to have a "brake", a "limit", a border, to organize, comfort and structure, when it is missing, often the body is the border "has something to limit" by contingencies: stress, illness, accident, death ...

Twitter: CamiloRamirez_


Cool Gift For A Barber

From sadness and melancholy

Camilo Ramírez Garza

"Psychoanalysis does not seek to bring the subject to reality, but rather,

raised at first, how came this thing called reality"

Slavoj Zizek


throughout history have been described some experiences where you can appreciate the loss, gradual or sudden interest in people, objects and / or daily activities . Not only did not feel like anything but, maybe, not even feel like they are willing, or not feel like anything, but at least want to want. They have been called by various names: "Melancholy", "Depression", "Sadness in the extreme" to modern inventions biopolitical of psychiatry: mood disorders, "depressive disorder" "Alexithymia." Even a group emerges as the Emos, similar to the former consisting of "Rebel Without a Cause," now "Depressive without cause?"

Regardless of the names or the purpose for which it is concerned (economic interests of the pharmaceutical industry, mental "illness" that clashes with the interests of production and consumption, neurochemical imbalances, disorders of the soul, mind, etc.) rather than questioning, we insist, beyond behavioral symptoms with which is often identify (Do you eat too much / little?, Do you sleep too much / little?, you stopped to do things that previously gave him pleasure? "... assessing the areas of eating, sleeping, sex life, work and social activities, their presence in time: days, months, etc. ) Is the singular expression - sense it - that this presents for those who have suffered, posing not only a change (increase, decrease?) In the "energy, desire, emotion (from Lat. Ex - motion : what moves outside) but an attempt to sizing feels something is missing (what you lose when you lose something / someone
?) Freud not free to take as a benchmark for metapsychology vision energy, also known as "economy", the libidinal, stating that it is likely to increase and decrease, subject to change. Even beyond the letterhead that any "psi" I can give, the sadness and depression, first, show that it is possible to argue all the time "interest", "Desire," "like" ... that tend-as well knows the market and physical-to entropy, not only in sadness, but in the sense of nothing, little explored. Some people just feel nothing. In this line, we mean that there is "" Depression, as a single entity, but sadness, depression in the plural, with the unrepresentable feeling of nothing: What moves a sadness? What is life?

In "Mourning and Melancholia" Freud distinguishes the reaction to loss, grief, melancholy, as those experiences where not only missed something, but do not know what and how much! missed him. While the market knows how much lost depressive employees do not work (illness, stress, absenteeism, tardiness, etc.) As well as how much you can gain from farmacologización of emotions (depression, anxiety, bipolar, etc.). in melancholia, a difficulty to locate bursts has been lost and what can be done to "get" again something that no one even knows for sure who was ... Is not the same logic of addiction calls : to silence the language to display the tangible pleasure of the real body? Do we prefer the tablets to the words? Hence, in tables of "Melancholy" measuring instruments appear, because it is what has been lost dimension not only of the other, but themselves, "How to turn a loss each? What is lost when you lose? What illusions tear their losses? As in a relationship, not only is foreign to another, but something of himself that he had and lost when it feels that the other was: "I have lost something of myself than when I lost you," someone once said.


Twitter: CamiloRamirez_

[1] article published in the newspaper El Porvenir (12/08/1910) cultural section, p. 3

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Socks For Heavy Runners

UFO Sighting Compiled

After a few months back to post on the blog that you chose;
Here is a compilation of UFO seen in Dean Funes, a year ago and elsewhere in the twentieth century.
This video includes a clip of a light that was traveling at high speed oblique path until it disappeared, it was captured with a Sony Ericsson W580i with maximum zoom. Note that the stars are not to be so small the camera lens.

Most of the material posted on this blog is controversial (The Royal English Academy defines this word as follows: Controversial "What is under discussion and gives rise to conflicting opinions.") This means that everyone can express their point of view and make sure you think about the images or videos displayed here. If you have material or a UFO story, do not hesitate to send it to facucampeon@gmail.com and published citing the name or pseudonym of

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Getting Mechanic License In Ontario

Love: a failure to play these days

"My wife I are still together, because we keep talking,
quarreling and making love"
Sttephen King

Love is not this idyllic, romantic and naive notion of fairy tales; these end
before failure (fra-married, right after getting married), in the ecstasy made "coitus interruptus
of happiness" "And they lived happily ever after" but quite the opposite. It ends before it starts
good, that which is know and express the fleeting smiles
complicit partners, especially of women to see love as just a story "happy."

If anything the only story that shows some of the adventures, mazes and intricacies of love
is "Shrek" filmed by the production company, DreamWorks. Yes, love and its failure,
a dream, dreams are also a dream, as Freud suggested, "is also an embodiment
of desire." Remember that in German, the word "Schreck" metonymic
history of Shrek, means terror, fear, fright. And if all love and love-up, produces a kind of horror
What I do with this I feel? Why am I / you love / or? What
that (I imagine) I have to do to respond / maintain / care / have your love? All love
produces delusions: Does she love me not love me? As well as a close-to kidnapping and extortion
impossible demand exclusivity, stifling: "If you say you love me, let
to see your FRIENDS! "No wonder the arts have referred to love as" a disease
and incurable insanity "(" Love is a great folly and the cure that heals, makes a great
madness ") as a destiny marked by fate ("Romeo and Juliet") impossible love, the perfect match !!...
perfect because they lived together, they put the "black door with three locks
! - just died in ecstasy.

"Love is a failure to play" Why? Because there are failures, difficulties, problems
burst and show you something: in love faults. When I fall for someone
produces something like "Give something you do not have someone who is not" (Jacques Lacan)
You love something in another that is more than himself, is said to be " I ", or something shared: I love something in you that
maybe even you do not see it (or if you're not) and hence many things to do or say
not fit this idea / image / fantasy I guess you (Any assumption
position speaks speaks
whom some regard) thwarted. "Who the hell I fell in love then?!
claim is
-lovers, when they discover that their images do not match the model with
copy. (Eidos / Copy / Drill, orders platonic) and then from there you start the procession
complaints and cries like: "Why can not we be as before?! "
When we started out it was all ...! How will you be able to be as before, without first
knew and did not close, and daily treatment, previously unknown pests, mistakes, failures
himself and the other, everything was perfect, just because nobody knew nobody, had not the element
uncomfortable differences ("Irreconcilable Differences" is it not a major
grounds for divorce?) the closeness ... everything that is producing a kind of
unmasking of the object: it is not (really) as I thought. What thing-tell me-if
is one I thought, as I imagined? At that juncture that some relationships can be completed
, tangling a bit more, or suspended in a pause where no one touches (the
body, words, etc.) That love does not reach the urge to do something that traumatic and / or

annoying the other, perhaps others can find ways to play the game of love and heartbreak
... play with static images with romantic and disappointment as they show what
films "Shrek" where exactly the differences (abnormal, ugly,
amorphous, etc..) Cause rejection of others and of itself, constitute the very thing that makes
loop and symptoms of love, because he loves what the other is also what you hate, is part of the failure
with horror and fascination. I think limited is not participating to some extent
you hate / love the other, hence the poet says: "I hate you hate half the
to keep it to myself" (Sabin)

Twitter: CamiloRamirez_

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Electric Toothbrush Price Pune


by Camilo Ramírez Garza

¿ Acaso puede protegerme la casa de la muerte?
Jaime Sabines

En México, sobre todo en los estados y ciudades al norte, tal parece que a la única certeza en la vida, la muerte, y su angelical ensueño de causas “naturales”, las personas debemos añadirle las de una muerte cruenta, sea a manos del crimen organizado o del fuego cruzado, o confusiones “daño colateral” a manos del ejercito y/o la policía. Incluso hay quien se ha atrevido a comparar tales muertes, con la noción biopolítica de daños quirúrgicos "Desgraciadamente no se puede hacer in the human body as an operation, ie, surgery without touching the other members, sadly it has, we regret very much that ... " " said the Cardinal of Monterrey, Robles Ortega (El Norte 31/10 / 10) similar to what George W. Bush said the invasion in Iraq, as a preventive surgery, to which many doctors questioned the impossibility of such a notion.

definitely all die someday that's for sure, yet death is always experienced distant, distant, especially when "no reason to live" otherwise Death pervades with its aura of "mortification." As a symptom obsessive thinking, distracting, if not truly protect Traumatic actually pass something, hope, life, risk.

What if we lived aware that one day we will die? Not tragic sense as the poet of "transitory" describing Sigmund Freud, but as a creative possibility, namely that in the places, times and places we tread, others will be those who hold and enjoy, perhaps, of what we now have, of their effects. This would perhaps have other priorities, live slower, lighter, enjoy life: "Nothing you'll get when you leave / when the day is your final / live happy now while you can, maybe tomorrow will not have time to feel awake. ..."-sung the poet and singer Napoleon.

As capitalism, the state and the company want to know anything unusual deaths, their conditions and sufferings, as well as memory and history, for they are bearers of what is done and has done, focuses on "quality of life" rather than its qualities, seeking commodified, profiting from economic and how to minimize its importance by the statistic: "One death is a sad fact, thousands, simple statistics" W. Churchill, death is hence uniquely appealing. There is nothing more human and closer than that (Who do you play the bells?) To think or know someone's death, for more distant it is, it is impossible not to refer to itself, the death of another, my mirror, is somehow their own. As the only possibility to imagine making one's death is like another.

On the other hand, the addition of living death is celebrated, commemorated, announces: How much people do not meet precisely at the funerals of family and friends?! A talk, mourn, remember, tell jokes, laugh, suffer together, until later, dancing, drinking, making love ... just do claim that Heidegger expressed by humans: "We live in death, while dying, life ... hence the cry of the Mexican mischief, apology to life: To eat and suck the world will end! ".


Twitter: CamiloRamirez_

* Article published in the newspaper El Porvenir, Cultural, p. 3. October 27, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

White Discharge In Place Of My Period

subvert the positive-negative circuit

by Camilo Ramírez Garza

"What makes life ends policy

by inexorably closer to its opposite

Michel Foucault

Whenever addresses the positive and negative, it is impossible not refer to the world of mathematics - the lives mathematization? - in particular the number line and dials. Just as the great texts of Nietzsche, "Genealogy of Morals" in which historically focuses on how emerging notions of good and evil, somehow rigged "power-with beauty and wealth, and hence also the health / disease to account for normal / abnormal not only in medical terms, but socio-political and psychological.

Given the tragic features of our country, Mexico, state and city Nuevo León, Monterrey, like many other cities the north, south, east and west ... It seems that the tragedy has spread throughout the country! - would be for many, impossible, not demoralized and assume that the reality is always going to be worse, ie , recognized as "pessimistic." While others, seemingly opposite, positive, try to counteract the bad "vibes" from them. Well, this can not be, because, structurally, both positive and negative, are the same: one is defined by the other, neither can exist in isolation, trying to claim one of them, the more it appears the opposite, wanting to eradicate negativity or pessimism, with ideal-positive arguments only does "grow" more as negativity, as in raising persistently positive, the ideals, the more the subject becomes aware of how far he is to meet this ideal. Something similar happens with the guilt: the more I ponder fulfill my highest ideals, the eradication of guilt, feeling good, the more it strengthens and opens the gap to sink into the reluctance, pessimism and apathy. Thus, paradoxically, nothing is more sad as the positive joy, and there is nothing more joyous than sad. Examples? 1) Cookies bad luck, black humor equivalent of the famous cookies for good luck, application of social network Facebook, which when opened gives you a fatal message paradoxically, ends up producing a lot of joy, 2) the same as the disincentives, comedians making fun of the "well intentioned" positive life attitudes, allowed to leave the circuit networks: positive, negative, optimism-pessimism peace, violence, sentimentality, indifference, etc.. Circuit that encapsulates the subject in a sadness without possibilities, outside the two "negative" positivism. " 3) The game of football, classic stripes and tigers regional body, which was conceived as pro-peace, ended in bickering.

One way to subvert these networks that prevent real change, they always have the idea needs to be changed first, be positive, stop being negative, to change, improve, develop. Leave the circuit is ideal for peace, positivity, etc.. to assume a position des-sentimentality, the way in which, for example, Gandhi and Martin Luther King did: hit command set denouncing his powers, not the sentimentality or positivism (India and suffering of the blacks) but raising their labor rights as citizens, ie, taking the context in which it is generated discomfort is suffering socially, beyond a priori "be" pessimistic, positive, out of that pair equally fruitless, to provide pathways change and transformation social movements via peaceful, really violent in its effectiveness, understanding of violence: the ability to jeopardize an entire nation and empire.


* Article published in the newspaper El Porvenir (09/15/2010), p.2. Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Best Printer For A Designer In 2010

How to differentiate the sounds?

"In the early days of her marriage ... she appeared in a major sexual assault that was constantly worry that the neighbors could hear a word or a noise through the wall, eventually becoming concerned that distrust of neighbors
Sigmund Freud (1896)

"Is that you hear are fireworks, grenades, a transformer exploded or bursts of AK-47 or AR-15? "I wrote in my Twitter account: CamiloRamirez_ under hastag # chistesbicentenario and" Mama, Mama! What do you hear? "In apparent detonation of a firearm, the mother , trying not to scare your child, says: "Do not worry dear, is your father who ate beans again with broccoli sauce" Situations condense part of the everyday noise of the citizens of northern states of Mexico, who terrified looking to break through deal not only with crime and insecurity, but with crushing impact: can not get out / work / study / fun / love / travel .. comfortable. Right here comes the humor in general, and black humor in particular, to a transaction suffered from fear, can-style circus jugglers sol-subvert the fear, making it laughs and possibilities.

In the second story the mother counteracts the effects of terror, lying to his son in the style of "Life Is Beautiful" (Italy, 1997) Recall briefly the plot of the film: a tender father brings his young son hide from the atrocities of the Holocaust at the hands of the Nazis. To do so, the operation of the joke: it takes certain elements already present in history (prison, barracks, soldiers, tanks, dead) articulating new items from them, which produce a different story than the first. The intervention makes a loving father-and mother-up of the joke as he speaks to his son, where for the child is a game where everyone must earn points to win the tank soldiers, and for this should keep quiet, work, do not bother the guards hold back and not eating. Appear that "Life is not what one lived, but one remembers to tell it" Gabriel García Márquez. Speaking as

fantasies, referring not only to interpret reality, but to build it. Another effect of the media / fears in people who have never heard a gun blast, but the hundreds of news about shootings and executions, is how the ear is overwhelmed by an erotic nature of fate ("How to differentiate sounds? 1 and Part 2 "El Porvenir, 11 and August 25 http://columnacamilo.jimdo.com/ )" is a shootout, they come for me! ... considering that the persecution is absolute and the imminent harm, we need to protect life and possessions at all costs. Things that just, you never have at all (life and things) and always threaten to be lost or affected. If we fear both insecurity and death is just the importance of charge (charge for life) as they are not living the moment, only live in the future, so death was always uncomfortable experience, and not as something that is a party, not the future or past life, but of this, the moment. Or Does the drug invented death, insecurity, the contingencies of life?

camilormz@gmail.com http://columnacamilo.jimdo.com/ .

* Article published in El Porvenir, September 8, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010

Why Do My Timberland Boots Hurt

Part 3 How to differentiate the sounds?

security / insecurity is paradoxical: the more one looks, more produces its opposite,
insecurity. Something similar happens with guilt and solutions "motivational": the more you
wants to "do the right thing, the ideal" to not feel guilt, more is reaffirmed.
The more secure you want to be / remain, it is most vulnerable. As the lady referred to
Freud, carrying lots of packages, and for wanting to hold, he dropped one, when you try to pick
, others fell off, leans back, wanting to take them and escape him
others ... The same applies in reverse: to recognize the vulnerability allows
compensate some lost security, do not get hijacked by fear "absolutely, go ahead
. The fear is imaginary: it is feared more what could / might happen than what happened last
/ happens.

A practical consequence arising from such experiences, as shown
psychoanalytic knowledge: the best way to protect yourself is hidden from view, the style of "The letter
stolen" Edgar Allan Poe. The same strategy of humor and a joke, let
say the unspeakable: the truth. As experiences where, "taking the dead" fought a running
; say "Wrong number or" You españoul hablou nou "to answer the phone and receive
rant of someone who sought to extort money. Are responses occur
instantly, can not be calculated nor plan, nor can offer as a "tips" of
security, "You must do this or that" they are as to blame: no one can
executed, the ideal approach, leaving most vulnerable ("Chin .. I could not, if he had
said ...") After a security conference, someone said, "Now if I have
very scared, I knew that all this had to do to be sure." As technological advances
while we allow some independence from the "nature" more
condition. Not enough to install surveillance cameras (closed circuit)
also never have good resolution, once they are in operation,
should hire someone to go to see them. Or the door full of locks, locks and windows
panoramic, pins, keys, security ... all devices
prevent them trying to pass someone
of a threat ... "Can he protect the house of death?"
(Jaime Sabines) How do you protect yourself? Who? Who threatens and stalks,
outsiders or insiders? If insurance is created because it operates under the illusion "in" and "outside"
The movie "When a Stranger Calls" (When a Stranger Calls, USA, 2006) shows
continuous surface between inside and outside their topology (ver. Banda de Moebius)
the real threats are "inside" understanding in psychoanalytically
as those located on the outside, on the surface: the discourse of fear of the media /
fears, the state discourse referent (screenplay) required the work of organized crime.
One of the discomforts that occur in Monterrey, NL, as in many cities
Mexico, is about what you hear, not only during the day, but especially at night. (Ver.
Ramírez-Garza, C. How to differentiate sounds? Part 1. El Porvenir 08/25/1910) Terror
sound is all noise (firecrackers, fireworks, exploding transformer
car ... even the same gunfire and grenades) has been invested by
fate (come for us, we are going to kill, kidnap ... the end has come!) So
as love enters through the ears, fear itself does outpace bodies. For this the sensations
security / insecurity could also be read as an irruption of
a feature of erotomania, the "anxiety / fear / fascination with the destruction, chaos and death;
a way to live life erotic times of war and death. (Continued in Part 3)


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Lump In Between Cheek

Part 2 How to differentiate the sounds? Part 1

Camilo Ramírez Garza

Twitter: CamiloRamirez_

time ago I was on a cruise. Nearby recarpeteo work performed. The traffic light changed and progressed a little slow, having a crash. Later, in the afternoon, watching the news I hear that I was a few meters from the persecution and execution! Only then I realized that the sounds were not from hammers, but machine guns. It was right where fear broke: "And what if I had ..." . A good friend talked that, having dinner with his family in a restaurant, heard a loud bang. Only he and who took the order seemed to know that it was a grenade. The rest of the table, continued as usual. Last Sunday in Monterrey, NL., Event was held in fireworks, many fireworks are thundered. In the various social networks many asked with concern what it was. Interestingly, a day before someone threw a grenade at Televisa Monterrey facilities. Another commented that a neighbor heard a hammering, and at first thought it was gunfire. The next day someone said: "It is not least we are all flaky, anything can happen by a grenade or gunfire. Now any sound passing through a grenade or gunfire. How these sounds (explosions of transformers, drills, someone hammering something with a hammer, etc.) Are "captured" by one: the burst of shrapnel, grenade?

Humans not only captures the physical energy (light-light, ear-sound, taste, smell, chemicals, touch, temperature, pressure, movement), but we interpret it, make sense, we lost the regulatory instinctive indicating that biologically before being and needs to be done. By losing the natural order, we create the artifice of language and everything to guide us or disoriented (culture: religion, law, arts, science, information -medios/miedos) we became humans as speakers, artificial, dependent and affected by words and images that attempt to complete the body, sexuality, life, happiness, future, etc.. In that sense, the item actually impossible to symbolize the human body chaos, contingency, what is not known, attempts to delineate by what you can imagine and think about what happened, happens and will happen ( "They say what really happened was ...") The terror experienced many people in Mexico, especially in the northern states of Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Sonora, etc. arises where the life, integrity and security. Thus we can say that we are witnessing the paranoización of life: every sound becomes a sign of certainty ("They will come for me, kill me, we are all at risk") When Freud invented psychoanalysis to early s. XX, then the neurosis organized life of cities and families (head function decline of the father, the social order, etc..) Now at the loss of the most elementary safety, all rave in an attempt to make sense , order and protection. Just at a point where the work of the State are ineffective, if not nil, to fulfill one of its basic functions: to ensure the safety of its citizens. Instead he sees officers (transit, police, special forces, army, navy ...) feels more at risk.

disaffected One way to be taken by terror, is just noticing the effects on the body of the discourses of terror (media / fears, authorities, etc..), Which refine the way you listen and live day day, for fear is always greater than what might happen than what actually happens. When something happens, then you can calculate and prepare something, an answer find a solution. When nothing happened, then the fear is just imagine a whole range of possibilities.



Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What Is The Difference Between Ultra Hd Flip

what Eclipse is female desire

po r

Camilo Ramírez Garza


Twitter: CamiloRamirez_

In the film, recently released, "Eclipse" (USA, 2010) attended the presentation of something fundamental, which organizes around fantasies of women and love. On one side is named an Eclipse: Who eclipsing whom? "Jacob to Edward? Jacob Edward "? None of that, it really overshadows - and both-is the desire of women: what Bella wants, even beyond herself.

And what do you want (B) she? ...

Everyone tries to answer the question: Charlie, his father -Which is not even named as such, want (B) she is not with Edward, but Jacob, until it learns the sex of the first convention, that his daughter is still a virgin, as his "pale" in love, want to wait to be married to have sex. Jacob and Edward, believe "respond" to the question by telling a (B) it seems somewhat similar, with their differences: "Whoever you want is me."

However, Edward, but Jacob is warning him to "lead" to which (B) she wants, regardless of their desire to "selfish" vampire (reducing the other to one blood to take. In this sense, love is always something vampire), stepping aside, allowing (B) she do something she wants, love ... or the last straw, to warm the cold with Jacob, for there is something that she loves Edward more than himself. Hence, a position he takes before (B) it is of no force. Incuse Jacob tells him, he understood that if he wants that (B) she is with him, you have to let her decide. Thing very well also warns Jacob, pus try to play the same letter, saying that Edward just wants to control it, than to (B) it will be appropriate it. As if he did not want same! But (B) she, like Alice in Wonderland, learns his lesson, warning that does not have to blend in with any guy (wolf or vampire): to be what this mean that she wants, but play this game but at the same time do what you want. Since she makes it clear he does not want to be a vampire by Edward, but by something beyond it. Experience any thing in love when he discovers that for which your partner / to love, always something that once appointed, is reduced, if not transcended the subject (That you love me, Rebaza me! " I have to comply with what they see in me and made me fall in love?! dimension the growth of love trap)

Edward also had a time of "Jacob" but got over it. Not for nothing, Jacob, as any good apprentice love, while (B) she sleeps, see Edward, how you managed to give up (B) and leave it? Well, now he walks in them: he knows he awaits the inevitable: (B) she will choose Edward From the perspective of Jacob, masculine logic: I rejected my (for poor mens least silly, etc. ) and chose him (immortal, cool, educated, etc..) but also captures what (B) it feels like to be with Edward.

(B) she does not choose to become a vampire just by Edward, - "dead fly" it was not so dead-Edward As well might say to Jacob, "You think we're fine, I'm happy with it But look, I just said that not even going to turn into a vampire just for me, so I too share your love with something else: something that is beyond me: being a vampire, "what that entails for (B) it.

However, Edward, by his powers, he knows these elements, thought that Bella can not accept for themselves, so that Jacob knows the way the body: Bella also loves him. Why not get angry when (B) she kisses Jacob, because he knows he has to leave, did not eclipse.

psychoanalytically could say that Edward has access / knowledge to the Unconscious (B) it. Could, at least one, Logar answer Freud's question What does a woman want? .. We'll see where it leads to that elsewhere. While Jacob, regardless of language as it is in words and thought, feeling (sensing) how she feels when he throws the round and not dogs, but wolves.


male fantasy about women (what Charlie, Jacob, Edward raised a (B) thereof) alone, perhaps, the irrepressible hunger, ravenous hunger of the vampire, its static presence in time and space, which cuts through eternity, is closer than (B) she wants: " I've never felt part of, however with you I feel I belong to something "words-words less, Edward tells Bella, in this third part, on why his conversion, on why you want to be a vampire . Not even draw blood, as experienced as something that will go through (being hungry newly converted) To which Edward replies, half heartbroken, "It's not me. I thought it was for me " (Who wants to be a vampire) Typical response of one who believed that "it was the whole object of desire for someone" and not just something, like when someone says, "I want just because you do ..." (an instrument, part-object, etc. ) that exceeded even himself, reducing it. This formula also applies to Jacob, neither is he who wants to be or cease to be human to become a wolf or vampire. As it is clear that (B) she does not, of course, be part of the pack "pack of wolves: be one with the forest, become one with all, as would be the subject AVATAR.

Therefore, it is not fantasy men on femininity, what man fantasizes (supposed) that women fantasize and want [1] : a whole man, composed of an animal, bestial, and bearing scented man, shirtless, hot, ready to "keep quiet" and bask (Jacob in his wolf reduction, simple sexual energy, while brute force childishly cute, a puppy who caress, a giant dog to carry arm, the style of Paris Hilton, socialite Hollywood) with its counterpart, the gentleman, gentle vampire, full of stories and worlds (Edward, plated the old, follows all protocols, "gives the ring before giving him the ring, cool, polite ...) But what uncontrollably (B) she wants: to be part of the vampire clan, possessing itself that exceeds it and located in vampires. We may anticipate with certainty, that when (B) it achieves that it will have to be a vampire, Edward will not matter much. For (B) she loves anything beyond what Edward is - Is it otherwise could love? That seems to be clear Edward, stepping aside, allowing not be everything to her, which would be very naive, waiting to be everything to someone, do not settle for just being something enough, to be an important part in his life, his history.

And to the question "Why not stay with Jacob? ... Would respond with the same simple formula: for (B) she wanted to be a wolf, but a vampire.

July 13, 2010


camilormz @ gmail.com

[1] As the well-known joke: How many animals need a woman? A tiger in bed, a jaguar in the garage, a donkey to carry things, and an ox to pay everything. That seems to be rather the male fantasy of femininity, so that even women "buy" as what they want in a man. View movie remake, "The hell with the devil" ( Bedazzled, USA, 2000) where the central character also arises how and why you want a woman, always starting with what he imagines he wants a woman captured women from man's fantasy.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Scrapbooking Ideas For Wrestling Page Layouts

ON LOVE Psychopathology classroom


Camilo Ramírez Garza

"Consciousness is divided: I am an image in my images

and each one of them, the reality show, confirm mine ...

Octavio Paz

(part 1)

"I wish I were the women / perfect man or ".... Is there woman / man perfect / o? - someone asks. But the question-and-be more acidic, and if any woman / man perfect, to find / or would you like me to walk?

The "perfection" is an ideal, a beautiful illusion that organizes the fiction of love for some time. Since that tender look of a mother, for whom their children are always the most beautiful and intelligent, although for others, it makes little piece missing to boot, some eyesores. Whenever you stop a killer, people say, "And you saw the look of ragamuffin who has? What will look his mother? The lovers', who "with eyes of love" referred to each other, and in whose eyes, there is little room for flaws, but for the most beautiful ever designed adjectives. For " The look does not lie simply to eye level. The eyes may not appear to be masked. The look is not necessarily the face of our neighbor, but the window behind which we assume that we are watching. Is an x, the object to which the subject becomes the object (Jacques Lacan) only until the illusion and assumptions, are contrasted in the day to day, or there incuse least there will always be opportunities to "look the fat " between the networks of Cupid and his arrows.

When asked Freud about love, wisely - Or by fear and ignorance?, Or a little of both. Since ignorance is a precondition to take the wise: " I just know that I know nothing" (Socrates) - saying, ask him to poets, musicians, artists, because they will have us talking about love , with their expressions we make available the object of love: its paradoxes, twists and turns, its consequences.

now and for decades, is expected, seeks, yearns, living love, know love, but under certain characteristics, we could name, the inter-market: I live to love, to enjoy the benefits of having a partner, but without suffering, let alone every day suffer the consequences of being in love, ie, hope, illusion, frustrated , have discussions, arguments, meetings, disagreements, breakups, disillusionment, search, sense, solutions, outings, etc.. but without suffering. Is looking for love, but without the problematic element, traumatic suffering. It operates like the market, trying to fill the gap, the gap between the ideal and found, as the logic "I want more for my money" where you do not want to take risks ("If the / or want, but do not want suffer, or be hopeful home, for something that may not come "" I'm not willing to get hurt / to ...) when more love, to meet "Whoever wants blue, the cost." Love, more or beyond, its beautiful images where there is conflict, and roses ("Every rose has thorns") or misunderstandings, poses a traumatic dimension, which gives the same "flavor" the whole thing : Who am I to you? ie, what should I do with your love? Who are you to me? What is that, beyond my own home, you see me? How and what I agree that, the love you have for me? ... Therefore love is a fiction of knotting, where something beyond himself / herself is seen, caught, on the other, and that assumes that loved / or possesses. While this or this, suffers from the ravages of being for the other thing perfect love as imperfect perfect ... " not you, me," course, in love, there is something in the ego of the lover, who transcends itself and find exactly what the other thinks he loves. "Love is giving what is not there, someone who is not" (Lacan) ... and many times he does not want or expect it, but after that I find something is raised injury, a failure ... "What do my lord?" - exclaims St. Paul, being thrown from his horse ... as you experience the love, about love-what they demand, and believe that they demand, the other : Will you be my ...?


(Part 2)

What the subject says to me is always a fundamental relationship

a possible deception, where I send or receive the message upside down "


Previously commented on various aspects of romantic relationships ("About Love" El Porvenir 06/16/1910) And love can not fail to deepen, as speaking beings, something escapes us, and transcends Rebaza, forgotten, hidden, precisely to show: that unknown other, located in the other, we ... In his seminar 3 (The three seminar: psychosis, Buenos Aires: Polity Press) Jacques Lacan raises among other things, that "All human knowledge has its source in the dialectic of jealousy, which is a primordial manifestation of communication"

Every relationship is a relationship with the other, "talk is talk to others, through notions called on him, on the other (the love of my life, worse, a sham, a farce, a fraud ... "You are what you expected, you do become overalls ...") The couple love experiences have located on the other, something ("That do not know, that is me") that transcends just: love. "Love is a give what you do you have someone who is not (Lacan) No one loves anyone, loves, just who is supposed to respond" in any way, to desires and questions about who you are , what you want. After all, the trite phrase of the romantic comedy "Jerry Maguire" (USA, 1996) " You complete me" is not so wrong.

If I wanted to keep the "Disneyland" instead of walking through the maze "Underground" of love, should end right here, the equivalent of "And they lived happily ever after" . Anyone who wants to stay that way, just stop reading.

Instead of aseptic notions of relationships, incompatibility, domestic violence, irreconcilable differences, etc. In psychoanalysis we speak of "Amor," "Lover" "Desire", "Enjoy", "Missing", "Lack" ... Open questions rather than closed and "provide answers" style recipe ... What is the purpose amadodiado knotting each síntomamoroso? Pun intended! Love is a fiction that makes the body, passes through each of their holes (eye, mouth, ear, anus, penis, breast, skin pores) Each lover has some references that allow love another love / la: you still have "It" that makes me crazy, "Love is crazy and the priest who heals, makes a great folly," "I love you, because I keep finding myself in your words" Love it / Love it rhymes with moor, tie, put something together : the Love is a figment of knots: Knot, stripped naked, tied, untie, flight: You walk unleashed! Go flying low! A-mor-measures, orality, love, love is tested. View stories of vampires, where love, enjoys his role canivalesca: biting with kisses! I hold a bite! Eyes also eat: "In the light Lovelier" has good away ... "" Body of desire, the face of repentance. " Conflicts arise when the error occurs, the fault, the unexpected, frustration, due to the disparity between what is assumed and what is experienced, the way in which the other rips that illusion. "Are you worried my happiness, right? He asks her boyfriend to Grace "Of course my love, if not clash with mine!" (Will and Grace, USA, NBC, 1998-206) Love is also demand: What do you want from me? Already, tell me once and that's what you want? One of the discomforts love is on the one hand, wanting sex without flaws, errors, or difficulties ("When one wants to avoid a problem, there will be a thousand more"), "I almost did not we fight, we are well" Please be assured that relationship will end in 5,4,3,2 ... A way to bet the market, get exactly what you want, instead of opening to the experience of what faults, errors and discussions, we show: making something out of the difficulties, rather than seeing them as things to overcome, is to give place, because here comes the new, the experience, the lived life, not life-thought -suffered.

Twitter: CamiloRamirez_


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Dragon Ball Z Yaoi Scanlations


Camilo Ramírez Garza



twitter: CamiloRamirez_

"... in his admirable biography, Doris Lessing points

that children are always harassed and, he says, will haunt forever.

Therefore, the question that imposes itself is:

but, "What are, then, our children?" But "How to explain that

adults and teachers of today are no longer able to cope" [1]

Paul Verhaeghe

"Every time a psychiatric advance little deeper,

immediately lost the ground gained,

by the very way of conceptualizing what it was immediately

sensitive observations " [2]

Jacques Lacan, 19551

"The measures, then "He continued, were good in their class and well executed;

Its defect lay in their being inapplicable to the case and the man. A certain set

of highly ingenious resources are the Prefect, a sort of bed

Procrustes, to which he forcibly adapts his designs. But he perpetually

errs by being too deep or too shallow, in matters entrusted to it, and many children school is a better reasoner that he "

Edgar Allan Poe, The Purloined Letter

Anyone who engages in teaching, you know, it's not at all a simple activity. Among the students, managers and parents, teachers go through a myriad of problems.

Teaching, said until a few years ago, responding to a vocation, as its etymology, to a call. The call to take place and functions of teacher, teaching, providing knowledge and training to cope with public life and work, being an example, guide and model, the main axis of the second broad social group, after the family, where we fit into this world. This romantic vision of the functions of teaching, support and guidance of life, has been reduced due to the logic of the industry taken to the field of education, making teachers into mere administrators and coordinators of the work in the classroom . It is therefore not surprising to find in managerial professionals from the engineering, designing in parallel (telos Why?) The teaching and industrial processes. " teachers who are no longer contain the anxiety and shape education, accompanying, being an example for students, since they themselves-the teachers-are embedded in a seriation operationalization that approves and desiring crushes on creativity; the same as before the singled.

Instead, they are now demanding administrative work, hand over records of monitoring and quantifiers, that of teaching, so now its functions also include a large filling requirements: lists Support daily, weekly, monthly, bi; lists of students with difficulties and strategies to be followed in each, descriptive cards, assessment tools, compliance and strict adherence to the program at times appointed, checklists for each activity and each assessment tool to evaluate meeting the objectives for each class, classes, standardized face or online, etc.. Measurable and quantifiable evidence, the "watchword" of what is done in the classroom. [3]

When looking to standardize or approve criteria, which is produced is one single frame of reference from which to interpret what happens in the classroom. "When we look at an image obtained through a photographic medium / e, nothing seems to stand between us and reality, nothing can hinder or distract our eyes. "Seeing is believing, which means" I'll believe it when I see "but also" what you see is what you believe " [4]

a priori claim to possess coordinates and their interpretations closes the case on the meaning of what happens, give explanations, interpretations, no questions open, but closes issues and mobilizes prejudices. Something we have defined as the psychologizing and psychiatrization of school, "The encoding psychological and psychiatric Education, as" new "coordinates tissue (Qualifier) \u200b\u200bsymbolic, imaginary and which placed abordar el ámbito escolar, por no decir la total existencia humana” [5]

Al estilo de ¿Qué debo de ver? ¿Cómo pensar esos casos? Y ¿Qué hacer? En donde la “búsqueda” de determinada evidencia funciona como delimitadora de lo que se “verá”. Algo que Michel Foucault trabajó a lo largo y ancho de su obra, respecto al surgimiento del sujeto sospechoso, cuando se produce un desplazamiento de lo que se hace o ha hecho, a juzgar el alma/mente de quien lo ha realizado: “…al formally register the infringements in the field of objects susceptible of scientific knowledge, to provide legal punishment mechanism and a handle justifiable not just about the violations, but on individuals, not just on what they have done but on what are, will and can be ... have been, because judging something other than the offenses: the "soul" of criminals " [6] citizens, students, etc. . etc. biopolitics it reaches everyone, for the treatment of criminals marks the horizon of how they will be treated the rest of the citizens.


cases: the cases are read asking questions, following leads, opening questions.

A teacher tells a student in first grade the following: "This girl, her pupil, has psychological problems, because when we are in classes she starts to sway. She puts her hands between her legs and begins to stimulate and no longer does anything "

The teacher says he imagines that may need to talk to parents, because such behavior may reflect problems at home, including sexual abuse. This last idea he assaulted the teacher, since I once the girl urinated in class and as usual, "she says children who were sexually abused have secondary enuresis diurnal, that is, begin to urinate during the day when they have achieved bowel control, because this could be a sign. Let's see how action can be taken as a sign or something we do not know why it's there, and even about other items, the action takes on a different meaning. For example, in this case, the girl said it was not the bathroom because he was playing at recess and had a lot of line, so he decided to play and play and then go to the bathroom to spend the rest of recess lining up to enter the bathroom.

I told the teacher that as a teacher if a pupil, instead of listening to my class, decided to "swing" in the same way as her student, considered from the outset that something happens to my class, something is amiss as if, instead of being in class, someone decides to "get rich" then the most basic is that just to be kind of boring, That is interesting!

Everyone who lives closely with children, I happened to see that children are stimulated, either with his knee while balancing, arm, corner table, chair, etc.. the same way that poor and poring mother rests the daily grind of washing and washing, is charged with the shaking and "loving" washing machine, which incidentally, is a way to "feel something" for housework, which leave very tired.

"Before these cases you need to do? Nothing, if it bothers you, remove / a, distract / to something else, but one thing to take into account your child's student has discovered something that will never leave you: the pleasure of autoerotic sexuality. The question will be how will the eroticism of the body, the link with words and knowledge games that occur at school, hence the game to work, etc. For if the eroticism, pleasure, have no place in school, how will that someone likes to go to school? It is no coincidence to find love at school. I am not referring to sexual abuse by a teacher, you might consider as a manifestation of a master key that is not a teacher guide, but takes sexual control of another, but to give rise to pleasure, to ways of relating to otherwise the body. In this specific case, or scold, or prosecute because the student is being stimulated with hands swinging between his legs tightening, but continue with other work ... instead of "make the problem bigger," call the parents, set at psychologist because that's not right ....

The teacher insists, even though the girl did not present any problem, possibly his pupil was sexually abused by someone (Rather is sexually abused, and that early!) And according to the theory, probably by someone close, then one has to mention their parents, but be aware that they will deny, then the negation itself becomes suspect. The suggestion is already the trap, as when a "well intentioned" friend says to another: "Hey, and what if when your boyfriend says he'll ax, what actually happens is that going to ... 'enunciation of the trap and brings out the disparity, the tone is received the word dimension is always present.

Notice how from a feature (the balance being stimulated, and urinated been) the subject is constituted "sexually abused" as a posteriori, according to the statistics say, a symptom of sexual abuse, it may be that, but also others, that is. As the features are not taxable. To see in detail the features we can find that these symptoms may be present in a myriad of situations. As one where a high school student was sent to the school psychologist, as always sat back, dressed in black and wearing sunglasses, which "drew attention" to the teacher, "not otherwise going to be a danger" How can a color and location someone might say both? Perhaps those who dress in bright colors (pink, blue, white) and sit on are "good"? Morality mathematization of colors: black = negative, evil, the devil, etc., White = positive, good, peace ... Instead of having noted that: "It strikes me" and say, "Hey that chidos lenses bring that beautiful eyes you have "etc. or something like that.

Then the teacher tells me what she did: nothing: observed, detected and channeled. Often what the school system suggests the teacher, both to stay out of trouble "at what happens in the classroom and school, thereby losing the loop dimension that happens (where, before who, how, etc.) events are decontextualized: it removes the human to what happens. What should be noted is what "We say doing, and what we do by saying"

Then let him do what he was doing, he said nothing, because he wanted to consult with someone first, because not going to be that there were a "trauma" greater. Something like the comic reference who will not wake up sleepwalking, sleepwalking, it will not be that trauma.

Something that could calculate, in a certain way, change the play, as indeed you do not go to school to masturbate, but perhaps this may have other readings: the school is a mental masturbation based on repeat and repeat and repeat without regard to what is learned. A registration body another way, for pleasure, the registration of different body-medical students, now considered patients (medical, neurological, psychological, psychiatric) "Antidoping school" students' medical records, etc. Not surprisingly, For example, many symptoms that occur in the body fixed (extreme violence, choking, cuts, lacerations, bumps, bullying, anorexia, bulimia, etc.) just when the body is a frontier to want to dominate and control: drugs, health, food, drink, drugs, etc..

The response from the teacher can see a detail of the alleged excessive information and professionalism, the discourses "specialized" teachers, parents, etc.. end up feeling powerless over situations that once resolved in other ways: pretend to produce a parallel education to the processes taking place in industry, education occurs to telos. Hence the relevance of what was said by Verhaeghe "... the question that imposes itself is: but," What are, then, our children? "How to explain that adults and teachers today are no longer capable of address them (children)? " Similar to reported by a person who sees some neighborhood kids, about 12 years, playing" doctor ", says nothing, but his wife raised the issue and go the next day to denounce the sexual harassment DIF, when before it was was a game, but the fear of "Well, will not be that large become rapists" appearing reference of the rapist / bad student / murderer in the making, the subject hazardous speaking Foucault, which arises in the s. XVIII.

interpretation is different to read.

The interpretation is always on what is known, in addition tends to error. As a good friend often said: "Today's problems are yesterday's solutions"


of psychoanalysis poses: "If you have understood, is surely wrong" ... Everything that human behavior is a psychological is subject to anomalies such deep, has at all times so apparent paradoxes " [7] " What is a term understood fugitive, elusive, surprisingly, never to be calibrated as a primary lesson, a formulation required at the entrance to the clinic. Begin to believe they do not understand. Part of the idea of \u200b\u200bfundamental misunderstanding. This is a first provision, without which there is really no reason not to understand everything and anything " [8] (Jacques Lacan, 1955-56)

basis of assumptions is understandable given and through whom are believed to have an answer; for knowledge always keeps a link with the power [9] In the application model (call for scientific prejudice-medical-psychological) is and does what is known, then the reality is that conforms to the theory (as the Procrustean bed) to symbols and interpretations in the manner of "X is always Y" as a dictionary-style dream What ...?

Because when you reduce an interpretation based on a trait, as in this case: If the child wets or masturbate, then it means that a) was sexually abused or b) has psychological problems. So do not appreciate the meaning, the logic of what really happens: the object moves to do this or that, you can even sense that it escapes him, is as not-known, not being able to respond about the meaning, for example when asked why does it do? ... hence that unconscious (which is not known what is said and / or does) can be investigated by the psychoanalytic method taking the elements that Case number: What did? To whom? What is the logic that pushes desiring? Why? ...

What transforms the psychoanalytic method is to pass interception to read the items in question, just looking to find out why after following the tracks of how to present (I recommend reading Ramírez-Garza, C. What is a symptom? http://camiloramirez.jimdo.com/articles/ ) The analytic treatment is a talking cure, that part of the surface of words, to account for the effects and meanings : Well "... the symptom persists to the extent it is hooked to the language, at least if we believe we can change something in the symptom handling ... (read), ie operating on the meaning " [10]

Freud therefore proposed as the analytical method ask patients, "Talk you of everything that comes to mind for most senseless and shameful that seems" Freud asked his patients . Just to try to thwart cheating device thought (the thought-up) allowing analysis (separate into parts) to alert the effect of meaning and resonance of each element on the relation of each other. "A signifier is what represents the subject for another signifier " (Lacan) as when there is: girl + girl swinging wetting + do not know what to do about it + + book that I read the talk that I went ... = sexually abused child. If it is a little girl sexually abused, battered as he enjoys his "toy" back in school. "

Camilo Ramírez Garza, psychoanalyst


twitter: CamiloRamirez_

[1] Verhaeghe, P. Love in times of loneliness . Buenos Aires: Polity Press, 2005. (2 nd reprint) pp.87 ff.

[2] Lacan, J. The Seminar of Jacques Lacan: Book 3: psychosis, 1955-1956. 1 st ed. 14 th repr. Good. Aires: Polity Press, 2006., Pp. 32.

[3] Ramírez-Garza, C. Chapter I: The psychologizing and psychiatrization of school. In Osorio, F., Del Campo, E., Ramírez-Garza, C. Exercising authority: a problem of parents and teachers. Buenos Aires: Noveduc, 2009.

[4] Bauman, Z. Liquid Fear: contemporary society and its fears . Barcelona: Polity Press, 2006, P.32

[5] Op.cit Osorno, F., Ramirez-Garza, C

[6] Foucault, M. Discipline and Punish. Mexico: siglo XXI PP26 ff.

[7] Lacan, J. The seminar 3: psychosis, Buenos Aires: Polity Press, p. 17.

[8] Op.cit. Sem. 3 psychoses, p. 35

[9] See Foucault, M. Knowledge and legal forms, Gedisa Ed.

[10] Lacan, J. The seminar 23 The sinthome , Buenos Aires: Polity Press, p.40.